Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1506: Blockers

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Chapter 1506 The Blocker Sweeps

"Slayer, come back!"

In the underground space, Cheng Feng suddenly yelled.

Then, the jagged eyes floating above Cheng Feng's head suddenly black mist rolled.

Dark clouds like a thunderstorm are tumbling, making the scalp numb.

"Master Judiciary, there seems to be jagged eyes in the dark mist."

A **** gate killer raised his eyes, and when he saw the objects in the black mist, he was startled: "It seems that the newcomer training base of the Heishui County branch has been destroyed by Cheng Feng."

"I am afraid that all the mentors and newcomers have already been fierce!"

In fact, there is no need for that person to remind, and the judge also knows the specific situation.

The killing of Cheng Feng rose, and the divine power in his body became more and more turbulent.

But wait for him to start, hum ~~~

Over the head, the black mist covering the jagged eyes suddenly contracted.

In the blink of an eye, all of them were included in the control room.

"Well? What's the matter?"

People judges were puzzled, eyes widened.

Even if you see the jagged eyes in that defense mode, the whole body is dim.

The black Wuxuan steel, which was originally black and bright, became like dirt, exuding a decaying taste.

"Master Judge, the essence of Jagged Eye seems to have been lost a lot."

A killer's eyes were sharp and he saw the clue: "It should be the black mist just now. It has the ability to devour the essence of the serrated eye, and has absorbed the essence of the serrated eye ..."

The killer was talking, hey ~~~

Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded.

Human judges and others took a closer look, and the pupils suddenly contracted.

Because the jagged eyes suspended above his head exploded inexplicably and shattered into a mass of sand and dust.

And among the rolling dust, a dark black knife radiating from the black hair, Chen Guangsenhan!

Across the distance, an aggressive sharp impact came, and his cheeks were severely painful as if they were cut by a blade.

"a knife?"

"A knife appeared in the jagged eyes?"

"Whose sword is that? It's too sharp, and I feel that the sky can be cut open with one sword!"

Everyone was moved when they saw the inexplicable black knife.

One has speculated about the origin and background of the Black Sword.

It was just that, before they could guess the result, Black Sword had taken the initiative to fly to his master.

That man ... It is Cheng Feng!

"What? Cheng Feng?"

"The master of that black knife is actually Cheng Feng !?"

Seeing this, the killers were startled, and they were all cold.

Looking back at Cheng Feng, I saw him grabbing the Demon Sword without dragging his feet.

Towards the judge and others, they came straight away.

After engulfing the essence of the Serrated Eye, the appearance of the Devil Sword changed greatly, and the power rose sharply.

Cheng Feng grabbed a knife and chopped it out, and an unmatched knife suddenly burst out.

The huge underground space was cut at once, and the sword was vigorous and vigorous, and went straight to ten judges.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, has a strong attack power, which is comparable to the fifth-highest master in the sky."

Faced with Cheng Feng's slash, the judge's face changed slightly.

Immediately holding the judge's pen, he stroked towards the blade.

The human judge's cultivation is worthy of reaching the sixth highest ascend to the sky, and has great power.

The judge pen in his hand was not ordinary.

Although it has not yet reached the level of semi-sacrifice, it is almost the same. It is a top treasure among the top Taoists.

When this point is cut, the general blade must break.

But the Devil Sword was unscathed. Instead, it was the judge pen, and the nib was cut directly by the blade.

Actually, the nib that was forged from Xuanwu Xuangang was shredded apart.

This is still a case where the judge found out that the situation was not good and quickly withdrew the judge's pen.

If you do not withdraw, the entire judge pen will be cut from the middle by the blade, split in half!

"What kind of knife is this? Even the judge's ecstasy pen can be cut open?"

As soon as the human judge stepped back for a thousand kilometers, his face looked horrified: "Is it a semi-holy artifact?"

When the judge was shocked, Cheng Feng was not idle.

When he saw that he stepped forward violently, the black sword swelled.


The blade just happened to hit a steel chain that Yuan Kui had called.

Cut the steel chain into two pieces at once.

In this scene, only the ecstasy made Yuan Kui's heart startle.

Dare not to hesitate a little bit, rolling the divine power to trigger, immediately burst back behind.

"Yuan Kui, what are you hiding?"

Another ecstasy made Yuancang unbelief and yelled, "The two of us join forces, and unbelief can't stop this Cheng Feng!"

In the thunderous sound, Yuancang's divine power wandered, and it was raging ~~~

A haunting iron cable in his hand suddenly stretched, like a cold-blooded python laser range peak.

"Break me!"

In the face of the haunting iron cables, Cheng Feng didn't have any extra moves. In one word, that was chopping.

laugh! With Cheng Feng slashed out.

The black light of the Devil Sword dazzled, and actually slashed into it directly along the tip of the Ecstasy iron cable.

All the way is like breaking bamboo, chopping the whole haunting iron cable.

"Yuancang, throw away the shaman chain."

A few kilometers away, Yuan Kui warned loudly.

But that Yuancang was frightened by the sharpness of the Devil Sword, and stunned for a thousandth of a second.

And this is one thousandth of a second, stabbing ~~~

A black knife flashed over him.

The next moment, Yuan Cang, one of the four hellbringers of the **** gate, immediately split his body along the central axis and broke into two halves.

It was actually spotted by Cheng Feng!

"Yuancang, no !!!"

A few kilometers away, the ecstasy caused Yuan Kui to see this, and gave a sorrowful growl.

But he was afraid of the sharp edge of the Devil Sword and dared not rush to avenge.

As for the human judge, his face turned blue.

As soon as he didn't pay attention, one of his generals was killed by Cheng Feng.

This made him furious, and no longer kept his hand, ready to use a killing move to start a lore against Cheng Feng.

However, the killer who did not wait for the judge to come out.

噗噗 噗 ~~~

Cheng Feng displayed the sixth step of walking, holding the magic sword in his hand, like a **** of death.

Flashed around the remaining seven seven-star killers.

Immediately, heads with astonished expressions flew up.

Seven hellgate elite killers were actually killed by Cheng Feng!

"Grasp the grass, is Cheng Feng too fierce?"

Not far away, Long Aotian saw Cheng Feng in a blink of an eye and besieged Yuanzhang, instantly killing seven seven-star killers, and immediately stopped.

It took me a while to respond, rudely, "Is this the power of the magic soldier? It's a bit scary!"

Demon soldiers are special weapons for people in the Demon Realm. Due to their special materials, they are inherently sharper than other weapons.

Before the sword was cut, because the blade was damaged, the power was limited.

The jagged eyes have just been swallowed, and the blade has been greatly nourished.

The degree of damage has been repaired to more than half.

Suddenly, the power of the magic soldiers was shown for the first time, and it was a blocker!

"Too strong, Cheng Feng is simply too strong!"

Compared with Long Aotian, that ecstasy caused Yuan Kui to be frightened and frightened.

He shivered and fled to the judge.

Because the person present may only be able to save his life!

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