Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1486: Snooping

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Chapter 1486 Listening to News

"I think this celestial marrow is good, just packed and taken away."

Long Aotian laughed and said, "As for you, you can bring that seven killing stone monument and practice one or two when you are fine."


However, Cheng Feng flatly refused: "Long Aotian, we are not thieves."

"Thief? When did I say we were thieves?"

Long Aotian's eyes stared, puzzled.

"If you don't, you're a thief!"

Cheng Feng said calmly: "What's more, we are fully capable of getting what we want, so why bother stealing it?"

"Come on, if you really want that celestial marrow, the auction will start tomorrow night, and I will help you take it down!"

"Uh, don't you be so serious?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's serious look, he was not joking at all.

Long Aotian pouted: "Well, if you don't take it, don't take it."

"I really don't understand you human beings, so that everything can be burned and robbed, and everything is necessary."

"You're better, baby doesn't take it in front of you, what a fool!"

For Long Aotian's muttering, Cheng Feng turned a blind eye.

The shadow puppet method was exhibited, and he quietly descended into the attic.

After passing through the three paralyzed Qipin formations, Cheng Feng instructed Long Aotian to repair the formations again.

Long Aotian pouted, but did not refuse.

After everything was done, Long Aotian looked back at the second-floor attic and asked.

"Cheng Feng, what are you going to do next?"

"Go to the owner of Xuanfang and ask why the green shield appears on the second floor attic."

"Since you are looking for the owner of Mingxuanfang, why are you walking outside Mingxuanfang?"

Long Aotian was a little speechless.

The owner of Mingxuanfang must be located in Mingxuanfang.

Cheng Feng is walking outside Mingxuanfang. What's going on?

"The boss of Mingxuanfang was able to get a green shield, indicating that the energy is not low."

But Cheng Feng kept walking, saying casually: "We want to get the news from this kind of people, we must understand it."

"Go straight to your door, maybe it will be bad."

Cheng Feng's remarks are true. The owner of Mingxuanfang can invite four masters to climb the heavens to build three Qipin formations, which are certainly not ordinary people.

In case it is related to Ye Di, Cheng Feng rushes to find each other, Ye Di will definitely receive the news.

Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about the background of the other party before looking for the other party.

Soon, Cheng Feng and Long Aotian made a famous Xuanfang.

Then returned the same way and went back to the previous restaurant.

At the door of the restaurant, the shop's second man saw Cheng Feng and the two return, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Two sons, welcome to come again."

"Give me a quieter table, and then the food and drinks remain the same."

Cheng Feng nodded and gave a command.

"Hello, two boys please follow me."

The shop's Xiao Er was very polite and led Cheng Feng to a corner table.

After entertaining Cheng Feng and the two, they went away.

"Cheng Feng, why are you here again?"

Long Aotian made a point about coming to this restaurant again: "The wine here is so soft and unpleasant that it's boring."

"Be calm and restless."

Cheng Feng said: "In this world, money can make ghosts grind."

"It's very easy for you to drink spirits. Later, the second of the club will come. Ask him to buy some spirits for you."

"Oh? It's pretty much the same."

Hearing that, Long Aotian stopped.

Xiao Er's food was served quickly. Cheng Feng and the others didn't wait long.

"Two boys, please use slowly."

After serving the dishes, the shop's second child is ready to leave.

"Little brother, wait a minute."

At this time, Cheng Feng suddenly called to live in Xiaodian.

"What did the boy say?"

"I have something to inquire about."

Cheng Feng said, took out a golden bean from the soul ring, and put it in the second-hand shop.

This shop's second child is just an ordinary person, and the daily salary is very limited.

Cheng Feng directly gave him a golden bean, which was worth the income of the previous year, and his eyes suddenly lighted, and he nodded again and again: "My son, I know, the little one knows everything and talks endlessly."

"Little brother, how much do you know about Mingxuanfang?"

Cheng Feng pretended to be curious.

"Mingxuanfang? That's my Mingxuan City, even more than half of Heishui County."

Under the power of a golden bean, the shop's second prince did not sell Guanzi and went straight to the topic: "It is said that the famous Xuanfang also has a lot to do with the Tianxuan Business League."

"The host Lin Xuan is a big man behind the Tianxuan Business League."

"Lin Xuan, Tianxuan Business League?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up, revealing a look of interest.

"Two sons, you two inquired about Mingxuanfang, it should be for the treasure of Mingxuanfang?"

Dian Xiaoer said, "In recent days, many foreigners have come, all for the baby."

"There are a few masters in the broken realm who rely on cultivation to become deep and want to grab."

"As a result, before approaching the baby, he was shot dead by the owner of Lin Fang."

"Oh? Then Lin Fang is also proficient in martial arts?"

"It's more than mastery."

The shop's second enthusiast was excited, and introduced: "The owner of Lin Fang is my No. 1 master in Mingxuan City, and even in the entire Heishui County, he can be among the best."

"It is rumored to be a super master who ascended to heaven!"

"Even the killers who kill the temple and the gates of **** have to give them some face."

"Lin Fang owner can eat so much?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "It has something to do with super killer organizations such as killing the temple and **** gate?"

"My son, you can't say that."

Dian Xiaoer said in a low voice: "The reason to kill the temple and the **** gate was to show Lin Fang the owner because Lin Fang killed several top killers organized by these two killers.

"Face, but the owner of Lin Fang earned it by his ability."

"Oh I got it."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng had a rough idea of ​​Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang.

Knowing that this person has a strong relationship and cultivates high, and is not afraid of the gates of Hell and killing the temple.

In this case, Cheng Feng next went to this person to ask for information about the green shield, which will be much easier to handle.

"Thank you Brother Er for telling me these news. You hold this golden bean, and you should be grateful."

After getting the information, Cheng Feng took out another golden bean and gave it to the shop junior.

The shop's Xiao Er suddenly laughed and couldn't shut up.

Then, Cheng Feng handed him a few golden beans and asked him to purchase some of the most powerful wines in Ming Xuancheng.

Gained a reward from Cheng Feng, the shop Xiao Er is very sharp.

He took the golden beans and went out of the restaurant to help Cheng Feng buy spirits.

"Long Aotian, hurry up and eat."

After Xiaodian Er left, Cheng Feng picked up chopsticks and ate vegetables, and said, "After eating, let's go to Mingxuanfang."

"Going to Mingxuanfang again?"

Long Aotian was puzzled: "Did we just come out of Mingxuanfang?"

"The last time I went to Mingxuanfang was to follow Ye Di."

Cheng Feng replied: "This time, I was visiting Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang, and asked about the green shield."

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