Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1516: Front collapse

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Chapter 1516 The Battlefront Collapses


The thunder in the sky blew, and red lightnings added.

The pouring snow fell from the sky, and the stern sky cries lingered in my ears.

When seeing this fascinating vision of the heavens and the earth, all the evil fighters present were cold.

I felt my inner pillar collapsed, and my sense of despair rose.

The will to fight fell sharply, and morale was extremely low.

"Escape, speed escape!"

In these situations, I didn't know that the evil warrior snorted.


The entire front ran down immediately.

All the evil warriors lost their hearts, left their opponents, and fled desperately.

Even the masters who board the heavens are no exception.

Obviously, it was frightened by Cheng Feng's intimidation by the two gods who ascended the sixth strongest man to the sky, knowing that he would continue to die with Heishuigong, and he would die.

However, even if they ran away, they were equally dead.

"Since it's here, leave it all to me!"

In the sky, after killing the white-haired old man, Cheng Feng picked up the broken spear.

Then he glanced at the wicked warrior running away, whispering coldly in his mouth.

Then he untied the Chiyan robe and waited for a violent blow.

Chiyanpao rose to the wind and turned into a black and white sky covering the sky.

Waiting to cover the fleeing evil martial arts soldiers, immediately sprayed a wave of black and white fire, and burned them one by one.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also locked the fleeing evil faction to the master of the heavens and carried out precise killing.

There are also giant black whales, Long Aotian, Pei Feng ... and all Blackwater Palace warriors.

The morale of all of them rose, and they started hunting down the evil warriors.

In this case, about ten minutes later.

All the evil warriors who came to be killed were killed by Cheng Feng and none escaped!

"Hahaha ~~~"

After solving all the evil warriors, Pei Feng laughed heartily: "Happy, really happy."

"Today's battle is simply too cool, too resentful!"

With Pei Feng's words, echoes echoed everywhere.

Since the start of the battle for righteousness, the righteous camp has been passively beaten.

In particular, after the birth of the eight powerful imitations of the Blood Gods, the final decisive battle was launched, and the Zhengdao camp was in an absolute disadvantage.

If it wasn't for the Qianlong Academy and the Royalized Royal Family, the entire Royalized Dynasty would have been occupied by the Blood Gods.

However, the appearance of Cheng Feng has reversed this situation, often creating miracles.

This time, the evil warrior who besieged the Blackwater Palace siege also made the Blackwater Palace warrior taste the defeat of the evil warrior for the first time!

All the people present were curious about Cheng Feng's sudden reinforcement.

Want to know where Cheng Feng is sacred.

However, in order not to cause trouble, Cheng Feng did not show up and remained in a stealth state.

Pei Feng also knew that Cheng Feng was not a showy person, so he didn't say anything.

With a big swing, he ordered the deputy chief of the Heishui Palace to organize the people to clean up the mess and clean up the battlefield.

As for himself, he invited Cheng Feng and Long Aotian to go to the Black Whale Hall to rest.


"Brother Cheng, this time I can make a siege to Heishui Palace, but thanks to you!"

A moment later, inside the Black Whale Hall.

A table of banquets has been set up, and dozens of altars are even better.

Pei Feng grabbed an altar of wine and gave Cheng Feng a stroke: "Brother, brother, I don't say much, I respect you first."

After speaking, Pei Feng picked up the wine jar and drank directly.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng had nothing to say, but also killed the wine in one breath.

"Brother, I'm very happy today."

Pei Feng set aside the dried wine jar and grabbed it again, saying, "Since my brother and I became the master of the Black Water Palace, I have been thinking too much about things and are afraid of doing things. , But it's cool. "

"So, I respect you again, brother."

"Brother, you can toast me and drink, but is your body OK?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "The injury on your body is not complete yet."

"This injury is nothing."

Pei Feng waved his hand: "Even if you don't bother, you can grow up for up to three or five days."

"Drinking things or whatever has no effect at all."

"Really? That's good."

Cheng Feng put his heart down and said immediately: "But when it comes to toasting, in fact I should respect you brother."

"If it wasn't for two days ago, you helped me stop the sword attack of Ye Di, I would have died!"

"So, I respect my brother, altar, no, ten altars!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng raised an altar wine and drank directly.

Then the second altar drank in one breath.

Then the third, fourth ... tenth!

Because he did not use the dragon force to force out the wine, Cheng Feng's face was reddish after Shitan had wine.

However, my heart was refreshing and clear, I couldn't help but grab the eleventh altar wine and drank again.

"Brother, I was extremely scared when you were stabbed by a night owl."

Cheng Feng grabbed the empty wine jar and exhaled: "I'm afraid that you will encounter misfortune, but fortunately, everything is moving towards the good side."

"This time I caught up with Ye Di and captured him alive."

"Just leave it to your brother to dispose of it, how to do it, you tell me, I promise he will pay the price!"

Said, Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and grabbed the night owl inside it.

The night owl is a middle-aged person, with mediocre looks and mediocre clothes ... the whole body exudes the breath of ordinary people.

Throw it into the crowd and no one will look at it more.

Shows the night owl, superb lurking means.

At this moment, the night owl's eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was smooth, and he seemed to be stunned.

"This person is a night owl?"

Seeing Ye Yan, Pei Feng raised a brow.

"Yes, he's a night owl."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But I guess, this face should not be the true face of the night owl."

"Well, very likely."

Pei Feng agreed: "The killer is very focused on hiding himself, especially the top killer such as Ye Di."

"Brother, what do you want to do with this person?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Actually, there was no deep hatred between Ye Ye and me."

Pei Feng groaned a little, and said, "Although I was almost assassinated by Ye Ye this time, I almost died, but mainly to save you."

"So it's better for you to decide what to do with the night owl!"

Pei Feng is true.

Taking a closer look, Ye Ye did not have any resentment against Pei Feng.

On the contrary, Cheng Feng is the goal of Ye Ye, and it is the most appropriate to give Ye Feng the right to dispose of Ye Ye.

"Thank you bro."

Hearing that, Cheng Feng gave Fei Feng a fist of salute: "This night I killed countless people, and my sin should be dead."

"Since you let me take care of myself, I'll let him 'comfort' to die!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng urged ten dragons, ready to start.

But at this moment, 咻 ~~~

The night owl, who was in a state of fainting, suddenly burst out and fled outside the Black Whale Hall!

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