Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1501: Giant spider

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Chapter 501 Giant Spider


Cheng Feng is on the sixth floor of the walking step. It is lightning fast and shuttles through the ruins of the collapsed underground city.

Save the young children and throw them into the empty pot.

As for those age-old, brainwashed killers, Cheng Feng ignored them.

Because those people have become enchanted and annihilated human nature.

Cheng Feng initially wanted to be rescued, but after he rescued someone, he was directly attacked.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng was completely cold-hearted, no longer wasting emotions for these people.

Kaka Kaka ~~~

Cheng Feng just rescued more than a hundred people, and the mechanical friction of dental acid was loud.

Immediately afterwards, the dungeons exploded completely.

A dark body, like a giant spider-like behemoth, suddenly appeared in front of Cheng Feng's eyes.

"So big a spider!"

Long Aotian stared at the giant spider.

I saw this giant spider with hundreds of slender steel legs.

The tip of the steel thin legs is very sharp, 噗噗 噗 ~~~

The thin legs suddenly leaped out and strung hundreds of newcomer killers on the thin legs.

So come two or three times, and all the newcomer killers have been slaughtered!

"These guys, **** it!"

Although the people killed by mechanical spiders are mostly brainwashed newcomers.

But Cheng Feng was still so angry that Cheng Feng was still so angry.

In the sound of anger, Cheng Feng was ready to take action to solve the mechanical spider.

"Cheng Feng, wait a minute."

At this time, Long Aotian called Cheng Feng: "Pack these little guys first, I can't take care of them."

Long Aotian lost dozens of children rescued by him.

At the same time, Xiao Jin also rescued a dozen people and rushed to Cheng Feng with his mouth.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and put away all the children.

Then he faced the giant spider, and the sword in his hand was severely cut off!

Facing Cheng Feng's attack, the giant spider stabbed a dozen steel thin legs without hesitation.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

Seventy-eight thin legs hit the devil sword, shaking the devil sword backwards.

The remaining seven or eight thin legs went straight to Cheng Feng's chest. He had to penetrate Cheng Feng's heart and kill him on the spot.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng was wearing a battle armor.

Those seven or eight steel thin legs hit Cheng Feng, only to hit Cheng Feng backward and tens of meters.

Other than that, there is no other effect.

"This is the ultimate mechanical encounter, and it's powerful!"

Repulsed by seven or eight thin steel legs, Cheng Feng raised a brow.

I feel that the attack power of the steel thin legs is completely comparable to the third heavy martial art ascendant.

The giant spider has hundreds of thin steel legs. If they launch an attack together, it will be equivalent to the joint attack of several hundred ascending third heavy warriors, and the combat effectiveness will skyrocket.

Four or five masters who are ascending to the sky must also change their color.

The non-process peak did not take it too seriously.

Instead, seize the sword, and cut it again.

This time, Cheng Feng used all his strength to make a slash with his sword, leaving a few marks on the void.

At the same time, the giant spider suddenly launched its strength.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Dozens of thin steel legs were hit directly.

And these steel thin legs all came straight to the heart of Cheng Feng.

To cut through the armor of war, kill Cheng Feng.

Huh! The Devil Sword severely chopped on dozens of thin steel legs from the stab.

Suddenly, sparks splashed.

The tyrannical sword swings open, but fails to cut the steel thin legs.

Cheng Feng did not notice for a moment, but was shocked back again.

"What material is this steel spider's leg made of? Can't even cut the magic sword?"

Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

I did not expect that the steel thin legs of the giant spider were so hard.

The damage repaired less than half of the Demon Sword, but failed to cut it off.

"Cheng Feng, the iron spider's legs, should be forged from Wuwu Xuangang."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This black Wuxuan steel is produced in the vast nothingness. It has extracted the essence of the plane and is super hard."

"Many of the holy artifacts, and even the holy artifacts, contain this material."

"Materials for forging the sacred artifact? No wonder it's so hard!"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "However, the cutting sword is sharp and unparalleled, I don't believe it can be cut off!"

The damage of the Devil Sword has been repaired for less than half.

Even the semi-holy vessels can be easily cut off!

Wuwu Xuangang is only a material for forging the sacred artifact, which is ten thousand miles worse than the sacred artifact.

Cheng Feng did not believe that the Devil Sword could not deal with the thin steel legs of giant spiders.

In fact, the Devil Sword can completely cut off Wuxuan Steel.

The first two reasons for failure were that Cheng Feng did not use the right force.

The second is the steel thin legs of giant spiders. The attack angle is tricky. The tip of the thin legs is rotating rapidly, which can remove most of the cutting force.

The superposition of the two makes the Devil Sword unproductive.

"Slayer, it's time to take it seriously."

Cheng Feng grasped the Devil Sword and whispered in his mouth, "If this big spider piled up by Wu Wuxuan Steel can't handle it, it will disappoint me!"

With Cheng Feng's whisper, hum ~~~

The blade of the Demon Slayer is suddenly black and light.

It was as if the whole knife had been resurrected, producing a sharp edge.

And at this time, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The third attack of the giant spider came.

A hundred steel thin legs are screwed together, and even the fourth-highest master in the sky must be discolored.

"Just here."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't panic and rejoiced, yelling, "Cut the devil, give me the cut!"

The voice didn't fall, and the Devil Sword in his hand had burst out.


This time, the slashing power of the Devil Sword was different, and great changes occurred.

The scale-like veins on the edge of the blade squirmed. The blade edge was moving like sawtooth, and the sharpness increased sharply. I don't know how much.

When these blades cut the steel thin legs, it looks like knife-cut tofu.

Suddenly, there were more than 100 thin steel legs, and most of them were severed.

Then Cheng Feng grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled back the sword.

Stabbing ~~~

The blade cut through the remaining thin steel legs.

Then, more than a hundred thin steel legs were cut off on the spot!

"I'm going, how did Cheng Feng's knife suddenly become so sharp?"

Long Aotian, who stood by and watched the battle, could not help but widen his eyes.

Because the Devil Sword had nothing to do with the steel thin legs just now, but the next moment, the situation came with a shocking reversal, which was almost shocking!

Compared to Long Aotian's surprise, the killer mentor inside the giant spider was even more shocked.

"What's going on? How could Cheng Feng cut off the mechanical leg of the Serrated Eye?"

Inside the giant spider, a one-eyed killer instructor horrified: "You know, the mechanical legs of the sawtooth eye are made of Wuwu Xuangang, and even the top Taoist ca n’t be broken.

"Did the knife in Cheng Feng's hand be a holy weapon?"

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