Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1505: Hellgate reinforcements

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Chapter 1505 Hellgate Reinforcement

Cheng Feng's words came to an end and flew directly under the jagged eyes.

In case there is really a super cow killing, the big U-turn is the way to go.

Cheng Feng may not be able to beat, but escape is still guaranteed.

Huh! Cheng Feng three just flew under the jagged eyes.

Immediately saw a concealed teleportation beam of light.

Immediately afterwards, three warriors wearing tights and embroidered with six stars appeared in the teleportation array.

"Three Hellgate Six Star Killers?"

The killer of Hell Gate is divided into seven grades from low to high.

One to seven stars, one star is the worst, and seven stars are the strongest.

Cheng Feng's previous killers were all four or five star killers.

The six-star killer is already regarded as the elite of the elite.

However, Cheng Feng didn't take it seriously.

Seeing the three six-star killers, Cheng Feng didn't even bother to move.

With a glance at Xiaojin, he ordered: "Xiaojin, get rid of the three miscellaneous fish."

Xiao Jin obeyed Cheng Fengyan.

Cheng Feng's order was just issued, 咻 ~~~

A golden light burst.

The next moment, three consecutive sounds of flesh and blood burst.

The three Hellgate six-star killers all smashed their heads and died on the spot!

However, these three six-star killers are obviously role-finders.

Just three seconds after the three died, the light of the teleportation burst suddenly.

Soon, a dozen killers appeared in the teleportation array.

All of these dozen killers are nothing but trivial. The worst ranks have reached six stars.

The Seven Star Killer occupies almost half, and can be called an elite.

However, the elite killer had just completed his teleportation and his head was not awake yet.

call out! A flash of golden lightning flared.

噗噗 噗 ~~~

A team of more than a dozen people was killed on the spot.

As for the remaining half, they are all seven-star killers, very sensitive to danger.

In a thousand shots, he escaped the attack of golden lightning.

Just don't wait for them to be lucky.

Hum! A huge golden dragon claw enveloping the heavens and the earth and grabbed them.

This dragon claw is very scary. Those seven-star killers want to escape, but their bodies are suppressed by a force of force, and they can't move at all.

The claws were caught in the palm of the hand on the spot, and the claws of the claws became fierce.

The seven or eight seven-star killers were instantly pinched to death without exception.

"It's boring, it's really boring!"

It was Long Aotian who killed all the seven-star killers with one claw.

When this guy finished killing people, he shook the **** dragon claws and complained, "What the **** is going on? Is someone sent to death?"

"Even if you die, please send someone to repair it. Ben Shao is not even physically active!"

Compared with Long Aotian, the clouds are light and windy.

At Hell's Gate headquarters, the judge's face was gloomy.

"Dead? The two groups of men and women who were teleported to the Blackwater County branch died shortly after completing the teleportation?"

It was hard to believe that the judge had sent two men to the Blackwater County branch in a row.

As soon as people teleported, the soul lamps of those people went out.

As if at the other end of the teleportation array, squatting guarding a man-eating beast.

Teleport a past and you will die!

"Master, do you continue to teleport?"

At this time, a seven-star killer took a peek at the judge and whispered.

"Also transmit? What else?"

The questioning of the Seven Star Killer awakened the judge, and immediately scolded his head and rebuke: "Do you continue to teleport the elite killer and let Cheng Feng kill that mess?

"Subordinates don't mean that."

The Qixing Killer quickly shook his head and explained: "The subordinates are saying, shall we continue to support the Heishui County Branch?"

"After all, Cheng Feng ..."

"The aid to the Heishui County branch is the order of the ecstasy Yan Jun, and no one can change it."

The human judge interrupted the words of the seven-star killer, and Shen said, "Next, the judge will personally lead the team, Yuancang and Yuan Kui each with five seven-star killers.

"As for the others, they are all here."

"Once Sky Judge awakens, immediately ask him to come and kill Cheng Feng!"

The words stopped, and the human judge stepped into the teleportation array.

Behind him, two middle-aged men wrapped in steel chains, each led five seven-star killers.

Amazingly, there are four major ecstasy messengers in Hell's Gate, two of them.


Om ~~~

Blackwater County branch, under the jagged eyes.

Cheng Feng They just solved the two waves of killers not long before, the teleportation array lights up again.

"I've noticed that the Hellgate reinforcements sent this time may not be weak."

Looking at the teleportation array, Cheng Feng reminded: "I'll get started and try not to stay too far away from me."

"In case a super strong arrives, run away immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, a team of thirteen judges appeared in the teleportation array.

"Dragon Claw!"

As soon as the human judge completed the teleportation, Long Aotian struck a record of the dragon's combat skills.

Intent to sneak attack, kill a few people on the other side.

But there are thirteen judges, all of whom have hot experiences.

As soon as the teleportation is completed, it will shoot directly out of the teleportation array.

A sneak attack of Long Aotian escaped instantly.

However, the attackers were not only Long Aotian.

There are also Xiao Jin and Cheng Feng.

I saw Xiaojin hiding next to the teleportation array, and locked in the thirteen people as the weakest assault.

Suddenly hit the opponent's chest, hit the man's chest with a big hole in his head, and died on the spot.

As for Cheng Feng, he focuses on taking care of the other seven-star killers.

Even if some judges and the two major ecstasy were used to protect them, two seven-star killers were hit by Cheng Feng's punches, and they were immediately out of place.

"Damn Cheng Feng, he was a sneak attack!"

Immediately after leaving the teleportation team, three subordinates were killed, and the judge's face turned blue.

"Dirty sneak attack?"

After hearing the words of a judge, Cheng Feng couldn't help but smile: "Your people in Hell Gate are also embarrassed to say that 'sneak attack' is despicable? It is ridiculous!"

Hellgate is a killer organization.

Sneak attacks, assassinations, poisoning ... all kinds of insidious methods damage the letter-handling.

When it comes to despicableness, no one can do it better.

People judges used this to blame Cheng Feng, he was beating his own face.

"Cheng Feng, you are dead this time."

The human judge quickly responded, knowing that he had just said something stupid.

The tone turned, threatening: "This time the judge will kill you here!"

"The judge?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's face was cold and cold: "So, are you one of the three judges of Hellgate?"

"Before Qianlong County, my two judges were attacked with a judge pen. Did you?"

"Well, what about me? What about me?"

The human judge was full of divine power, a black transparent stylus was taken out, and the pen tip was exposed.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if the person who attacked me is you."

Cheng Feng smiled resolutely, and said coldly, "Because the results are the same ... you are all going to die!"

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