Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1535: Impostor

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Chapter 135: Impersonation

"Tiangong Division?"

Tianzhao Da Ming's eyebrows raised a brow: "Cheng Feng, Tian Gongsi's super killing weapon plan is still the most critical component."

"Although His Majesty the Emperor has found the part, it will take at least three days to send it to the earth dome."

"And after that part arrives, it takes time to assemble and test, the slowest is half a day."

"That's three and a half days!"

"You can't handle it for such a long time."

"Amaterasu, that's not necessarily the case."

However, Cheng Feng said, "It's only three and a half days, I'm confident to carry it."

"Still no, it's too risky."

Tian Zhao Dai Shi Ming shook his head: "In case of failure, we may be in the hands of the blood gods as the feather gods."

"Especially you will even lose your life, and His Majesty the Emperor will never agree."

"Tenzhao seniors, although it is safest to launch a counterattack after Tiangong's super killing weapon plan is successful."

Cheng Feng said: "By then, the blood gods may have found a way to resist the super killing weapon."

"The battle of righteousness and evil will fall into the stalemate again. It is only the world that suffers."

"Furthermore, I have the absolute certainty that I can withstand the siege of the Blood Gods and drag a large number of evil strong men."

"I hope you will pass on my suggestion to His Majesty the Emperor, and ask him to make a decision!"

"This ... okay!"

The Aura of Zhaozhao groaned for a long time before finally saying, "I will honor your proposal with His Majesty."

"Every decision is made by Your Majesty's Sanctuary!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your Majesty's news."

Cheng Feng nodded and put away the Tianyan bracelet.

As soon as the conversation with Tian Zhao Da Ming Ming ended, Nalan's longevity voice sounded.

"Cheng Feng, your plan is too risky."

"It's just a fight for your life, it's just silly!"

"Uncle Naland, I'm not stupid."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng laughed: "I just don't want to see people in the world being trampled on randomly and struggling to survive."

"This battle of righteousness and evil lasted for almost a year, killing at least billions and even more people."

"If it can end sooner, it's worth the risk."

"Cheng Feng, you are not taking a 'little' risk."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This risk, you can completely avoid it."

"Uncle Naland, I said before that there are some things that somebody needs to do after all!"

Cheng Feng laughed: "Again, I'm not at all prepared."

"Not long ago, Mr. Shu wrote to me that the college's" Qianlong Project "had come to an end."

"Even if the Tiangong Division's super killing weapon plan is changed, there is a Qianlong plan to stand up, and it can also defeat the evil faction."

"And Qianlong plans to be successful, it only takes one to two days."

"Plan for Qianlong?"

Nalan whispered: "Since Qianlong Academy is also involved, it's a try."

"But you can't be careless about it."

"Keep practicing, you will be safer with more strength!"

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then, while warming the dragon to repair, try to figure out the shadow kill.

To deal with the killer, the technique of seven kills is undoubtedly the most effective.

The shadow killing of the Seven Kills, Cheng Feng practiced to Xiao Cheng.

If you can practice Dacheng, go to the **** gate judge, or kill the temple and the queen and the emperor, you can also be fearless.

Time passed and it was afternoon.

After a day's accumulation, the number of evil masters, killers, and murderers in Tianshui City reached a scary level, far exceeding yesterday.

This directly led to a huge imbalance between the strengths of the right and wrong sides in Tianshui City.

From the time when the Zhengdao camp was in charge of the whole city, it turned into an evil warrior running across the street.

There were even evil masters who directly hit the city main government.

If it wasn't for Tianshui City's main boss, Hua Tianxiong, he was domineering, and there were other upright martial artists coming to support.

I am afraid that there will be an incident in which Tianshui City's righteous forces are terminated.

However, just when the evil faction was so strong and exuberant.

An evil warrior who jumped to his heart's content was suddenly beheaded and killed in the downtown area of ​​Tianshui City.

And after the killer killed the man, he left a line of eye-catching blood.

——— The killer, Cheng Feng!

When this happened, the whole city was a sensation.

All the righteous warriors suppressed by the evil faction cheered loudly.

As for the evil warriors and killers, they were all moving.

Qi Qi appeared at the death scene, intending to find clues and follow Ge Feng Cheng Feng!

Not only that, the three top ten killers who came to the killer world in Tianshui City declared war on Cheng Feng.

Want to let Cheng Feng taste the power of a real killer!

It seemed that Cheng Feng's response was shortly after the three star killers declared war.

In the north of Tianshui City, south of the city, east of the city ... three consecutive killings have occurred.

The people killed were all evil fighters and killers who jumped happily before.

It was like a red fruit hitting his face, making the evil warriors and killers in the whole Tianshui City look dull.

It made the three killer circles kill the stars, and they were all dispatched to prepare Cheng Feng to look good.

At this time, the east of Tianshui City, the top floor of the casino.

Cheng Feng was awakened from the cultivation by the shaking of the Tianyan bracelet.

Cheng Feng glanced down and found that the figure of Tianzhao Daiming appeared on the bracelet.

So he asked, "Senior Zhao, has His Majesty God made a decision?"

"Well, there is."

"Oh, what does Your Majesty mean?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Your Majesty reluctantly agreed with your proposal."

The chief of Tianzhao commanded: "However, your Majesty specifically told you that you must pay attention to your safety and not make a slight mistake."

"Please rest assured."

Cheng Feng said: "I will not joke about my life, I will definitely complete the task alive."

"That's good."

Tian Zhao boss nodded, and then asked, "Yes, Cheng Feng, have you started to act?"

"Getting started so early can be very stressful!"

"What action?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng stunned: "Since the last wave of evil warriors have been solved, I have been staying here to practice without leaving a step."

"What? Haven't left a step?"

Tianzhao's life was a little dizzy: "If it wasn't you, who is the guy who killed people in Tianshui City and stirred the whole city around?"

"Senior Zhao, what is the matter?" Cheng Feng asked.

The chief of Tianzhao told Cheng Feng about a dozen recent killings in Tianshui City.

"It seems that in Tianshui City, someone is killing under the guise of my name."

After listening to Cheng Feng, his face was a bit ugly: "I don't know if this person is evil, what does it mean?"

"Maybe the right way."

Atsuta Daisui speculates: "In order to reduce your pressure and interfere with the vision of the evil faction, he killed in the name of you."

"Not necessarily."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "This may be a trap set by the evil faction, deliberately tempting me to hook."

"After I show up, I will be able to completely kill!"

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