Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1499: Heaven judge

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Chapter 149 The Heaven Judge

On the way to clearing up the killer mentor, Cheng Feng saw that all new killers were frightened, but he felt relieved.

Because these new killers are all innocent children plundered from the gates of Hell.

It has not yet become a cold-blooded killer, and there is hope for salvation.

If these new killers listen to the orders of the killer mentors, and their brains rush up, Cheng Feng will have to stop and delay the killing speed.

Soon, the killer mentor in the first floor of the dungeon was cleared by Cheng Feng.

Then comes the second, third, fourth ...

However, when Cheng Feng reached the tenth floor of the dungeon, things became a little trickier.

Because the new killer here has been trained by Hellgate for five or six years.

A personal loss, only killing and obedience in the eyes.

When he heard the order from the killer mentor, even though he saw Cheng Feng as unstoppable as a god, he didn't hesitate to charge up.

The intention is to use flesh and blood to gain a chance for the killer mentor to escape!

"Cheng Feng, what should I do?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian frowned.

"Do it ... kill it!"

Cheng Feng groaned for a moment, and four words popped out of his mouth.

Because these killers in front of them have been thoroughly brainwashed by the killer's mentor and have been saved.

There are only two words in my heart, and that is ‘obedience’.

At this time, even if the killer mentor orders them to kill their parents, it is expected that there will be no hesitation.

It can no longer be regarded as a human, it is more like a killer with a lost soul!

For such people, death may be a better destination.

"Go away, whoever blocks me!"

After having a decision in his heart, Cheng Feng's intentions were rolling.

With a scream in his mouth, the action of hunting down the killer mentor remains the same.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

He slammed into the wall of new killers.

Thousands of new killers were knocked into the air, and people turned over.

Without waiting for the new killers to reorganize the line of defense, Cheng Feng has disappeared.

Immediately after, the misery before the death of the killer mentor passed into everyone's ears.

Just when Cheng Feng started their crazy killing.

In an unknown territory, an eerie giant bronze gate stood as if it were the gate to hell.

It is one of the two super-killer organizations of the Earth Dome, the old nest of Hell Gate.

"Failed to assassinate Cheng Feng?"

Inside the huge copper gate is a vast world.

Above the sky, one giant east and one west.

The two giants wore gold crowns and had a strong and scary atmosphere. They were so strong that they were incredible.

At this moment, a giant on the left opened his mouth, and his voice was like a hong bell, which made the ear hurt.

Inside the giant bronze gate, except for two giants suspended in the sky.

There are more than a dozen people, some of them are a ray of divine thought, and some are entities.

It is obviously the most prominent existence of Hell Gate, and the two judges who once assassinated the process peak are among them.

Upon hearing the inquiry from the giants in the sky, one of the judges bowed down and said, "Return to Yan Jun, Ye Di did fail."

"But it was not without gain, according to the news from Ye Di."

"Pei Feng, the master of the Blackwater Palace, was rescued by Ye Di for the rescue of Feng Feng, and almost fell on the spot!"

"Oh, not bad!"

The giant nodded: "It is indeed the named disciple of Ben Jun, who first rebuilt for the sky, but almost killed the sixth army who was on the sky."

"By the way, where is Ye Di?"

"According to the news from Ye Di, he is currently ..."

The judge was talking, his face suddenly changed, his voice stuck in his throat.

"Human judge, what's the situation?"

Hell's Gate has three judges, divided into heaven, earth and human.

The person whose sound is stuck is the human judge.

"Yan Jun, something happened to Ye Yan!"

Taking a deep breath, the judge said: "A disciple just sent a letter saying that Cheng Feng traced Ye Ye and chased Heishui County branch."

"What? Ye Feng was tracked by Cheng Feng?"

On hearing that, the giant in the sky frowns: "What does the night owl eat? It was tracked without notice."

"And also brought Cheng Feng to the Heishui County branch."

After a moment of calmness, the heavenly giant asked, "How is the situation in Heishui County?"

"It's all gone!"

The human judge paused before saying, "Everyone in the entire branch was killed by Cheng Feng."

When the judge said this, the audience was silent.

Heishui County branch, but **** gate built a stronghold for a long time.

I never thought it would be ruined by Cheng Feng.

"Where is the night owl? Is the night owl dead?"

The giant of heaven looked so unpleasant, Shen Shen asked.

"The night owl was not dead and was caught alive by Cheng Feng!"

"Caught alive?"

Hearing that the giant in the sky sank and scolded: "Waste, it is a waste!"

However, before the anger of the giant in the sky erupted, another explosive news came.

"Yan Jun, Cheng Feng found a newcomer training base under the Heishui County branch."

The human judge's mouth twitched and said, "At this moment, the killing is being launched at the base!"

"Junk, what a junk!"

Hearing here, the giant in the sky was completely angry, and his voice was like a thunder.

He even awakened another giant.

"Human judge, let the order go down, and speedily aid the Heishui County branch."

After a few roars, the giant in the sky calmed down and commanded: "Not only to keep the Yanshui County branch for Ben Yanjun, but also to remove Cheng Feng's head!"

"Yan Jun, then Cheng Feng has a high level of strength. I'm just a clone, I'm afraid I can't deal with it."

The judge's face flushed.

He joined forces with the judge before, launched several assassinations on Cheng Feng, and eventually returned without success.

Now Cheng Feng's strength is stronger, and it's a shame to provoke Cheng Feng again!

"You drag Cheng Feng first."

The giant in the sky said, "I will wake up the judge later and let him assassinate Cheng Feng."

"Wake Up Judge? That's definitely fine."

Human judges seem to trust the strength of heaven judges.

As soon as the giant in the sky wanted to wake up the judge, there was no longer any worry.

After bowing, he turned away.

Because the avatar's avatar has reached the seventh ascendant!


At the same time, the Heishui County branch was in an eighteen-storey underground city.

Cheng Feng, Long Aotian, and Xiao Jin pushed all the way and reached the 16th floor of the underground city.

The new killer on this level, repaired to become more tyrannical, more loyal to the gates of hell, launched a wave of suicide attacks on Cheng Feng.

However, nothing works.

Cheng Feng, wearing the armor of war, was fearless.

Drive the speed directly to the extreme, and instantly the person turns over.

Some people who were hit by Cheng Feng directly were killed on the spot!

After killing a blood path, catching up with the killer mentor, in less than half a minute, all the killer mentors on the 16th floor are full of volts!

"Go and continue to the next level."

The 16th floor of the underground city was cleaned up. Cheng Feng immediately stopped at the 17th floor without stopping.

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