Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1571: Beast Change

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Chapter 1571 The Beast Changes

Although after the shadow killing Dacheng, there is no shadow and no trace when sneaking.

However, every time you end the sneak, a little bit of fluctuation is exposed.

This fluctuation is very small, it doesn't matter if it is once or twice.

If it is too many times, it will definitely cause suspicion.

Secondly, the second elder of the Blood Gods Church became more vigilant after a blood trough was opened on the shoulder by Bitong Silverwing.

Actually wearing a defensive robe.

This robe seems to be a semi-sacred weapon with strong defenses.

Although with the sharpness of the demon sword, plus the strength of Cheng Feng, it should be able to cut off the semi-holy robe.

But it is bound to be delayed, giving the second elder time to react.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of assassination failure is extremely great, and the assassination was simply abandoned.

Anyway, Cheng Feng is not in a hurry, and after the effective stealth range of Shadow Kill is further expanded, and the strength is further improved, it is not too late to start.

By that time, it might be a hit!

"The Second Elder of the Blood Gods just killed two Ancient Sword Crocodile."

After the second elder left, Cheng Feng drilled out of the swamp and looked at the bodies of two giant crocodiles tens of miles away.

"It's a good choice to feed Xiao Jin."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng released the dragon dragon lice Xiaojin from the empty pot.

Cooing ~~ Cooing ~~

This little guy has developed a keen interest in wine after drinking a burning knife.

As soon as he came out of the Nether Pot, he yelled at Cheng Feng and asked for a drink.

"You little thing has turned into an alcoholic."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "Okay, the wine thing is easy to say, you go and eat the two ancient sword crocodile."

"When the essence of the other person's flesh is absorbed, you may be able to advance to the rank of Emperor!"

At the words of Cheng Feng, Xiao Jin cooed twice.

Immediately obedient, turned around and flew to the bodies of the two ancient sword crocodile.

Xiaojin is now the Jiupin of the king class, only one line away from the emperor class.

But the size has not changed much, and now the basin is so large.

However, despite his small size, his appetite was particularly scary.

I saw Xiao Jin flying to an ancient sword crocodile, and opened his mouth to bite in the heart of the ancient sword crocodile.

Then I took a swift sip, and wow ~~~

The huge body of the ancient sword crocodile dried up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The flesh and blood essence of the whole body was drawn in large quantities, and the blink of an eye became a skinny skeleton frame.

The flesh withered, as if it had been dead for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, Xiaojin is full of golden light, like a little golden sun, which makes people unable to look directly.

In particular, Xiao Jin's belly was slightly raised.

Obviously caused by drawing too much flesh and blood essence of the ancient sword crocodile.

However, even though his belly was raised, Xiao Jin still flew to the body of the second Ancient Sword Crocodile.

In the same way, this ancient sword crocodile was also sucked into a skeleton rack.

Makes the golden light on it more powerful, the belly is even higher and raised, there is a feeling of explosion!

"Xiao Jin, won't your stomach burst?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked a little worried.

Cooing ~~ Cooing ~~

But Xiaojin shook his head, and Chuan told Cheng Feng that it only needs to sleep for a while to refine the essence of the ancient sword and crocodile in his body.

When you wake up, maybe you will be promoted directly to the emperor level.

"Really? Then you quickly enter the Nether Pot to refine the essence of the ancient sword crocodile."

Hearing that Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and included Xiaojin in it.

Then he turned his eyes and groaned, "On that grass, there still appear to be ten dead bodies of silver pupils with green pupils."

"Bitong silver-winged eagle, each head has reached the sixth grade of the grade, can not be wasted."

"I might as well go to the grass and pick up those corpses and drop them into the dragon louse ancestor of the Void Pot."

"After the dragon lice's ancestors have eaten it, they may be able to advance a large number of dragon lice."

"Once the number of Dendrolimus is enough, reaching thousands or even tens of thousands, it will become a super killer for me."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision.

Casting shadow kills, hurried to the grassland before.

Cheng Feng's speed was fast, and he reached his destination in a blink of an eye.

I saw on the grass that there was a silver behemoth with a whole body of silver, which was the silver pupil with silver pupils killed by the second elder of the blood god.

One of them had his head cut off by the blade, but died under the blade of Cheng Feng.

"Ten corpses of silver pupils with silver pupils should be enough to give birth to hundreds of dragon dragon lice?"

More than half a year ago, when Cheng Feng broke into the third floor of the Tianlong Tomb, he once moved the entire dragon louse ancestral land into a void pot.

At the same time brought more than 10,000 ground dragon lice, more than 100,000 ordinary dragon lice.

More than 10,000 ground dragon lice have already advanced to the top level of ground dragon lice after devouring the flesh and blood of the warrior who ascended the sky.

This time, the pupil of the green pupil that swallowed the sixth grade of the silver wings will definitely be able to make it into the dragon dragon lice.

A rough estimate is also hundreds of heads up.

If you are lucky, it is not uncommon to have more than a thousand early-stage trichomes.

"Close!" Cheng Feng glanced around.

When no problem was found, the void pot was directly taken out, and the bodies of ten green pupil silver wing eagles on the ground were put into the pot.

At the same time, the corpse of Dengtianjing, which was opened by the pupil of the silver pupil with silver wings, was also thrown into the pot to allow the dragon lice to fight teeth.

呖 ~~ 呖 ~~

Cheng Feng had just finished collecting the body of the Bitong Silver-winged Eagle, and the calls of birds suddenly came.

The sound stopped, and several fierce raptors flew out of the deep grass, rushing to the north.

Not only a raptor, but a mountain bag hundreds of miles away from Cheng Feng suddenly exploded.

Immediately, a giant pig with a spear-like black hair spread out from the mountain bag, 100 meters away.

This giant pig should have slept in the mountain bag, and the tree roots have grown on his body.

When he broke out of the mountain bag, he stared at the north of the grass, violently blasting away.

At the same time, a beast roared in the swamp beside the grass.

Then a beast rushed out of the swamp and rushed to a place in the north.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was surprised: "There are so many monsters, and they rush to the north of the grass."

"Somewhere in the north is there any baby born that is impossible?"

The monsters rushing to the north of the grass all had fierce eyes and ran fast, apparently heading for something.

"Cheng Feng, these monsters have changed, it must be for a certain kind of baby."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "I guess it may be some kind of treasure, or heaven and earth."

"Such heaven and earth spirits have a huge nourishing effect on monsters."

"Some lucky monsters can even advance madly because of this."

"It's also common to rise four or five realms at once!"

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