Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1494: Inexplicable attack

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Chapter 144 Unexpected Attack

Just when Mingxuan Fang learned that Lin Xuan was killed and made a mess of porridge.

Cheng Feng has left Mingxuanfang under the leadership of Xiao Jin.

At this time, the talents of Mingxuanfang reacted, inspiring a formation, sealing the entire Mingxuanfang and preventing anyone from coming in and out.

But this is destined to be a futility, can not stop the real masters, and practitioners.

For example, Long Aotian, poked a few times with both hands, and opened a small hole in the formation shield.

Xianting walked in general, striding out from the middle.

"Cheng Feng, what's going on?"

Long Aotian's eyes were sharp, and he actually saw through the shadows and caught up.

Then he asked with a puzzled expression: "Why did the famous Xuanfang Square owner Lin Xuan die suddenly? Who was it?"

"It's hard to say right now."

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian and replied, "But I guess it's very likely that it's a night owl."

"Yehuan? Why did he assassinate Lin Xuan?"

Long Aotian frowned: "Isn't that guy still preparing funds for auctioning the Seven Kill Stones?"

"I am afraid that all the behaviors before the night owl are delusional."

Cheng Fengdao: "The purpose may be to let Lin Xuan relax his vigilance, and even make hands and feet on the clear water mysterious shield to prepare for the assassination."

"At the critical moment of the auction, when Lin Xuan went to fetch the Seven Kill Stones, he was killed in one shot!"

"Grass, so sinister."

Long Aotian exploded: "That night's city capital is really not that deep."

"Okay, take care to hide yourself."

Cheng Feng also looked at Ye Di, telling Long Aotian: "Xiao Jin is following Ye Di, so don't show your traces, lest you hit the grass and scare the snake."

As a top killer, Ye Ye must be proficient in anti-tracking methods.

As long as a little flaw is revealed, it will be noticed by the other party, and then far away.

"Rest assured, I put a Bapin stealth formation on my body."

Long Aotian coquettishly said: "Even if the masters who are five or six in the sky can observe closely, they will not find out."

"Night, even more impossible."

Dire proficient in assassination, lurking, easy-tolerant, poisoning ... and so on.

However, the method of playing against the law is not expected to be good at it.

Otherwise, he could break the defense formation of Mingxuanfang Zhenbao Pavilion, kill four guards, and take away all the treasures.

This is far more than staying at the famous Xuanfang, assassination of Lin Xuan insurance.

Cheng Feng also thought about this, so he glanced at Long Aotian and said nothing more.

Focused on following Xiao Jin, following the night owl all the way.

Ye Ye was very cautious that night, after leaving Mingxuanfang, he changed his course several times, and then went to the south gate of Mingxuan City.

"Yeer went to the south gate of Mingxuan City?"

Discovering this situation, Long Aotian was a little puzzled: "It's not enough to fly away from Mingxuan City directly by that guy's means.

"In order to ensure that this auction will not be unexpected, Mingxuan City asked the master of the Xuancheng City to open the moat in advance."

Cheng Feng said: "Although the rank of this moat is not high, the night owl is also fully capable of breaking out, but it will be exposed."

"Going outright from the gate of the city gate is easier."

Ye Di's Yirong technique can be faked.

Disguised as someone, you can leave the gate of the city, without having to venture.

"That's true."

Long Aotian nodded suddenly, and then asked, "Yeah, this person is so treacherous, can we track it down?"


Cheng Feng is confident: "Unless he abandons the Stone of Seven Kills and runs away alone."

Between words, the two have reached the south gate of Mingxuan City.

In order to save time, Cheng Feng did not leave the city gate step by step.

Instead, let Long Aotian take the shot, and break the moat directly, leaving the city silently.

Xiao Jin was then fully driven to fly towards the direction of Wanxiangsi.

After the half column incense time, Cheng Feng and they came to a big river.


Cheng Feng stood by the river and whispered: "Xiao Jin told me that the smell of Wanxiangcai is not far ahead."

"Front?" Long Aotian looked up.

Found a small village in front of the big river.

This village is very remote and isolated from the world, so it has not been slaughtered by the blood gods.

At this time the night was dark and the village was silent, with only occasional barking of dogs.

"Cheng Feng, Ye Yan may be hiding in the village in front?"

Long Aotian looked at the village and asked.

"It's very likely."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Yes or no, let's go and see."

While speaking, Cheng Feng stepped over the river.

"Well?" As he flew across the river, Cheng Feng felt like he had broken something.

But if you look closely, you find nothing.

"Not quite right, pay attention later, don't be surprised."

Cheng Feng kept walking and continued to fly to the village.

However, a little caution was kept in his heart, covering the body with red robes.

Soon, Cheng Feng and Long Aotian came to the east of the village.

At the east end of the village, there were several small courtyards connected together. Xiao Jin flew over one of the courtyards and stopped suddenly.

"The breath of Acacia is in this small courtyard."

Cheng Feng communicated with Xiao Jin slightly, and stared at the courtyard with a fearless look.

I saw this small courtyard surrounded by a fence with three humble huts inside.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and the situation in the cabin was fully appreciated.

Three cottages were found, with a soil moth next to the middle one, and an old couple and a child, seven or eight years old, were boarding.

No one else.

However, Cheng Feng faintly saw a blurred figure squatting on a wooden chair beside Tuya.

And the aura of Wanxiangcai was exuded from that vague figure.

"Cheng Feng, is that ... Dire?"

Long Aotian's eyes were also very sharp, and he actually saw the blurred figure.


He has the breath of acacia, and is also proficient in stealth martial arts.

It stands to reason that it must be the night owl, but Cheng Feng has a strange feeling in his heart.

"Long Aotian, you're guarding here, I'll go and see."

Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, Cheng Feng urged, grabbed the Devil Sword, and quietly got into the cabin.

When I got my eyes locked on the fuzzy figure, the ten dragons in the body rolled and hummed ~~~

Cut across the blurry figure.

Ding! Cheng Feng's knife was very sudden.

The vague figure was unprepared and was bound to be slashed.

However, just when Cheng Feng's knife was about to cut into the blurred figure.

The fuzzy figure stabbed a long sword in the hand, and the sword light was cold, and it was spotted on the blade of the sword.

The violent slash of the Devil Sword will be eliminated.

Not only that, the old couple, who had been lying on the soil, suddenly stood up at this moment.

The two knives are left and right, and cut to Cheng Feng's neck like scissors.

If he is hit, Cheng Feng will die on the spot!

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