Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1570: Shadow Dacheng

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Chapter 1570: The Great Shadow

"Shadow killing, literally, means killing in the form of a dark shadow."

In the Everglades, Cheng Feng contemplates: "Actually, I have already done this, but I haven't achieved it successfully."

"The shadow killing realm should be that I want to be faster and hide better."

"But how can this be done?"

Cheng Feng thought hard. Suddenly, an aura of light flashed from his mind: "I want the fastest speed, nothing more than to appear directly in front of the target, but to hide better, it is to hide in the shadow of the target."

"In this case, you just need to gently stab the knife across the target's throat, and the target will die. It can be said to be invisible."

"And want to appear directly in front of the target ... It should be teleportation!"

At this point, Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "I see. The shadow killing realm requires a combination of teleportation skills."

"Moving instantaneously into the shadow of the target and blending with the shadow of the target is the highest state of this martial art."

Teleportation can indeed approach the target super fast.

In addition, Cheng Feng is proficient in a martial art similar to teleportation, that shadow tracing method is a hundred mile shape, a thousand mile shape, a 10,000 mile shape ... are all teleportation.

However, although the teleportation is excellent, it has many defects.

For example, there will be void fluctuations, and the need to use the void channel, etc. This is no concealment for the seventh-highest peerless power in the sky.

You will be noticed before approaching the other person.

Cheng Feng knew that these omissions would not work at all, but a smile appeared on his face.

This kind of defects of the original teleportation can be completely eliminated when combined with shadow killing.

Even after the combination of the two techniques, it can no longer be regarded as pure teleportation, but a new type of 'teleportation'.

It has both the super fast speed of teleportation and the concealment of shadow killing.

As soon as it is displayed, Cheng Feng will appear directly in the shadow of the target, which is truly invisible!

With the idea in mind, Cheng Feng converged his emotions and immediately verified and cultivated.

After all, the theory is only theory, and the effect is considered successful!

Time goes by.

In an instant, the sun had risen to the center of the sky.

In the swamp, Cheng Feng is still practicing Shadow Kill.

His face was wrinkled and sometimes relaxed, and his expression was very rich.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's expression was frozen, and then the whole person disappeared suddenly.

Cheng Feng disappeared very abruptly without any trace of it.

Even the strongest pupil master and the peerless strongest who can sense it are unable to detect the slightest abnormality.

Than he had previously performed Shadow Sneak, he knew better how many times!

"Did you succeed?"

Ten meters away from the bottom of the rock, there was a loach beside him, Cheng Feng asked himself in surprise.

"Successful, it can be said to have reluctantly become a shadow killing."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "But you want to be free to do what you want, and you need to cultivate more."

"Well, indeed."

Cheng Feng was agitated for a moment before taking a deep breath: "I now seem to be able to sneak into the shadow of a target within ten meters of an instant."

"This distance is not enough, at least it must be more than a kilometer."

Cheng Feng is now performing a shadow kill in the Dacheng realm, which is able to walk arbitrarily within ten meters.

Beyond ten meters, traces will appear.

Obviously, cultivation is not yet in place. Only through long-term grinding can this distance be continuously extended.

Because the seventh-highest peerless power in the sky, his perception is too sensitive.

Even if the shadow killing Dacheng can be said to be traceless, the irregularities will still be noticed by him.

The larger the effective range of Shadow Kill, the more secure it is.

"Continue to practice and strive to expand the effective sneak range to more than kilometers as soon as possible."

After practicing the effect, Cheng Feng was full of energy.

When the excitement calms down, practice again immediately.

I saw in the swamp, Cheng Feng's figure suddenly appeared on the left, suddenly appeared on the right, and even appeared on the side of a monster.

But the monster was not aware of it. Perhaps Cheng Feng inserted the sharp knife into the opponent's heart, and there was no slight reaction.

Like facing your own shadow, there is no guard.

In this way, the scorching sun slowly deflected.

Cheng Feng's stealth range has continued to grow, from ten meters at the beginning to the following twenty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters ...

Meanwhile, the other side of the swamp.

The silver pupil with silver pupils enslaved by the second elder of the blood gods was torn by a super anaconda.

The second elder was so angry that he used the Jisang palm to attack the super anaconda.

The second elder repair is monstrous, and the two super anacondas are not opponents.

After only two or three strokes, he was seriously injured, and immediately plunged into the depths of the swamp and fled.

The second elder was too lazy to go deep into the swamp and pursued the kill. He only killed the other three ancient sword crocodile and killed two, then turned his head to take care of the green pupil Silverwing.

Because he also counted on the other party to help him search for Cheng Feng's trail.

After spending several hours, the second elder reluctantly healed the pupil's wounds.

Immediately ordered to search the entire swamp, but searched for a whole day, but found nothing.

This made the second elder's face dark, and he was so angry that he nearly patted the pupil of the silver pupil with silver wings.

But forbearance and forbearance, the second elder still resisted killing.

Stepped on the head of the Bitong Silver-winged Vulture, and flew towards an adjacent plane fragment in the swamp.

As everyone knows, the target he painstakingly searched for was hidden not far below his feet.

"The second elder of the blood gods is really powerful."

"And being cautious, he wore a super-defensive robe."

"I slashed with a slayer, I'm afraid I can't cut it in an instant!"

Not long ago, Cheng Feng initially trained as a shadow killer.

Then continue to practice to improve the effective stealth range of Shadow Kill Dacheng.

In the middle of the practice, he actually encountered the second elder of the blood gods who drove Bitong Silver Wings to search for his trace.

In order to test the effect, Cheng Feng deliberately drilled out from the depths of the swamp and was exposed under the eyelids of Bitong Silver-winged Vulture, but the other party found nothing.

Only when Cheng Feng casts the shadow kill stealth will a hint of doubt be revealed.

As for the second elder, he didn't even notice it.

Even if he glanced over Cheng Feng's body, he saw a transparent person and turned a blind eye.

In this case, Cheng Feng's heart was upset.

Prepare to attack the second elder with the help of shadow killing in Dacheng Realm, or it can be fatal in one hit.

But after a lot of thought, he finally gave up the assassination plan.

Because of the effective stealth range of Cheng Feng's Shadow Kill, he has just reached 500 meters.

If you want to sneak into the second elder's side, you must at least perform five or six shadow kills.

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