Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1515: Even the top powerhouse

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Chapter 1515 Consecutively Cuts the Top Powerhouse

At this time, the green-haired young man was surging in the sea.

Think of him as the snake king who has been around the world for hundreds of years, in addition to eating a few puppets in the hands of several seventh ascendants.

Warriors in the same realm have few rivals.

Now being beaten by Cheng Feng, his breath was a bit breathless.

Suddenly Cheng Feng was speculated to be the seventh strongest person in the sky.

However, Cheng Feng didn't bother.

The slashing knife in the hand slashed down and stabbed ~~~

Wang Yangsheng, who condensed the venomous snake, cut out an open aisle directly to the snake king.

"Wang Shegong, Black Gold Dragon Snake!"

A crippling crisis struck, the snake king did not dare to neglect.

The divine power in his body was sloshing, and a huge black snake on his chest immediately leaned out his head.

This black giant snake has bright black hair and shiny scales, just like a real giant snake.

When he leaned out his head, his huge mouth opened in anger, and Dao Guang who chopped Cheng Feng actually swallowed into his mouth.

"Break me!"

However, the Devil Sword is not what it used to be.

Sharpness is rare in the world.

When Cheng Feng sighed, instilled a mighty dragon power into the knife, 噗嗤 ~~~

When the blade of light surged, the black giant snake rushed out of the king's chest was instantly splattered with blood and slashed instantly.

The black giant snake was chopped, and the king of the snake suddenly groaned. Blood was spilled from his chest, and he was obviously injured.

But at the same time, he took the opportunity to retreat ten miles, temporarily avoiding Cheng Feng's attack.

"Hide? Can you hide?"

However, Cheng Feng smiled coldly.

The sixth step of the walking step was performed, and the whole person turned into a blast, chasing the Snake King in a blink of an eye.

Then without saying a nonsense, the summoning knife decided to slam the waves.

"Wang Wangong, stop me!"

Seeing Cheng Feng chasing after him, the King of Snakes turned blue, so he had to use Wang Snake to resist again.

However, after the blade was repaired halfway, the power of the Devil Sword was too strong.

Although Cheng Feng's repair is still in place, his combat power has been greatly improved.

Casting the show to kill the waves, immediately tearing off the snake king's defense.

This time, Cheng Feng was determined to kill.

Not only did he attack with a knife, he also threw the Chiyan Robe on his body.


Chi Yanpao threw down at Cheng Feng, emitting black and white fire waves, burning overwhelmingly towards the snake king.

Under double attack, the snake king could not stop it immediately.

Wang Shegong broke down on the spot, and he was wrapped in billowing flames, burning until the snake king roared again and again.

At this time, Cheng Feng followed up to make up the knife.

laugh! The snake king was cut open by Cheng Feng directly.

Then Cheng Feng continuously used the Emperor Cangdao.

"Do not!!"

When the hob hob covered the sky, it blasted to itself.

The King of Snake's face was suddenly filled with despair, and there was no time to make an unwilling growl.

Stabbing ~~~

The whole person was cut in half by Cheng Feng.

Then Cheng Feng swept the snake king's body again with a town soul seal, a generation of murderer snake king, completely killed on the spot!

"My God, Lord Snake King was beheaded and his body split in half!"

"How is this possible? Is it an illusion?"

"Master Snake King, that is a top powerhouse who is sixth in the sky!"

"Illusion, must be illusion!"

On the battlefield, when the evil warriors saw the image of the snake king being beheaded, all of them were stunned.

Thought that his eyes had hallucinations and rubbed hard.

However, no matter how they rubbed their eyes, the snake king was in the sky and couldn't move.

And at this time, hacking ~~~

There was a sudden red flash of lightning in the sky, and then there was a roar of thunder.

Then the blood splattered with the sound of sky crying.

All of a sudden, everyone no longer has any doubts, knowing that the King of Snakes really fell!

This scene directly caused a huge blow to the evil camp.

Countless evil fighters were attacking and killing the black water palace fighters.

At this time, all had their heads covered and their shots were slowed for more than one shot.

The black water palace warriors were encouraged, seized the opportunity, and attacked the evil warriors head-on, and beat them back and forth.

Not only did it turn the situation around, it even faintly prevailed!

Not only that, in the sky.

After Feng Feng killed the Snake King, he collected his body and immediately turned his eyes to look at the second strongest and sixth strongest in the evil camp.

This strong man is a white-haired old man.

This man held a spear in his hand.

The giant black whale, the beast of the Blackwater Palace, was roaring.

However, the giant black whale is a sixth-ranked giant monster with a combat power comparable to the sixth strongest in the sky.

Although the white-haired old man is strong, he cannot be killed in a short time.

And the snake king has just fallen, which caused a huge impact on the white-haired old man.

Therefore, when Cheng Feng's eyes were fixed, the white-haired old man suddenly tightened, as if he had been stared at by an ancient beast.

A strong sense of crisis, raging waves rushing forward!

"Not good. The righteous strong man who killed the snake king followed me and wanted to shoot at me."

Suddenly, the white-haired old man gazed at alertness.

Half of the force is engulfed by the giant black whale, and the other half is ready to go.

When Feng Feng was killed, he was ready to slam his head.

Hum! The gray-haired man was just ready.

The void on his left trembled slightly, apparently someone was tearing through the void.

"I want to sneak up on my husband, I'm trying to die!"

Seeing this, the white-haired old man was very upset.

Concentrate all the power directly on the spear, 嗤 ~~~

The man and the gun were united, and stabbed away from the position where the void wave appeared.

Bang ~~

The gray-haired man is a martial arts expert.

A full-bodied shot can stab a fifth ascendant alive.

If Cheng Feng were to take a shot, he would definitely be hit hard.

However, the white-haired old man's face changed suddenly after a shot in the void.

"Not good, fooled!"

The old white-haired man thought that Cheng Feng had killed the volatility.

If you give him a head blow, you will be able to take the lead and hit it hard.

But when the spear in his hand poked at the target, he felt that it was not an extreme power at all, but an ordinary military man thrown into the void.

Suddenly, the white-haired old man knew he was fooled.

Not dare to neglect, the spear swept in his hand, to block possible threats.

But it's late!

Without waiting for his spear to sweep away.

Roar! !!

A mountain-like black whale slammed into the head.

At the same time, a black and white fire wave rolled over.

There was also a cold and bright knife light that burst into his head.

Each of these three attacks is enough to threaten the sixth strongest man in the sky.

At this time, the triple attacks were superimposed, and the power was almost scary.

So, when the triple attack all hit the white-haired old man.

嘭 ~~~

The old man with white hair broke his gun, and the whole person exploded into a mass of fly ash.

Later, his divine intention intended to escape, but the process of peaks had long been prevented by this move.

As soon as the white-haired old man's thoughts flew out of the body, he was hit with a strong soul mark.

Suddenly the thoughts are broken, and the soul is flying!

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