Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1503: Sun Stone

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Chapter 1503 Sun Stone

Just killed the one-eyed killer.

Cheng Feng's gaze swept away, and he found a face without a killer and flung at a fiery red stone.

It seemed to explode that stone.

"Cheng Feng, speed kills that killer."

Nalan's eternal voice sounded: "That fiery red stone is like the sun stone."

"This stone draws a huge amount of energy from the sun. Once detonated, it can kill the sixth heavy martial artist!"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng's eyelids jumped.

The Devil Sword stunned, before killing the Sun Stone with no need for a killer.

Then the Devil Sword swept across, killing as many killers as possible.

After killing all the killer mentors, Cheng Feng looked at the sun stone.

"There is a terrifying energy in this stone."

Cheng Feng whispered: "If it detonates, it can indeed threaten the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"It should be a hellgate killer, ready to be used with the enemy."

"Since we met, we just packed and took it away."

While speaking, Cheng Feng urged him to take the Sun Stone off a high platform.

Taking a closer look, he put it into the soul ring.

"Cheng Feng, you are really violent."

As soon as Cheng Feng put away the Sun Stone, Long Aotian's voice came: "The iron and steel fortress that casts Wuwu Xuangang has been cut through!

With the sound, Long Aotian, who looked like a young man in gold, immediately appeared outside the door of the control room.

At the same time, there are small dragon lice.

"Although Wuxuan Steel is hard, it is far less than my sword."

Cheng Feng glanced down at the Devil Sword, a smile on his face.

The edge of the Devil Sword is indeed no small matter.

According to Cheng Feng's speculation, the Devil Sword may be a middle-level holy weapon at its heyday.

If Cheng Feng can completely repair the damage of the Demon Sword, regenerate the power of the middle-level holy weapon.

The huge continent will be able to let Cheng Feng walk sideways!

"Your knife is very interesting."

Long Aotian glanced at the Devil Sword, and immediately turned to the control room of the Serrated Eye: "But I like this ultimate mechanical encounter more than a knife."

While talking, Long Aotian stepped into the control room and went straight to the console.

"It's really hard to imagine that you humans can actually make a dead thing like steel into a living thing that can move freely."

Long Aotian stroked the jagged eyes and said with surprise: "And this kind of living creatures are still very powerful!"

"If we can have hundreds of such machines, no one should be afraid!"

"God comes to kill God, Buddha stops killing Buddha!"

"Long Aotian, don't think about it, this is impossible."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "The ultimate mechanization is extremely expensive, and each one is extremely expensive."

"Even if the blood gods are rich, they can buy less than a few hundred."

Cheng Feng is right.

You know, the ultimate mechanical cymbal of the light-sawtooth eye consumes a huge amount of Wuwu Xuangang.

Not to mention hundreds of them, dozens of them can also empty the bottom of a first-class house!

Moreover, the ultimate mechanical badger is not something you can buy.

Presumably, the construction of the two major families of Julu and Julu also took a lot of time and manpower and could not be mass produced.

Otherwise, the entire dome continent has been occupied by the family of these two major organs, and the blood **** ca n’t even jump.

"Nothing in the world is absolutely impossible."

Long Aotian chuckled, holding his jagged eyes, "For example, don't we already have the first one?"

"Just keep collecting, there are always hundreds, even thousands."

"You think too much."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "This ultimate melancholy, we can't use it."

"Can't use it? Why can't it?"

Long Aotian frowned: "This mechanical puppet was just cut through a hole by you. It can be repaired and used."

"I'm not talking about mechanical damage, but right of use."

Cheng Feng explained: "This mechanical puppet has been labeled as 'hell gate' at the moment it was manufactured by the declining family."

"Except for those in the gates of hell, no one else can use them."

"Family of losers? Special tags?"

Hearing that, Long Aotian looked down.

Suddenly on the control console, he found the family emblem of the Kungfu family.

Explain that this mechanical puppet was from the hands of the declining family.

"I don't believe it. A mechanical robot can recognize people."

Long Aotian observed the console for a moment and did not believe in evil.

Grasp the joystick on the console directly, intending to activate the Serrated Eye.

However, it has no effect at all.

No matter which direction he pushed the joystick, it was all useless.

Obviously, as expected by Cheng Feng, this ultimate mechanical badger has been labeled with the gate of hell.

Except for those in Hellgate, no one else can use it.

"Okay, Long Aotian."

Glancing at Long Aotian, who was unwilling, Cheng Feng said, "If the ultimate mechanical encounter can be easily taken away, it is not the ultimate mechanical encounter."

"Hellgate doesn't cost a lot to buy it back."

"Grass, this is too special!"

Long Aotian said unpleasantly: "It's so easy to get a treasure, is it left to the gate of hell?"

"That's not the case."

Cheng Feng laughed: "This ultimate mechanical urn is forged from rare materials and can be called a big mine."

"My slayer knife is broken, and I can use this to repair it."

"Repair your knife?"

Hearing that, Long Aotian's eyes glared: "Fuck, your knife is in a broken state?"

"The damage is so strong. Wouldn't it be ...

Thinking of this, Long Aotian's scalp was a little numb.

As for Cheng Feng, he did not move, and took out the sword.

laugh! Insert it in the jagged eyes in one click.

Om ~~~

As the Devil Stab pierced into the Serrated Eye.

A black mist suddenly appeared, covering the position where the blade penetrated.

Long Aotian's gaze swept away, and he immediately saw the place where the serrated eyes were covered by the black mist, and a lot of essence was drawn by the black mist.

In just a few seconds, in the area of ​​more than ten meters, the luster of all Wuwu black steel disappeared, as if decayed.

Long Aotian urged a force and touched the area lightly.

puff! That area was like the clay sculpture, and it instantly broke into powder!

"Grasp, what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian's eyes glared, and he was horrified: "Your sword is too evil, right? You can devour the essence of Wu Xuangang!"

However, Cheng Feng was accustomed to this and said lightly.

"No surprise, this is just a self-healing ability of Devil."

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