Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1493: Emergencies

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Chapter 149th Incident

Mingxuan Pavilion is a round enclosed attic.

In the center stands a magnificent high platform, surrounded by seats, which are divided into four areas by four channels.

The gorgeous high platform is the auction stage, and there is already a beautiful auctioneer warming up at this time.

After Cheng Feng and Long Aotian entered Mingxuan Pavilion, they randomly chose a position to sit down.

Then his eyes narrowed and he began to close his eyes and recuperate.

"Cheng Feng, what's your situation? Aren't you looking for Dire?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian asked puzzled.

"No rush, it's not the time yet."

Cheng Feng closed his eyes and replied casually: "The only thing we need to do next is to wait."

"Wait? What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the moment."

Cheng Feng said: "The moment when the opportunity appears, it will be the time when the night owl appears."

After speaking, Cheng Feng stopped speaking.

It is to close the eyes and fight for the dragon power to repair, and at the same time, the spirits are emitted, and the appearance of the people present is observed to change.

Just when Cheng Feng closed his eyes, the auction had already begun.

However, the auction object is not a seven kill stone, but some ordinary treasures.

Mingxuanfang held this auction, not just to bid for the Seven Killing Stones.

After finally attracting a large number of local tyrants, it is natural to make a lot of money and bid for many items.

As for the Seven Killing Stone Stele, the Bishuixuan Shield, etc., all are finale things.

After the other things are almost auctioned, they will be moved up and started to shoot.

time flies.

About two hours later, the real show was finally going to take place.

"You guys, we are going to bid on the final treasures of this auction."

At the auction table, the glamorous auctioneer said loudly: "There are four treasures in this auction, and each one is rare."

"Seven Killing Stones, the legacy of the Seven Killing Demon King, is one of them."

"But because these four treasures are too precious, they are currently stored in the treasure hall of this workshop, and they need to be picked up by the owner himself."

"So, please wait a moment."

After hearing the words from the glamorous auctioneer, everyone was calm and looked up.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang, gave a gift.

Immediately turned out of Mingxuan Pavilion, personally went to get four finale weight treasure!

The main event is about to be staged, and everyone present is excited and looking forward to it.

However, Lin Xuan did not show up after going out.

This made the people present a little irritable, and even Cheng Feng couldn't help but sit up.

"Nothing, Lin Xuan may have a problem."

Cheng Feng opened his eyes and whispered.

"Is there something wrong with Lin Xuan? What can he do?"

Long Aotian disagreed: "That guy is a third-ranked master on the sky, and Mingxuanfang is his nest."

"Difficult, is there anyone who dares not do anything to him here?"

"Maybe ... really!"

However, Cheng Feng's expression condensed: "I'll go out and see first, you will come back later."

Cheng Feng greeted him, and directly used the shadow-shaped method to make a hundred miles.

The whole person disappeared.

At the same time, Mingxuanfang, outside Jumbo Pavilion.

The void suddenly fluctuated, and then Cheng Feng's figure appeared suddenly.

"It's bloody."

Cheng Feng got out of the void, and his nose sniffed slightly, and a faint **** smell passed into his nostril, making his face slightly change.

Then he did not dare to neglect, turned his gaze, and stared at the direction of the **** smell.

Immediately, a corpse ran across about two kilometers away from Treasure Court.

The corpse was slightly fat and wearing a luxurious robe was Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang.

Huh! Cheng Feng made a short step and reached Lin Xuan's body in an instant.

"The head was pierced by a sword, and the divine thoughts were instantly broken, and it was completely saved!"

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune to observe carefully, his brows frowned: "This is an assassination, a well-designed assassination."

"The assassin was very daring and chose the location of the assassination at Lin Xuan's Lao Chao Ming Xuan Fang."

"It's risky, but it's more appropriate for top killers."

"Because the location of the assassination was selected at Mingxuanfang, Lin Xuan must have thought of it. The reduced alertness can greatly increase the success rate of the assassination."

"Second, the auction held in Mingxuanfang is crowded with people. Once the assassination is completed, it can quickly mix into the crowd and leave."

"The third and most important point is that the assassin can immediately take away the Seven Kill Stones!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

The assassin's assassination of Lin Xuan could not be for fun, and nine out of ten was to get the seven killing steles.

But the Seven Killing Stone Stele has been kept by Lin Xuan in Treasure Pavilion, and Lin Xuan will only take it out before bidding.

The main reason for the assassins to choose to operate in Mingxuanfang is to facilitate the removal of the Seven Killing Stones.

"Lin Xuan is a third-ranked master in the sky. Even if he is at home with less vigilance, it is not something that ordinary people can assassinate."

Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply: "So the assassin is definitely a top skilled killer."

"There may be many killers lurking in Mingxuanfang, but there are only a handful of killers who can kill Lin Xuan in one shot."

"All I can think of is night owl!"

Night owl is one of the top ten killers in the killer world.

The repair is unknown, the age is unknown, the name is unknown, but the assassination skills are superb, Cheng Feng has personally taught.

Pei Feng, the sixth strongest man in the sky, almost died under the assassination of the opponent.

Lin Xuan was killed by his sword, which is completely understandable.

In addition, Ye Xuan also has enough motivation to assassinate Lin Xuan. After obtaining his seven killing stone monument, his assassination level will rise to a higher level.

Even the top ten killer stars in the killer world are not impossible.

"When I went to the Treasure Pavilion of Mingxuanfang before, just in case, I had a ray of Acacia on the Seven Kill Stone."

Cheng Feng whispered: "If the assassination is purely killing, if it is for the seven killing stone monument, it will be tracked by Xiaojin."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and released Xiao Jin.

Cooing ~~ Cooing ~~

Xiao Jin communicates with Cheng Feng.

Once out of the Nether Pot, you know what you should do.

His nose shook for a moment and immediately flew north.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's gaze was condensed, revealing a touch of coldness: "Assassin, whether you are a night owl or not, you have won the prize."

"This time, don't want to leave alive!"

Whispering, Cheng Feng exhibited the Shadow Puppet Method to completely hide himself.

At the same time, Xiao Jin was ordered to hide, and then flew north of Mingxuanfang.

And at this time, hacking ~~~

Thunder exploded in the sky, and then snow poured down.

This day and night vision immediately shocked the entire Mingxuanfang.

Not far away, the four ascendant masters who guarded the treasure hall first noticed that they were not good and flew out of the treasure house.

Immediately, Lin Xuan, who had fallen into a pool of blood, was found to have scalp exploded and his body was cold!

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