Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1500: Jagged eye

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Chapter 1500 The Serrated Eye

The situation on the 17th floor of the dungeon is similar to that on the 16th floor.

Although the new killer's repair is getting stronger, it is still far from Cheng Feng's opponent.

It didn't take a minute, and the 17th floor was cleaned up.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng's eyes were fixed on the last floor of the dungeon.

"Stop, everyone stops me!"

"Someone dared to step back and die!"

On the eighteenth floor of the dungeon, die-hard newcomers are piled up.

At the same time, there are about twenty killer mentors.

These more than twenty killer mentors, all of whom are very tall, hide and roar in the crowd.

Order all new killers to block the entrance, intending to block Cheng Feng's footsteps with a human wall!

However, the copper wall and iron wall could not stop Cheng Feng's pace.

How can a newcomer killer stop it?

"If you don't want to die, leave me alone!"

Just listen to Cheng Feng burst and drink, 噔 噔 噔 ~~~

The whole person was like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, rushing straight to the eighteenth floor of the dungeon.


Seeing Cheng Feng rushing, countless killers launched attacks.

Jian Guang, Dao Jin, Gun Mang ... a brain greeted Cheng Feng's body.

But failed to hurt Cheng Feng half hair.

Wait until Cheng Feng rushes forward, 嘭 ~~~

The group of people standing directly in front of the entrance flew into an instant.

Then Cheng Feng's cast was unabated, bang bang bang!

I only heard a sound of bone and bone cracking. I don't know how many killers were hit by Cheng Feng's chest and smashed the bones.

"Damn, **** it!"

"Cheng Feng is too strong, these wastes can't be blocked at all!"

"What to do? What to do now?"

Seeing Cheng Feng rushed into the eighteenth floor of the dungeon wildly, the remaining killer mentor was cold.

A feeling of death rushed forward, as if the next moment would die.

"Everyone, use jagged eyes!"

"For today's sake, only with the use of jagged eyes, can we have a vitality."

"Otherwise, the entire newcomer base will be destroyed by Cheng Feng!"

"Well, I agree."

"I agree!"

At a critical juncture, a needless killer mentor offered advice.

All of a sudden, all the killer mentors agreed.

Because the only thing that can save their lives is the jagged eye.

"You guys, now that you have a decision, let's do it!"

The faceless needless killer glanced at the middle-aged man, dropped a word, and immediately flew to a cabin in the corner of the eighteenth floor of the underground city.

The others saw him without hesitation and flew to the cabin.

When more than twenty killer mentors all entered the cabin.

Kaka Kaka ~~~

A burst of mechanical rubbing sound of tar acid sounded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a large underground city started to shake violently.

As if a major earthquake of magnitude tens occurred, the entire underground city has the illusion of disintegration.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng, who was hunting down the killer mentor, could not help frowning.

"Cheng Feng, it's those surviving killer mentors who are making ghosts."

Long Aotian's voice sounded, "I saw those guys get into a wooden house, and then the dungeon vibrated."

"Nine times, it is some kind of life-saving hole card!"

Heard that Cheng Feng punched a dozen newcomer killers in front of him with a punch.

Looking up, I immediately saw the dirt in the entire dungeon.

Large chunks of city wall tiles shattered out of the city, revealing a bright metallic luster inside.

At the same time, the harsh mechanical friction sound was even louder, like thousands of pieces of broken iron rubbing against each other, making people extremely uncomfortable.

"Long Aotian, those killer mentors may have opened a mechanical device."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng guessed: "This mechanical device is very large. It is estimated that the entire underground city is built on that mechanical device."

"So the machinery is turned on, and the whole dungeon is shaking, and it may even collapse!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

His voice has just fallen, and it's so loud ~~~

A huge underground city split from the middle while the mountain was shaking.

Large city walls collapsed and houses collapsed.

Many unprepared killers were buried under the fallen walls.

"Grass holding is really a mechanical device."

Long Aotian and Xiao Jin flew away when the dungeon collapsed.

Faintly seeing below the broken dungeon, a strong robotic arm suddenly stretched out.

The reason why the dungeon just collapsed was because of the impact of the robotic arm.

Can't help but startled: "When did the organ arts on the earth dome become so powerful?"

"Can you make such a mighty mech? It's almost as powerful as the four or five strong ones!"

Obviously, this mechanical cymbal hidden at the bottom of the dungeon is the creation of the mechanics.

Only mechanical arts can make steel, wood, and other things into active mechanical puppets.

However, even in the dome continent, even the most proficient mechanics of the lost family and the Julu family could not create a mechanical puppet that was as powerful as four or five.

"This may be the ultimate mechanical encounter."

Cheng Feng was also very surprised. With a flash of light in his mind, he thought of a possibility: "It is rumored that both the Koulu family and the Julu family are secretly studying a mechanical maggot that surpasses the masters of heaven.

"They call this mechanical puppet the ultimate mechanical puppet."

"It is said that the research of the ultimate mechanical puppet is very difficult. Ninety-nine percent are defective products, and never really succeeded in making one."

"It now seems that the family of these two institutions not only succeeded, but also sold them to Hellgate!"

The ultimate mechanical encounter, Cheng Feng had contacted more than half a year ago.

At that time, he also received the ultimate mechanical falcon of a defective product, and his combat power reached the peak of the broken state.

Fenglifeng put it on the Cheng family and did not take it with him.

"The ultimate mechanical encounter?"

Upon hearing Cheng Feng's words, Long Aotian couldn't help but explode: "Wo relying on the two perverted families of public defeat and Julu, it is really powerful."

"Even such superb machinery can be made!"

"It seems that the Tiangong Division of the Feathered God Dynasty invited the elites of these two families to join in and study the super killing weapon. Maybe there is hope for success."

"At that time, it will definitely change the whole battle!"

The reason why Yuhua Shenchao ordered the Tiangong Division to form a team to study the super killing weapon is presumably inspired by the ultimate mechanization.

Otherwise, you will never dare to press the chips that determine your victory over the super killing weapon.

"Long Aotian, let's talk about it first, save people first!"

At this moment, the entire dungeon has completely collapsed.

Those new killers were killed and wounded in a sudden disaster.

In particular, the killers in the first few floors of the dungeon are only children, and they are weak and human.

Save it, there is great hope to restore it.

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