Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1559: Undercurrent

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Chapter 1559 Undercurrent Surging

At this time, Cheng Feng, ten dragons in the body all reached 129,600 meters.

Much more powerful than the hundred peak warriors in the Broken Realm.

When the dragon power in his body spurted out, he hurled open to the Quartet.

The void solidified instantly, and the air became extremely viscous, as if it had become a liquid.

A few meters away, the ‘Wang Yuyan’ was originally planning to withdraw and fly back.

But as Long Li fell from the sky, 嘭 ~~~

If the entire person was struck by lightning, his legs were bent sharply, and he knelt in front of Cheng Feng's eyes involuntarily.

If Cheng Feng had received a little force, I'm afraid he would lie on the ground with his limbs.

"Don't play tricks."

Cheng Feng glanced at the appalling ‘Wang Yuyan’ and said faintly, “Because in my hand, you ca n’t play any tricks.”

"The only way out is to be honest about everything and save the pain before death!"

"Cheng Feng, you must not die."

At this moment, 'Wang Yuyan' knew that he was exposed.

So no longer continue to pretend, tearing his face and yelling.

"My time is limited and I have no time to talk nonsense to you."

Regarding the yelling of 'Wang Yuyan', Cheng Feng turned a blind eye and said coldly: "I will give you half a minute. If you do not speak within half a minute, I will capture you alive."

"I'll torture you in the future whether you tell me or not."

"Perhaps you are a well-trained killer, and it is commonplace to torture."

"But believe me, I will definitely let you taste the most painful torture in this world."

"None of the top killers in Hell's Gate had taken it. I hope you don't make mistakes."

After hearing Cheng Feng's remarks, ‘Wang Yuyan’ shivered.

There was a struggle in his eyes, and he finally sighed, "I confess, I am indeed not Wang Yuyan."


However, as Wang Yuyan surrendered, she was ready to say everything.

A sharp force suddenly surged from the ground.

To kill Wang Yuyan with her knees on the ground.

"Bold, dare to kill under my eyelids?"

After Cheng Feng's improvement, the induction force also improved a lot.

The moment that sharp force emerged, Cheng Feng stepped out suddenly, 嘭 ~~~

With the soles of the feet landing, a force of force emerged out of nowhere, and the giant waves rolled towards ‘Wang Yuyan’.

When this force arrived in front of 'Wang Yuyan', it just happened to meet that sharp force.

boom! Disperse the sharp power immediately!

Not only that, the force also chased the sharp force into the ground and hit the master of the sharp force.

But the person who played the sharp force reacted quickly and decisively.

After hitting with a single blow, before turning into effect, he turned and flew back.

Even so, however, he was struck by Cheng Feng's pedaling force, making a humming sound, and then disappeared!

"It seems that the dormant evil forces in Tianshui City have already begun to jump!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

In Tianshui City, there are also many evil warriors and killers.

When Cheng Feng beheaded and killed 20 evil factions ascending the heavenly powerhouse before, all of them were scared and could not hide.

Now the second elder of the Blood Gods Church waited for several peerless strong men to kill him, thinking that Cheng Feng would not be able to do it, and immediately jumped out to do something.

"The situation is no longer stable."

"That being the case, let's finish it."

Cheng Feng swept outside of Tianshui City, and found that the second elder of the blood gods outside the city, the sacred elephant, and the four blood beasts were all attacking the heavy water curtain that protected the city.

Let the heavy curtain of water shake and tremble.

As for the city, dormant evil warriors flew out, causing various scourges.

Then Cheng Feng's eyes were cold, he took out the void pot, reached out and grabbed ‘Wang Yuyan’, sealed his eight acupoints instantly, and threw it into the pot.

After doing this, Cheng Feng put away the Void Pot and stared horribly at the evil warrior in the city.

"There is still some time, so I will start with you!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng displayed the sixth step of walking, 咻 ~~~

The whole person turned into a humanoid lightning and flew towards Tianshui City.

After Xiu was promoted, Cheng Feng's speed also improved a lot.

When he let go of his hands and feet, he flew faster than his arrows burst.

In the blink of an eye, I flew in a large circle in the Xicheng District of Tianshui City, never knowing how many evil warriors wiped his side.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of blood flew from the necks of those warriors.

Immediately, a corpse was dropped from everywhere in Xicheng District just like dumplings!

"No, Cheng Feng's killing demon has begun to kill again."

"Escape, hurry out of town."

"Out of Tianshui City, Cheng Feng never dreamed of hurting us again!"

Cheng Feng opened the killing ring, which made countless evil fighters in the city feel cold.

As he hissed, they fled outside the city.

But wait for them to escape too far, oh ~~~

A breeze passed over them.

The next moment, a large number of corpses fell from the sky, only to frighten many people.

As for outside the city, the second elder of the Blood Gods and the others became more angry.

The power to attack the water curtain became more violent, making the water curtain wave flicker and flicker.

Not only that, at the gate on the north side of Tianshui City.

laugh! A sword light came out.

This sword light is very strong, hitting the blue light curtain at the gate of the city.

Actually, a long and narrow opening appeared in the light curtain, and it almost completely penetrated.

Obviously, another seventh peerless powerhouse arrived, making the situation even more critical.

"Another peerless powerhouse?"

In the life of the harvest cult warrior, Cheng Feng saw this scene, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In this way, there have been four peerless powerhouses."

"Perhaps, we can leave Tianshui City!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng flew past the side of another group of evil warriors.

When they arrived at Tiandu Square, they dumped corpse dumplings again.

"Cheng Feng, there are already four great evil men from outside the city. What are your plans at this time?"

Over Sky Plaza, Long Aotian asked after meeting Cheng Feng.

"I'm going to leave Tianshui City now and rush to Tianchen, which is 1,800 miles away."

Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "If there is an accident after I leave, please help me take care of my family!"

"Say blindly, you will definitely come back alive."

Long Aotian pretended to be relaxed and said, "Don't forget, you still owe me 10,000 altars of fine wine."

"Where's the ten thousand altars?"

Cheng Feng's face went dark: "Don't you say that Sanqian Tan is good? You guy has a random increase in price!"

"Three thousand altars is the principal."

Long Aotian laughed and said, "If you don't come out of the scars of the sky soon, it will become ten thousand altars."

"Fuck, even if I'm not blackmailed by you guy, I will come out of the sky as soon as possible."

"Haha ~~"

Long Aotian laughed: "I'm waiting, don't make a deal with you!"

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