Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1566: Bird Demon

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Chapter 156 The Great Bird Demon

"Cheng Feng, this seems to be a pupil with silver wings, a cruel evil bird!"

Nalan's longevity sounded: "This evil bird is not a creature on the earth dome."

"As far as I know, there is only one ethnic group living in the world of monster birds. They have the ability to swallow giant elephants, and they also feed on various hybrid blood dragon races."

"It's very wrong with the Dragons. They are wanted by the strong Dragons on the billions!"

"Bitong Silver-winged Eagle?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was a little surprised, and asked, "Uncle Nalan, since this pupil of the silver pupil is only living in the world of monster birds."

"How could it appear in the marks of the sky? Couldn't the marks of the sky lead to the world of monster birds?"

"Of course not."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "The reason why this happens should be related to the formation of the marks of heaven."

"According to records, the marks of the sky are miniature spaces formed by the crushing of many plane fragments and fragments of the world."

"So the terrain is complex and changeable, covering a lot of landforms and the landscape of the big world."

"The reason why this pupil with silver wings appears here is probably in the marks of the sky, and it is also mixed with a small piece of the monster world."

"Well, it's very possible." Cheng Feng nodded in agreement.

And at this moment, it's awkward ~~~

The silver pupil of the winged silver pupil circling in the sky broke out fiercely, and two silver feather wings spread out, violently.

The huge body fluttered in the air, and the two steel-clad cast iron claws spread open, grabbing towards Cheng Feng.

"This beast is so fierce that it should reach level six."

The monster has a strict classification, with six ranks, which is equivalent to the sixth ascendant among human warriors.

However, the combat power had to be strong, volleying down and making Cheng Feng's face slightly changed.

Do not dare to neglect, and immediately urge the ten dragon power in the body.

In his hand, he slashed the demon sword and cut an iron claw grabbed by Bitong Silver-winged Eagle.

Huh! The claws of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle are very sharp and hard.

I slammed the sword with the sword, and the claw only appeared a white knife mark, and it was not broken by the sword.

In addition, the force of perseverance was poured into Cheng Feng's body along the Devil's Knife, and Cheng Feng's hand holding the knife was numb, and his feet fell into the ground.

However, the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle also had a pain in its paw, and the action of grasping Cheng Feng was slow.

Cheng Feng strode forward and immediately ran out of the gap between the steel claws.

Stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng just flew out the claws of the Bitong Silver-winged Vulture.

The fiercely grabbed giant claw fell to the ground, and grabbed the grass out of several trenches of four or five miles long.

The dirt grass leaves splashed, making people hairy.

Not only that, but after the giant claws of Bitong Silver Wings were emptied, the two silver wings were horizontal.

Like two silver knives, they cut to Cheng Feng.

In the shot, Cheng Feng felt only two strong winds.

Immediately, two silver knives were already in sight.

Quickly grabbed the sword, and cut a circular blade of light from left to right, and cut away the silver wings.


When Daoguang cut the wing, he made a series of metal impact sounds.

It seemed to be cut on the iron plate, and only the edge of the wings was cut off.

Although the remaining wings were cut out by Daoguang, they were not broken, and they continued to explode Cheng Feng.

Huh! Cheng Feng flew out.

If I hit my back with a hammer, there was a pain.

However, after two consecutive attacks, the attack on the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle is not over.

Two large wings were inserted into the grass, and suddenly a huge force lifted up.

Immediately pegged with a hooked mouth, Cheng Feng pecked to death!

"Fuck, is it endless?"

After being attacked one after another, Cheng Feng's face sank: "Since this is the case, let you **** method!"

Cheng Feng has just entered the mark of the sky and is not familiar with life, so he is more cautious.

Everything is low-key, and when it comes to attacks from evil beasts, it also gives up repeatedly to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But this green pupil and silver-winged eagle eagle is aggressive and has a taste that must cause Cheng Feng to die.

Moreover, the eagle has sharp eyes and can see through the shadow kill.

Therefore, Cheng Feng no longer kept his hands, all the dragon power in his body spewed out.

Summoning the sword to determine the first type of stacked waves to kill, they blasted away at the steel peck that the opponent pecked.

Huh! This time, Cheng Feng burst into full force.

When the steel mouth of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle was slashed, dozens of heavy swords burst out one after another, and the blade immediately cut into the front end of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Bitong Silver-winged Eagle's mouth spurted blood and made a scream.

But this pupil of the silver pupil is indeed fierce.

Suffering from such a serious injury, he did not retreat in the slightest, his mouth tilted back, and the two silver wings were cut again, and Cheng Feng was cut into two pieces.

"Animals, **** it!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed.

Immediately there is no longer a bit of mercy, the Devil Sword is lifted, and the Sword of Demon Slayer III is instantly killed, and Huo Ran casts out.

call out! At that moment, Cheng Feng disappeared suddenly.

When it reappeared, it was behind the head of that pupil.

The slashing demon knife he was holding was dripping blood, like a demon.

As for the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle, the body suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, a bloodstain appeared suddenly between the wings and head of the silver-winged eagle.

After waiting for my pupil, the silver-winged eagle eagle struggled a little, 噗嗤 ~~~

The bloodline burst, and the head of Bitong Silver-winged Eagle split in half.

It was actually cut off by Cheng Feng, but because the knife speed was too fast, it didn't appear immediately.

As Bitong Silver-winged Eagle struggled by itself, it just caused a blood collapse, and it was completely saved!

"After my ten dragons were trained to 12,960 meters, their combat power improved a lot."

Cheng Feng slayed Bitong's Silver-winged Eagle with one stroke: "Even without the source of fire in Hell's Black Flame, it is enough to kill the sixth-best powerhouse in the sky."

"But Dengtian seventh and sixth, although there is only a difference between the first line, the strength is different."

"I can't cope with my current strength, and can at best compete with the seventh-strength and early-stage powerhouse in Dengtian."

"Once surrounded by five peerless powerhouses such as the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, the possibility of death is still very great!"

"So I need to be extremely careful not to be surrounded by those five."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng immediately swept away the corpse's Bitong Silver-winged Vulture and immediately left.

But at this moment, the sound of seven or eight birds sounded.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and suddenly saw that there were nearly ten green pupils of silver pupils with wings spread out, covering the sky and flying in the sky.

"No, there are more than one pupil with silver wings in this grass."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brows frowned, guessing: "I'm afraid this is a small ethnic group of Bitong Silver-winged Eagle. I was killed by one, and other Bitong Silver-winged Eagles rushed to revenge.

In fact, it's not just the pupil with silver wings.

Behind those nearly ten pupils of the silver pupil with silver wings, there was a trail of terror.

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