Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1573: Occupy initiative

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Chapter 1573th Occupation Initiative

The poisonous lake has a radius of two hundred miles.

Around the poisonous lake, there were all kinds of monsters coming from everywhere.

There are two positions in the southeast, each with a super giant monster of the seventh grade.

Countless monsters dare not approach, hiding far away.

The West also has a tyrannical presence, but it is not a monster, but a human.

I saw that man had a big belly, and he couldn't hide it in a loose robe, like a human-shaped meat mountain.

Riding a hill-like giant elephant underneath him, it is exactly the evil sect's peerless strongman like the sage.

As for the north, it was occupied by two super anacondas and an ancient sword crocodile.

Cheng Feng sat on the back of the ancient sword crocodile, and saw a wild elephant lord, and his eyes flashed.

But he didn't intend to do anything about it, he was going to grab the soul fruit first.

"Cheng Feng, it is better to make some preparations in advance."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "Although the poison in the poisonous lake is very strong, it may not be able to block the great elephant saint and the other two top-ranking seventh-grade giant monsters."

"After waiting for the soul fruit to mature, you may be ascended first!"

"Well, I think so too."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Anyway, I have a dragon dragon ball, which can resolve all poisons."

"This poisonous lake is to me, but it is nothing."

In speaking, Cheng Feng had stood up from the back of the ancient sword crocodile.

Stepping forward, he entered the poisonous lake.

Tianlong Dragon Ball is truly a detoxification relic.

Cheng Feng took Tianlongzhu in his hand, and the poison in the poisonous lake surged, but he could not hurt Cheng Feng at all.

Even Cheng Feng's body could not be approached and was completely resolved.

After taking a dozen steps in this way, Cheng Feng has crossed the poisonous lake and reached the hillside in the middle of the poisoned lake.

"Some of the poisonous things arrived earlier?"

Standing under the poisonous lake hill, Cheng Feng's eyes swept away, his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Because around the hill, there are already a lot of poisonous things.

For example, venomous snakes, human spiders, millipedes and so on.

These poisons were obviously not afraid of the poisonous poison in the poisonous lake, and stayed under the hill in advance.

Once the earth soul fruit matures, it can immediately start grabbing, if Cheng Feng did not act earlier.

I am afraid that the earth soul fruit will eventually fall into the mouth of these poisons, it is a violent heavenly creature!

"Now that I have arrived."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth: "The three earth soul fruits on the earth soul tree, I will smile for you!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng passed silently through the side of each poison.

Soon to the top of the hill, a lush green tree soon came into view.

I saw that this small tree was about three meters tall and had thick legs.

The tree was knotted, like a crouching dragon, exuding a faint fragrance.

Cheng Feng took a sip, and he was refreshed. The tired soul seemed to be nourished, and the fatigue was swept away.

"Is this the Earth Soul Tree? The effect is very good."

A smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "If I eat a ground soul fruit, it is estimated that my soul will grow at least ten times."

"No wonder those monsters on the ground level are crazy and want to own them."

"Once you grab one and eat it, the divine thought will change immediately, and you can advance on the spot!"

"Cheng Feng, the effect of Earth Soul Fruit is much more than that."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It is said that people have three souls, divided into human soul, earth soul, and heaven soul."

"But ordinary people only develop human souls. As for earth souls and heaven souls, they cannot be developed at all."

"And if you eat the earth soul fruit, the situation will be different."

"Human souls are nourished so much that they may be fully awakened."

"By then, people will have two lives, and their souls and spirits will be blown up, and they may be resurrected."

"In fact, most of those powerful reincarnations have lost their minds."

"It is because of the awakening of the earth soul that it has left a trace of vitality, so that it can be reborn and restored to its peak!"

"What, earth soul fruit also has the effect of developing human earth soul?"

Upon hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng's eyes glared: "No wonder Na Xiu, who has reached the seventh-highest peerless power in the sky, is like a Venerable, and is here for fun."

"It should be to awaken your own soul development with the help of the earth soul fruit."

"Even if you accidentally fall, there will be a chance to return to the top!"

At this point, Cheng Feng's eyes were bright.

Fortunately, my heart is secretly fortunate that I have come to the mark of this day, otherwise I will miss this rare opportunity.

When Cheng Feng was happy, hum ~~~

The soul tree flashed a flash of emerald green.

Immediately afterwards, all the emerald greens on the tree rushed towards the three earth souls hanging on the tree crown.

Let those three earth souls have a lush green luster and exude a thick fragrance.

The fragrance was very amazing, and Cheng Feng took a sip, which turned out to have a feeling of indulgence.

The spirit has become extremely active, even faintly grown up.

"this is……"

When he found this scene, Cheng Feng was shocked and whispered: "Is the soul fruit ripe?"

As I was saying, the strong fragrance from the three earth soul fruits had spread out of the hill, through the poisonous lake, and into the noses of the monsters around the poisonous lake.

When those monsters smell the fragrance, roar roar ~~~

All of a sudden, they were all violent.

The hairs of the monsters were erected, staring fiercely at the soul tree in the middle of the poisonous lake.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward.

These monsters are obviously prepared, either holding antidote herbs in their mouths or chewing detox spirits.

Actually, it stood up to the toxic erosion in the poisonous lake and stormed towards the soul tree in the middle of the poisonous lake.

However, they just flew into the poisonous lake shortly after.

call out! Two large black whip swept across the north of the poisonous lake.

A large number of monsters rushed into the poisonous lake were crushed to death and died on the spot.

At the same time, a poisoned spear shot out from the west of the poisonous lake, blasting the head of a monster.

In the east of Poison Lake, a thunder beast roars out, and the horror sound wave trembles a monster that intends to **** the soul soul.

In the south of the poisonous lake, transparent thin lines shot out, stringing a monster of beasts on the thin line and throwing it into a large mouth of blood basin.

Amazingly, it is the strongest of the four positions of Xiong Badu Lake, which killed a large number of competitors first.

Then they stared at each other, and cast their way to the center of the poisonous lake.

But just as they rushed towards the Poison Lake.

In the middle of the poisonous lake, on the top of the hill.

Cheng Feng, however, was sure that when the soul fruit was ripe, he was ready to pick the fruit.

But at this moment, a slight fluctuation suddenly appeared.

"Huh? Anyone else lurking here?"

Feeling the faint fluctuations, Cheng Feng quickly ran the God of Fortune to the extreme and looked at the direction of the fluctuations.

Suddenly I saw a middle-aged man in white and was about to reach out and pick the mature earth soul fruit.

Obviously the peerless killer heaven judge from the gate of hell!

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