Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1560: Terror kill

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Chapter 1560 Terror Intercept

After making an appointment with Long Aotian, Cheng Feng's eyes swept the city's main house, and Yaoyao greeted Hua Tianxiong, Jiang Tao, and others.

Immediately without any delay, the shadows were displayed in thousands of miles.

Hum! The whole person melted into the void and suddenly disappeared.

"No, Cheng Feng is gone!"

Outside Tianshui City, the savage elephant rides a giant elephant like a mountain and is hitting Tianshui City.

Suddenly, his gaze swept the city, only to find that Cheng Feng had disappeared.

This made him startled and couldn't help crying.

"Cheng Feng should have used some teleport martial arts and flew away from Tianshui City."

"There is still a slight space fluctuation in the void, and it must not have gone far!"

The second elder of the Blood Gods paid much more attention to Cheng Feng than the Lord Elephant.

His eyes almost never left the process peak. As soon as Cheng Feng disappeared, he was immediately noticed.

Divine thoughts flooded the heavens and the earth, searching for the trace of Cheng Feng.

However, someone moved faster than him.

I saw the northern part of Tianshui City, a glimmer of sword light suddenly appeared, stabbing a space node in the void.

Huh! After that, the space node was smashed by Jianguang.

A man wearing gold armor and a black and white cloak fell out of the void.

It is Cheng Feng!

"No, Cheng Feng flew out of Tianshui City, but was forced out of the void channel by a sword light!"

"Damn, this time Cheng Feng is in big trouble!"

In Tianshui City, countless warriors saw this scene, each clenched his hands, full of worry.

As for the second elders of the Blood Gods, there was a smile on his face, and the intention of killing surged like a tide.

Leaving Tianshui City, all means are available to attack and kill Cheng Feng falling from the void.

However, Cheng Feng's response was very rapid. As soon as he dropped from the void channel, he had already performed the sixth step of the walking step.

A pair of wings flapped on the back, blended into the wind, and flew north of Tianshui City.

The first wave of attacks by the second elder and others were all left behind.

The blink of an eye has flew more than two hundred miles.

"Cheng Feng, the little beast, didn't hide in Tianshui City. Why did he suddenly escape?"

Riding a wild elephant chasing him, His Majesty asked, "Is it found that Tianshui City can't stop the bombardment of several of us, and wants to find a way out of the city?"

"No, Cheng Feng never wanted to use Tianshui City to resist us."

The second elder of the Blood Gods shook his head and said, "If I guess correctly, this son is deliberately tempting us to kill."

"When we get there, we run away to a dangerous place or set a trap in advance."

"This will not only save our lives, but also hold us back."

"For the dying righteous camp, get a breather!"

"Take us into a dangerous place or trap?"

His Majesty's brow raised his eyebrows: "The closest dangerous place to this place is the mark of the sky at a distance of 1,800 miles."

"And Cheng Feng's flight seems to be where the marks of sky are."

"Well, judging from the current situation, Cheng Feng really wants to escape to the sky."

The second elder nodded, affirming the speculation of the elephant.

"That being the case, then we must make an effort immediately and intercept Cheng Feng."

The statue of the savage elephant looked slightly condensed: "The mark of the sky is a fierce land. The terrain inside is complex and changeable.

"It would be difficult if Cheng Feng's small beasts escaped and wanted to kill again."

"Relax, Cheng Feng can't escape."

However, the second elder was confident: "We made preparations in advance, and the small beasts fled to the sky, and they will find their own way!"

While talking, the second elder's attack continued.

Two wide palms lifted up, banging bang ~~~

Four or five palms were shot in succession towards Cheng Feng.

Each palm strength is overwhelming, covering the sky.

Cheng Feng casually put a hand on it, and he will peel off the skin if he doesn't die!

Not only that, but a spear suddenly appeared in the hands of the Lord.

As the wild elephant under him rushed at a high speed, the speed reached its peak, and he threw the spear in his hand suddenly.

call out! The spear penetrated the void and went straight to Cheng Feng's head.

At the same time, there was a sword light, faster than the spear piercing, stabbing to the back of Cheng Feng.

During the rapid flight, Cheng Feng suddenly felt that several threats were surging.

Dare not to neglect at all, immediately triggered the defense of the armor of war to the extreme.

At the same time, the fifth turn of Tianlong Jinshen was turned, and the whole body's bones were twisted together to form a lying dragon.

Secondly, mad sword and power, Zi Lei refining skills to display their skills.

As for Chi Yanpao, even without Cheng Feng's hands, he spontaneously turned into a thick goggles, blocking Cheng Feng's back heart.

And just after finishing the defense, the stabbing sword light arrived.

This sword light is not brilliant, but the light is restrained and looks simple.

But the strength was very tyrannical, and he spotted it on the goggles transformed by Chiyanpao.

Later, Jianguang stabbed the War God armor, even though Jianguang passed the block of Chiyanpao, his power was reduced by almost half.

Also let the God of War armor light shrink, slightly depressed.

Then, the remaining power pours into Cheng Feng's body through the armor of war, still piercing the knife-shaped protective film formed by the knives and swords.

Let Cheng Feng's body be numb, and the whole man was leaped forward with rude force.

Speed ​​is two or three times faster than the sixth floor of the show.

However, Cheng Feng's flying speed is no faster than that of a spear.

I saw that the savage elephant just threw out the spear in his hand. The next moment, the spear reached Cheng Feng's head.

However, Cheng Feng was well prepared.

Ten dragons swelled in the body, and the clenched sword in his hand was chopped out.

Stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng's sword has been brewing for a long time, and his strength has reached its peak.

When the sword cut the lance that burst from the shot.

The blade of the Devil Sword was actually cutting along the tip of the spear and slashed in.

After the spear passed from Cheng Feng's body, it split into two halves, flew into the vast void, and disappeared in no time.

But at the same time, Cheng Feng's arms trembled violently.

The mighty force from the spear was turbulent, and there was a tendency to shatter Cheng Feng's hand bones.

Even Cheng Feng's blood twitched, an uncomfortable feeling sprang up.

But fortunately, this attack by the Lord seems to be blocked by him.

However, Cheng Feng's crisis has not yet been completely resolved.

The attack of Master Jianguang and His Majesty the Lord has just fallen, and the numerous palms from the Second Elder of the Blood Gods Church are overwhelming!

"Let's walk, the ladder goes!"

In the horizontal flight, Cheng Feng suppressed the blood and blood in his body.

Exhibiting the newly learned one-step walking technique, 咻 ~~~

Its flight speed climbed from season to season, reaching a scary level.

Under the fierce sprint, he was rubbing the edge of the palm of the sky, and escaped from the flapping of several palms of the sky.

Then the footsteps kept going, blasting towards the mark of the sky.

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