Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1523: Shadow Kill

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Chapter 1523 Shadow Kill

"The Seven Kills is indeed well-deserved."

Cheng Feng swallowed a bite of wine in his mouth, his eyes flashed: "I feel that if I can train it, the seventh-best peerless power in the sky can successfully assassinate!"

"Oh? So powerful?" Long Aotian frowned.

"Maybe you are better than you think."

Cheng Feng said: "Unfortunately, at present, I can only practice the first kill."

"The next six kills are still blocked."

"It's estimated that I won't unblock it until I become the first killer."

"Can only practice the first kill? This is a bit shabby."

Long Aotian frowned: "You have been practicing before, you may not know what is going on outside."

"There are a lot of top killers now, and the roll call will take your life."

"Not only are there the top ten killers in the list, but also the older famous killers."

"A killer named to kill me? Is it because I killed the night owl?"

Cheng Feng continued to look at the Seven Kills of Heaven and Earth and did not take it to heart.

"Some people are because of night owl."

At this time, Pei Feng interrupted: "But most people still pay high rewards for the blood gods."

"In addition, the Hell Gate also moves frequently. It is rumored that among the three judges, the strongest heaven judge is awakened by the death of Yan Jun."

"Nine times, it's for you!"

"Heavenly judge? How strong is this person?"

Regarding the three Judges in Hellgate, although Cheng Feng has played with two of them, he is not very familiar with them.

It is only known that the three judges have a high status in Hell's Gate, ranking third.

In addition to the Lord of Hell and the two great Yan Jun, there are three judges.

"The Supreme Master's deity is rumored to be brewing, and it is a half-step supernatural existence."

Pei Feng said: "The avatar on the continent has reached the seventh weight."

"One-handed killing is a god, and once successfully assassinated a peerless power in the same realm, it is very scary!"

"Heavenly assassin killed a peerless seventh strongman?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "So, this heaven judge has to guard against it."

At this point, Cheng Feng extended the wine glass in his hand.

"Long Aotian, fill me up."

Cheng Feng said: "I finished this glass, and you slowly drink the rest of the wine with Brother Pei."

Originally seeing Cheng Feng asking for wine, Long Aotian was very reluctant.

But when hearing the second half of Cheng Feng's words, he immediately smiled and filled Cheng Feng's glass.

Cheng Feng said that he would stand up after taking a sip of wine from the glass.

"Brother Pei, you and Long Aotian continue to drink."

Cheng Feng said: "I have some inspiration at this moment. Going to practice one or two first, there may be some gains."

"Well, go." Pei Feng nodded.

Compared with appetite, the most important thing is to promote cultivation.

Cheng Feng didn't delay. After greeting, he immediately went to the side hall.

"Seven kills, a total of seven kills."

In the side hall, Cheng Feng contemplates contemplatively: "The first kill is called shadow kill. Once practiced, you can turn a person into a shadow.

The technique of seven kills is an assassination martial art.

Mainly to let people kill the target in silence and retreat successfully.

His first kill, Shadow Kill, has translated the word assassination into a state of ascension.

Because everyone has a shadow, if the assassin turns into the shadow of the target, no one can find it, it is simply a killing method specially created for the assassination!

"Shadow Kill, the key to its cultivation is invisibility."

Cheng Feng whispered: "That is how to condense oneself into a shadow."

"It may be very difficult for others, but it is very simple for me.

The "shadow" of the shadow kill is similar to the "shadow" of the shadow method, which can be used for reference.

Cheng Feng has already cultivated the shadow puppet method to the highest level, and the know-how is clear.

Under this circumstance, Cheng Feng's practice of shadow killing of the Seven Kills is naturally easier.

"I'll first scrutinize the practice of shadow killing."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Wait until it's thoroughly understood, and then practice with the shadow puppet method."

Thinking of it, Cheng Feng opened the world and the Seven Kills and read it word by word.

Time passed, when the night gradually fell.

In the side hall, Cheng Feng closed the secrets of the Seven Killings of Heaven and Earth, revealing a touch of enlightenment in his eyes.

Then he said nothing and started practicing.

There is indeed a lot in common between shadow kills and shadow tricks.

When Cheng Feng combined the know-how of shadow casting to practice shadow killing, the effect was immediately shown.

It didn't take long for Cheng Feng's body to fade gradually.

In the end, it was like a bubble, it broke apart and disappeared!

However, if you look closely, you will find that Cheng Feng does not disappear, but is hidden in the shadow under the side window.

That shadow is Cheng Feng, and Cheng Feng is shadow!

"Shadow Kill, I seem to be getting started."

Cheng Feng's voice sounded from the shadows: "The next thing I need to do is to continue to be proficient and strive to be completely transformed into a shadow."

"No matter how clever the pupil of the pupil or the keen nose is, you will not notice any abnormality."

Real shadows are invisible and traceless.

Although Cheng Feng can now be integrated into the shadows, he is still far from the real trace.

Pupil masters carefully observe, we can see some clues.

But the problem is not big, as long as Cheng Feng practice a lot, these flaws will be eliminated one by one.


Time flies, and the night has completely darkened.

There are stars and stars in the sky, and a round of the moon hangs high, faint moonlight.

Under the light of the moonlight, Heishui Palace projected the shadows of the loft halls.

Suddenly, the shadow formed by the Black Whale Temple shook slightly.

A fuzzy figure flashed, and it was a kilometer away from the Black Whale Hall, under the shadow of an ancient tree.

It is completely integrated with the shadow of the ancient tree, and it is completely integrated.

Even if the pupils of the pupils observe carefully, they can't see any clues.

"Entry-level top."

Under the ancient tree, a voice sounded: "I am now reaching the entry-level top of Shadow Kill, one step away from Xiaocheng."

"When you practice for a while, you will reach Xiaocheng."

"At that time, there will be no fluctuations while moving to truly kill the invisible."

The Shadow Method is divided into three small realms, entry-level, small, and large.

Cheng Feng is still an entry level, so when he went from the Black Whale Hall to the ancient tree just now, the shadow of the Black Whale Hall fluctuated slightly.

If there is a pupil tracking by pupil, maybe you will notice it.

"Continue to practice and strive to train Shadow Kill to Xiaocheng as soon as possible."

Under the ancient tree, Cheng Feng whispered.

Then the shadow of the ancient tree swayed slightly.

Cheng Feng was silent and arrived under the shadow of another ancient tree.

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