Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1504: Magic soldier

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Chapter 1504 Demon Soldier

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Long Aotian was shocked: "I have never heard of that weapon that can devour rare materials and repair its damage."


"Unless it is?"

Cheng Feng was aroused by Long Aotian and asked.

"As far as I know, there is only one weapon in the world that can repair itself by devouring the essence of rare materials."

Long Aotian frowned and said, "This weapon is called 'Magic Soldier.'"

"It is rumored to be the devil's source, the weapon used by all demons!"

"Magic soldier? Weapons used by the demons?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and murmured in his heart.

After a long time together, Cheng Feng had already discovered the anomaly of the Devil Sword.

It can swallow the essence of other weapons. The blade has a weird pattern, and its sharpness is far better than the weapons of the same level ...

All these circumstances show that the slayer is unusual.

I just didn't expect that it turned out to be a magic soldier, a weapon used by people in the demon world!

"Long Aotian, how much do you know about the magic soldier?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the enchanted sword that engulfed the serrated eyes and asked.

"not many."

Long Aotian shook his head: "You should already know that I am degraded for some reason and need a lot of nourishing things to get back to the top."

"And my memory was sealed deep in the blood as Xiu was degenerate."

"Every time you restore a point, the memory will open for one point."

"I only know some fur about the magic soldier."

"So it was ..."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, then said: "Then you tell me what fur you know."

"It is said that the magic soldier is a weapon that is forged from the material of the demon world."

Long Aotian didn't hide anything, and went straight to the point: "This weapon is very powerful and sharp because of its special materials."

"It is rumored that the demon soldier played a key role in the reason that the demon head can sweep across all realms and kill all beings."

"Your knife may be the remnant of the devil's head!"

"I don't know if the devil is dead. If not, you better throw this knife away."

"Don't be tracked down by that demon head and hunted down."

"By then, not only will you be more fierce, but even the earth and the continent will suffer a huge disaster!"

"So exaggerated?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "With the help of a broken weapon, people in the Demon Realm can kill them without knowing how many millions of miles?"

"Furthermore, even if the owner of the Devil Slayer can chase after him, he only needs to create a saint to make his way."

"Any devil can easily surrender, right?"

"Cheng Feng, you think of the demon world too simple."

Long Aotian shook his head and said, "The vastness of the demon world is immense. The people inside it are cruel and killing.

"Any random one has the power to destroy the plane."

"And the demon devil also likes to work in groups. Once positioned, you can cross the border to kill the saint.

"Even my dragon world was trampled by the demon head of the demon world. Several dragon races were completely destroyed, and the entire dragon world was almost destroyed."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng suddenly had a deep understanding of the demon world.

Deeply know how powerful people in this world are.

Even the mighty dragon world was almost destroyed, and this was just a branch of the demon world.

If the entire Demon Strong is dispatched, I am afraid that the world will be disturbed.

"Cheng Feng, don't be scared by Long Aotian's words."

At the time of Cheng Feng's ups and downs, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The power of the demon world is undeniable, but this world is in another realm, and it is very difficult to reach this realm."

"Further, your Devil Slayer is just an ordinary magic soldier. Now it is broken like this and cannot be used for positioning at all."

"What's more, the Master of the Devil Sword may be dead, and cranky thinking is just annoying."

"Uncle Naland, according to your analysis, there is no harm in cutting the sword."

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

He had a deep feeling for the Devil Sword.

This sword accompanied him through countless lives and deaths. If he discards it because of a guess, it is really unwilling.

Now I heard Nalan's analysis, and my heart was overjoyed.

"As of now, there is no problem with Devil Sword."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Even if there is a problem, you must wait for the damage to be completely repaired and reach the level of the intermediate sacred artifact."

"By then, you might have found a solution to the hidden danger."

"So don't worry blindly!"

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng took a long breath and completely relaxed.

"Long Aotian, I will pay attention to the problem of the Devil Sword."

After the mood was settled, Cheng Feng said easily: "As for now, let it continue to devour the ultimate mechanical encounter."

"Actually I just said it casually."

Long Aotian said: "Specific how to do it, you can take your own idea."

During the talk, the black mist from the Devil Sword has covered most of the control room.

There is even a tendency to spread to the entire jagged eye.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng greeted: "Let's go, let's leave the demon and let go of your hands and devour!"

"Perhaps swallowing this ultimate mechanical maggot will repair most of its blade damage."

"By then, the half-holy artifact could be easily cut off!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng had flown directly along a passage he had dug out.

Long Aotian and Xiao Jin followed closely.

"Devil, it's a bit scary!"

The three Cheng Feng had just left the eye of the sawtooth, and the black mist blew out, wrapping a large steel fortress in groups.

From a distance, it looks like a 10,000-year-old demon is swallowing clouds and suffocating, making people creepy.

"Slayering is indeed much stronger than before."

Cheng Feng looked back at the jagged eyes with some emotions: "However, it is still the previous slayer, there is no change!"

Om ~~~

Just as the Devil Sword desperately devours Serrated Eyes.

A wave of space fluctuated suddenly from under the jagged eyes.

"Hmm? Something!"

Cheng Feng watched from all directions, the spirits spread all over the underground space.

As soon as that spatial fluctuation appeared, it was captured by Cheng Feng.

"Probably a reinforcement in Hell's Gate."

Long Aotian said: "Let's start killing here, there must be a killer reporting to Hellgate headquarters and asking for support."

"I just don't know if the person coming to help is strong."

"Let's go and see."

Cheng Feng was not afraid: "Regardless of whether the cultivation is strong or weak, kill them all!"

"I have several sprees in my hands."

"Don't be afraid to come to the seventh strongest!"

The current Cheng Feng is indeed overwhelming.

Not to mention the big killers such as the armor of battle, Chiyanpao and Zijin Daqi.

Just the black water overcast thunder, the poison of all poisons, the sun stone and other things, can easily kill the sixth strongest person in the sky.

Even the seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky is enough to drink a pot.

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