Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1522: Heaven and Earth Seven Kills

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Chapter 1572: Seven Kills In Heaven And Earth

"Ahem ~~"

Pei Feng coughed and laughed, "In fact, I think Long Aotian is right, you still practice."

"As for drinking, which is a waste of life, don't participate!"

"..." At this moment, Cheng Feng was completely speechless.

I didn't expect that I had a sip of wine just now, and actually let Pei Feng and Long Aotian quarrel with their enemies and squeeze themselves together.

"Brother Pei, you can't do that."

Cheng Feng smiled bitterly: "Actually, the reason why I want to take another sip of Jiuyu Qiongfang is also to cultivate."

"Oh? Since when did Jiuyu Qiongfang still help people cultivate?"

Pei Feng was curious: "How come I don't know about this?"

"Brother Pei, just now."

Cheng Feng said: "I just took a sip of Jiuyu Qiongfang, my thoughts were quickly enlarged, and I actually had a new guess about the Seven Killing Stone Stele."

"If you can take a few more sips, you can definitely break the camouflage of the Seven Killing Stone Stele and get the true inheritance of the Seven Killing Demon King!"

"Seven Kill Stones, the legacy of the Seven Kill Devil?"

Hearing that, Pei Feng frowned.

Pei Feng didn't know much about the Seven Kill Stones.

So Cheng Feng said briefly about the Seven Killing Stones.

After listening, Pei Feng said, "As far as I know, many weird people usually make a cover on their inheritance."

"Since you use all kinds of means, you can't find the technique of seven kills hidden in the stone of seven kills, it means that the seven kills devil may also use this hidden method.

"Only by removing the bunker can the heritage be revealed."

"Well, I think so too."

Cheng Feng agrees: "The key now is how do I break the bunker on the Seven Kills Stele?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe we should work from the preference of the Seven Killing Devil."

"The preference of the Seven Killing Devil?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Brother Pei, you are very knowledgeable. Did you know what the Seven Killing Devil likes?"

"I heard that the Seven Killing Demon Kings are good to kill, and the second is good wine!"

Pei Feng said: "Or you try from these two aspects."

"Kill and drink?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "How should I try this? Or drop some Jiuyu Qiongfang on the Seven Kill Stone?"

"Looking at the Seven Kill Stones, will they react?"

"Drop Jiuyu Qiongfang on the Seven Kill Stone? It's too wasteful!"

Long Aotian interjected and came in: "Or let's try with ordinary wine first, it works best, if it doesn't work, try Jiuyu Qiongfang!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

However, considering the taste of Jiuyu Qiongfang, Cheng Feng did not refute.

After all, using wine to eliminate the bunker on the Seven Killing Stone Stele is just a guess.

OK, I don't know.

With the decision, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

When he saw a rush, he took out the Seven Kill Stone Stele, and then took out an altar to burn a knife.

He patted the wine lid and poured it directly on the Seven Kill Stone.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The Seven Kills Stele is smooth and hard, and the wine drops drip on it, and will normally slide off the stone body.

But at this moment, the burning knife poured on it, but there was a snoring noise.

Then all the liquor was infiltrated into the stele and absorbed by the stele.

"Huh? It seems to work?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up.

Immediately, all the burning knives contained in the Soul Ring were taken out directly.

Photographed off the wine cover, falling down on the Seven Kill Stone.

For a moment, the fragrance of the wine fluttered, causing Long Aotian and Pei Feng to twitch their cheeks, which was quite painful.

A few minutes later, all the burning knives in Cheng Feng's soul ring were poured on the Stone of Seven Kills.

The seven killing stele photos were all connected, all inhaled into the stele.

But there was no other response.

"Huh? No?"

Cheng Feng's face was closed, and he frowned, "Isn't the wine bad?"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng changed another type of wine and poured it on the Seven Kill Stone.

However, there is still no change, which makes Cheng Feng frown.

"Otherwise, try Jiuyu Qiongfang?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's mood was a bit low, Long Aotian endured the pain in his body. In a thumb-sized glass, he poured a small glass of Jiuyu Qiongfang.

Then dropped to the Seven Killing Stone Monument, hum ~~~

At the beginning, Cheng Feng did not report much hope.

But when the liquor in the wine glass was dripped on the Seven Killing Stone Stele, the hard stone was actually corroded by a drop of liquor to make a big hole.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

As for Long Aotian, it was a little painful in joy.

However, the action on the hand did not stop, evenly dropping Jiuyu Qiongfang in the wine glass on the entire stone tablet.

Under this condition, the three-meter-thousand-seven-seven-stolen stone monument was instantly damaged by the liquor.

After Cheng Feng stepped forward and tapped a fist gently, the stone skin immediately fell off, revealing a book made of unknown metal.

On the front page of the book, the four big characters, "Seven Kills in the Heaven and the Earth," are drawn with silver hooks, and they are dazzling.

Cheng Feng only glanced, and his eyes were stinging.

It was very uncomfortable as if cut by a sword.

But Cheng Feng's face showed a bright smile.

"Brother Pei, your method really works."

Cheng Feng Xi said: "It seems that when the Seven Kills Devil is alive, I am afraid that he is an alcoholic!"

"You have a hundred-year-old wine in this altar, it's really worthless!"

"Cheng Feng, this pot of Jiuyu Qiongfang, but Ben Shao spent a night grinding, only to get it from the old man Pei."

Long Aotian yelled: "You can thank today for being able to have today."

"Okay, when I get a good drink in the future, I'll leave you an altar to thank you."

Cheng Feng obtained the technique of seven kills and was in a good mood, chuckling.

"Actually don't wait, you can thank me now."

Long Aotian glanced at Cheng Feng, he smiled.

"Thank you now? How do you thank?"

"It's very simple. You just need to take your share of Jiuyu Qiongfang and let me drink it for you."

"Let you drink my share of Jiuyu Qiongfang?"

After hearing the words, the joy on Cheng Feng's face was condensed, and his face was dark: "Long Aotian, do you want such a shameless idea?"

"Is it shameless? Ben Shao didn't feel it."

Long Aotian said with a grin: "On the contrary, this idea can really show your gratitude!"

"Go!" However, Cheng Feng only paid a word to Long Aotian.

Then he picked up the Seven Killing Books of Heaven and Earth, and while flipping through them, he took out a thumb-sized wine glass, and shared the nine jade Qiongfang with the three of them.

Don't leave until you have finished drinking the gourd wine.

"Cheng Feng, has the book in your hands been effective?"

Drinking wine, Long Aotian's eyes swept Cheng Feng, and asked, "Is the martial art recorded on it as strong as rumored?"

The so-called Seven Kills in the Heaven and Earth is the technique of Seven Kills, and it is also the core martial art of Seven Kills.

Hundreds of years ago, it was precisely because of this martial art that the Seven Killing Demon Kings were able to win the world!

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