Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1534: Shocking plan

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Chapter 154th Shocking Plan

Hua Tianxiong, the main city of Tianshui City, is a sixth-ranked top powerhouse.

Its appeal is very strong, and formed a city guard, all of them masters.

When he led the city guard, and a large number of righteous warriors were killed, he suddenly caught the evil warriors off guard.

The evil faction warriors had just been slaughtered by Cheng Feng. At this moment, they were in panic, and their combat effectiveness was sharply reduced.

In this case, being attacked and killed by Hua Tianxiong and others was a one-sided massacre.

Without insisting for a minute, all the evil warriors began to flee.

When the sky was bright, the evil factions in Tianshui City were destroyed.

Except for a small part of the escape, everyone else was killed, which is a great victory!

When the news spread, the entire righteous camp was greatly encouraged and morale increased.

As for the evil faction, it was hit hard.

Many of the evil masters and killers who came to Tianshui City with fiery enthusiasm were even struck by lightning.

Stopping one by one, looking at Tianshui City, the heart was twitching.

Fortunately, my speed is slow, so I have avoided a disaster!

However, some real killer elites are becoming more and more interested. Not only do they keep pace, they are a little faster.

Want to teach the first genius of this righteous camp, is it as god-like as rumored.

At the same time, the evil faction's peerless powerhouse began to rush to Tianshui City to kill Cheng Feng.

Even killing the temple, killing the Hou and killing the emperor, Hell Gate, and the Judge of the Heaven, all sneaked into Tianshui City.

For a moment, Tianshui City seemed calm and calm, but it was murderous.

It ’s more dangerous than before!

But for all this, Cheng Feng didn't notice it.

He emerged from the basement of the casino and flew directly to the top of a loft.

Sit cross-legged, while adjusting the state, while sensing the stars in the sky, light up the star icon in the body.

After the day was bright, Cheng Feng opened his eyes.

Consumption from the battle just now has been restored, and it has become fierce.

As for the stars in the body, there are more than forty stars, which is double the number before.

At this time, Cheng Feng displayed the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu again, and his power was at least five or six times stronger than that of the fourth style.

"Light up the stars in your body, the more the number, the harder it is."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Although Emperor Cang's swords have ten thousand stars, they can theoretically communicate ten thousand stars, but no one can do so far."

"Even the Emperor Cang, the founder of Emperor Cang Sword Art, seems to only light up more than a thousand stars."

"My current goal is to light up a thousand stars in my body."

"At that time, it will be cut out, and the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky will be cut alive!"

It's not easy to light up a thousand stars in the body.

Cheng Feng wants to do this, it takes a lot of time to communicate with the stars.

At the same time, the spirit must continue to grow, because the spirit is not strong enough, can not sense the stars too far away.

There are no more stars in the sky!

"It's early morning, and the sun hasn't risen long, and the sun is not too bright."

Cheng Feng glanced up at the sky and groaned, "I will continue to communicate the stars in the sky and light the stars in my body."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's eyes were slightly closed, and the spirit radiated, and he fell into cultivation again.

And this practice takes a few hours.

When the sun was about to rise to mid-air, Cheng Feng opened his eyes.

The starlight in the body has reached fifty-eight.

Sixteen more than in the morning!

"I'm communicating with the stars much slower than before."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Presumably after I communicate a hundred stars, the speed will fall into a trough."

"Maybe it's time to look for a way to strengthen the soul and practice, not only can I light up more stars."

"At the same time, it will also allow me to increase my success rate when I cross the sky."

Just thinking, the Tianyan bracelet suddenly began to tremble.

Cheng Feng picked up the bracelet and looked at it, and the ghost of Tian Zhao's life appeared.

"Cheng Feng, you leave Tianshui City at speed."

Tianzhao's order came straight to the point: "Now Tianshui City is extremely dangerous, and there are a lot of top killers, all of which are directed at you."

"Once you find your tracks, the consequences are unimaginable."

"Top killer?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "Senior Zhao, wasn't the evil faction in Tianshui City just plowed by me again? How come a lot of killers?"

"These killers were heard before when you were in Tianshui City. They came here on purpose, which is far from trivial, far from those who were before."

Ai Zhao said: "There are many new killers in the killer world, as well as famous old killers."

"Even the gates of Hell and the peerless killer who killed the temple seemed to sneak into the city."

"Oh, right?"

However, Cheng Feng's face was bland: "Not long ago, I just killed the top ten killer star killers in the killer world. Since there are so-called killers sent to my door to kill me, I don't mind helping him.

"As for the gate of Hell and the Temple of Killing, it is said to be the strongest killer organization in the killer world, and it can just be taught one or two."

"Cheng Feng, this is not the time to fail."

The chief of Tianzhao said solemnly: "At this time, Tianshui City was murderous, not only the killer, but also the blood gods."

"Someone is planning to evacuate the peerless powerhouse on the battlefield and is coming to Tianshui City."

"A bad one might lose your life!"

"Senior senior, I suddenly had an idea."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng groaned for a moment and said: "The evil faction has launched a big move and dispatched a large number of experts to kill me. Maybe it is also an opportunity for our righteous camp."

"Our chance?" Tianzhao boss frowned.

"Senior Zhao, this war of righteousness and evil has begun for nearly a year since last year, countless deaths and injuries, and mountains and rivers collapse."

Cheng Feng said, "We have the intention to end this disaster, but we have no chance."

"Now, the blood gods have sent a large number of experts to kill me, and it will definitely weaken the front line of the battlefield."

"At this time, if we were to gather all our forces in the right path and suddenly launch a counterattack, we might be able to defeat the evil faction in one fell swoop."

"Let this plague of blood gods last for almost a year and come to an end!"

"While the blood gods besieged you, suddenly launched a counterattack?"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Tian Zhao Da Shi shook his body.

After a long silence, he said, "Is this plan feasible?"

"You know, there are eight powerful imitations of the Blood Gods. Although one is trapped by you, there are still seven."

"It works."

Cheng Feng affirmed: "As long as we work together and that plan of Tiangong Division is enough to turn things around and lock the victory.

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