Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1567: Misfortune

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Chapter 1567

"That's the second elder of the Blood Gods?"

Cheng Feng's induction was very sharp, and he instantly sensed the strong breath that trailed behind the pupil of the silver wing of Bitong.

His face changed slightly: "I originally thought that with the complex terrain in the marks of heaven, I could temporarily slay off the siege of the five elders of the blood god.

"I never thought the other party would catch up so soon."

Because the entrance of Tianzhi is raging, all people who enter Tianzhi will be randomly thrown into the outer area of ​​Tianzhi.

The outer area of ​​Tianzhi mark is vast, and the terrain is complicated, and various evil beasts dormant.

Therefore, the second elder and others need some luck if they want to chase Cheng Feng and carry out siege.

The second elder of the Blood Gods Church had good luck. It was the third wave of peerless strong men who chased into the marks of the sky, but first discovered the clue.

Faster than the imitation body of the Promise King who first entered the mark of the sky, and the iron slave of the blood **** beast trainer.

"This second elder of the blood gods has merged the seven avatars, and the cultivation has reached the seventh ascendant."

Cheng Feng groaned: "It is the strongest one among the five horrible cults who chase me down."

"If I use my hole cards, I don't know if I can kill them."

"Cheng Feng, all the seventh heavy martial art ascended the sky are not trivial."

Nalan's voice sounded: "And the second elder of the blood gods is not the seventh ascendant, but the seventh higher ascendant, not to be taken lightly."

"If you want to get started, you have to be very careful, at least you have to make sure that he is the only one."

"In case there is a peerless power hidden by his side."

"With the two together, you're afraid you could be in danger!"

"Well, that's true."

Cheng Feng deeply believed: "This time, there seems to be a peerless killer among the evil peers who chase me down."

"This person is proficient in stealth, and I may not be able to detect it with the God of Creation, and I have to guard against it!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng had already used Shadow Kill to walk with God, and flew towards the swamp beside the grass.

Before leaving, Cheng Feng took the corpse of a warrior from the void pot and left it next to the dead body of the Bitong Silver-winged Vulture.

And during the flight, **** ignited Hell's melanoma, which burned the **** body.

When he flew out for a dozen miles, he hid quietly in the swamp.

Not far away, the more than ten green pupils of the silver pupils arrived.

呖 ~~ 呖 ~~

Hovering over the deadly pupil of the silver pupil with silver wings, a scream of sorrow was heard.

As for the middle-aged middle-aged man who followed behind the pupils of the Bitong Silver Winged Eagle, he arrived at the body of the Bitong Silver Winged Eagle and looked a little, his eyes flashing.

Immediately looked up to the Quartet, his eyes were like a knife, plowing the grass nearby.

Even his eyes looked into the swamp beside the grass, and the beam of light pierced into it, searching for it.

The non-procedural peaks, after hiding in the swamp, changed several positions in a row.

At this point has been hiding hundreds of miles away from the swamp, behind a dead branch.

The whole person turned into a shadow of dead branches, unless the second elder of the Blood Gods chased the dead branches to investigate.

Otherwise, you won't find any clues!

"It seems that the second elder of the Blood Gods Church should have just heard the battle fluctuations here, come by and take a look, and did not track me in advance."

In the shadow of the dead tree, Cheng Feng whispered: "And it seems that he is the only one."

"So good, I hope a little trick I stayed will work."

"At that time, maybe there is a chance to kill this person directly!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's eyes are lowered, and there is no longer any slight exposure.

At the same time, on the grass, the corpse of Bitong Silver-winged Eagle.

The ten pupils of the silver pupil with silver wings circling, made a stern sound in their mouths, sad for the death of the same race.

But in the sound of wailing, there was also a mixture of anger and killing.

In particular, the one with the largest body size among the ten pupils of the silver-winged silver-winged eagle, the green eyes and the pupils of the silver-winged eagle-shaped silver-winged eagle carved on it.

When he saw a corpse of a warrior who had been deliberately left by Cheng Feng, his nose sniffed slightly.

Then the body was pierced with giant claws, and alive.

The next moment, his gaze swept away, and finally he stared at the second elder of the blood gods who was searching for the trace of Cheng Feng dozens of miles away.

"Huh? What about these beasts?"

Feeling a strong sense of killing, the second elder's face was frozen, and he couldn't understand the whisper: "Why suddenly, my killing heart is so heavy?"

Before entering the mark of the sky, the second elder of the blood gods had collected some medicinal powder.

These medicinal powders are things that the animal trainer uses to domesticate the monsters to increase their favorability. Most monsters like them.

The second elder quickly became acquainted with the group of green pupils of silver wings with the help of medicinal powder.

I was thinking of helping him search for Cheng Feng's trace with the help of the sharp eyes of Bitong Silver-winged Eagle.

I never thought that this group of silver pupils with silver pupils who were very friendly just now turned their faces.

"Yes, that corpse ..."

Unexpectedly, the second elder's mind suddenly flashed, thinking of the body of the ascension warrior who had been discarded beside the corpse of Bitong Silver Wing.

A speculation suddenly occurred: "The group of green pupils with silver wings suddenly turned at me, presumably because of the body."

"Because of the death scene of that pupil with silver wings, there are no traces, only a human body."

"It's not difficult for those pupils of the silver pupil of silver pupil to have an illusion. It is a human being to kill the killer of the silver pupil of silver pupil.

"And I happen to be a human, and I was immediately targeted by this group of green pupils of silver pupils for resentment!"

Thinking about this, the second elder was raging with anger, saying: "Cheng Feng, this must be the trick that Cheng Feng's little beast did."

"The little beast killed this pupil of the silver pupil with silver wings, but left a human body deliberately.

"It's just awful, it's a thousand swords!"

After thinking about everything, the blood elder second elder hatred.

The killing of Cheng Feng soared again.

cracking! Regarding the second elder's thinking, those pupils with silver wings do not care.

At this moment, all the pupils of the Silver-winged Silver-winged Eagle are aggressive against the second elder.

With the scream of the leading pupil of the silver pupil, all the pupils of the silver pupil of the silver pupil mobilized all at once.

Kill the second elder of that blood god!

"Jack, you're all wrong."

The second elder's cheeks twitched in the face of the killed Bitong silver-winged eagle.

Forbearing the anger in his heart, Shen explained, "The murderer who killed your companion is not the elder, but someone else!"

However, Bitong Silver-winged Vulture ignored it.

Steel Claws, Iron Pecks, and Silver Wings took turns in battle and launched a frenzied besiege on the second elder!

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