Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1568: Second Elder is angry

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Chapter 1568 The Second Elder Is Angry

"That's wrong, you're all wrong!"

The attack on the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle is very sharp.

In particular, the leading pupil of the Silver-winged Silver-winged Wing is about to enter the seventh rank of the rank, and its combat power is not weaker than that of the seventh-ranked and first-ranked strongest.

The second elder of the Blood Gods Church was attacked by him, even if he was trained to reach the sky, reaching the seventh highest level of ascending to the sky, it was extremely embarrassed.

And he was lucky, and didn't try to explain it.

But when both sides fought, how could they explain it?

Instead, because the second elder left his hand, he was caught on the left shoulder with a claw of a silver pupil with a green pupil.

Even if the second elder evoked a heavy seven-star divine defense, his shoulder was directly pulled out of a blood groove, the bones were exposed, and silver blood splashed!

"Ignorant beasts dare to hurt the elder?"

This time, the second elder died.

There was a swearing in his mouth, and there was no longer anything left.

The rolling seven-star divine power evoked, and a half-day martial arts Jizang palm was exhibited.

Boom boom ~~~

When I raised my hand, more than ten consecutive huge palms blasted out.

The horror was so exciting that he beat back several pupils of the silver pupil with silver wings.

Then he fixed his eyes on the pupil of the silver pupil with silver wings, angrily drank a dead letter.

Huh! As dead words blurted out, a horrible palm fell.

It turned out that the half of the body of the silver pupil with silver wings was broken with one palm.

The broken body has not yet landed, and there is no trace of breath.

The second elder's palm seemed to open the door to killing.

Bang Bang Bang ~~~

After taking a picture of the Bitong Silver-winged Vulture with one palm, the second palm, the third palm, the fourth palm ... were shot one after another.

Actually, he killed three green pupils of the silver pupil in a row, and let the remaining silver pupils of the silver pupil stop in the void at once, and his eyes showed a look of fear.

Even the leading Bitong Silver-winged Vulture is suddenly taut, with silver feathers standing upright!

"It's strong. The second elder of the blood gods with full firepower is so strong!"

A hundred miles away, Cheng Feng saw the picture of the second elder killing the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle, and his face slightly condensed: "Killing the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle is almost effortless, more than me!"

Just now, Cheng Feng also killed a pupil with silver wings.

But it was a solo fight, and it was unexpected and hit the other side by surprise.

If you are under the siege of the ten-headed pupil with silver wings, it is certainly not so easy.

One was accidentally injured, and was even killed by the head of the pupil Biying Silverwing.

In the breath, the strength of Cheng Feng and the Second Elder of the Blood God Religion demonstrated incisively.

"Damn beast, now know the means of this elder?"

Even killing the four-headed silver pupil with silver wings, the second elder of the blood **** has not sweated.

I saw him cold-sweep the remaining pupils of the silver pupil with silver wings, raised his palm and patted again.

Huh! The fifth green pupil with silver pupil and silver wings died on the spot.

At this time, the only five-headed silver pupil with silver wings were timid.

Deeply aware of the arrogance of the second elder, the hatred in his heart was washed away by fear, and he looked at each other and immediately spread his wings and soared into the sky.

Apparently frightened, ready to escape.

"Would you like to run away after hurting Elder? Let me die here!"

However, the second elder was very brutal.

With two hands raised, the Jizang palm blasted out one after another, and then killed the two pupils with silver wings.

Then stepped out and caught up to the sky to kill the remaining three pupils of the silver pupil with silver wings.

Only the head of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle was left, and after being completely subdued, the thoughts rushed into the opponent's mind.

Crushing his divine thoughts, the dove occupied the nest and became a slave.

"Cheng Feng, it's time to go."

At this time, Nalan's voice sounded: "The second elder of the Blood Gods enslaved the green pupil with silver pupils, I'm afraid it was aimed at you."

"With the eyes of the Bitong Silver Winged Eagle, search your tracks."

"Once it is discovered, it will be very troublesome!"

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

He originally planned to make up for the second elder when he was severely wounded by ten green pupils with silver pupils.

But it didn't work at all. Ten silver pupils with silver wings were unable to force the second elder's hole cards out.

In this case, early departure is the best choice.

When you have a chance in the future, it is not too late to act!

With the decision, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

Casting a shadow kill and walking with God, the whole person turned into a shadow shuttled in the mud, and went to the other side of the swamp, and soon disappeared.

As for the second elder of the Blood Gods, after enslaving the head of the Bitong Silverwing Vulture, he ordered it to inspect the Quartet.

But Cheng Feng had already left, so he found nothing.

Instead, the leader of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle, when searching for the swamp, alarmed the super anaconda in the swamp to keep up with the ancient sword crocodile.

Thinking that it was a foreign invasion, they immediately launched an attack.

By the time the second elder arrived, a feather of the head of the Bitong Silverwing Vulture had been torn by a super anaconda.

A hunting operation against Cheng Feng immediately came to an end!


The swamp is large.

Cheng Feng went backwards along the swamp, and it took more than an hour to reach the edge of the other side of the swamp.

The area next to the edge of the swamp is a large desert.

The desert and swamp are two opposite terrains separated by a small mountain range that is seven or eight miles wide.

Obviously it is the result of two plane fragments being squeezed together.

"This swamp is very deep and vast, and there are evil beasts engulfing it, but it is a good hiding place."

Cheng Feng stopped at the edge of the marshland and groaned, "I'd rather stay here for a while, and go to that big desert. There are no hidden objects, but it is very troublesome."

When leaving the grassland before, Cheng Fengyao saw that the leader of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle was torn apart by a super anaconda and was severely wounded.

Even if the tier six monsters have strong vitality and high resilience, it is difficult to recover quickly.

Therefore, the second elder of the Blood Gods Church is not so easy to pursue.

Furthermore, the entire swamp is very large, and Cheng Feng deliberately hid.

Even if that green pupil and silver eagle eagle is intact, if you want to drive Cheng Feng out of the concealment, I'm afraid I can't lower my claws.

After the idea was finalized, Cheng Feng deliberately chose an unobtrusive place, and then sneaked in slowly.

Waiting three kilometers below the swamp, you meet a rock inlaid in the loach.

Cheng Feng stopped and hid under the rock, turning into a shadow of the rock without revealing any trace.

"After Xiuwei reached the seventh point of ascending to the sky, the strength, perception, smell, vision, etc. of the warrior had a qualitative improvement."

After concealing himself, Cheng Feng whispered: "Ordinary ascending to the seventh is okay. If you practice pupil technique, your eyes are like a torch, and you can completely see through the shadow killing of my small realm.

"Perhaps you should take this opportunity to cultivate Shadow Kill to Dacheng Realm."

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