Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1574: Big black pot

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Chapter 574 The Big Black Pot

Obviously, the human beings attracted by the earth soul tree are not only Cheng Feng and the Savior.

Hell's Gate Judge was also attracted, but he was good at hiding and no one found it.

It even used some means to dispel the poison in the poisonous lake.

Like Cheng Feng, quietly arrived near the soul tree.

However, since Cheng Feng and Tian Jue both had superb stealth skills, neither of them found anyone, and they had been in peace.

Until the earth soul fruit matured, there was a slight fluctuation in the sentiment of the heaven judge.

Only a trace of traces were revealed before being noticed by Cheng Feng.

"Hellgate peerless killer?"

Cheng Feng has never seen the Judge of Heaven, but when he saw the other side, he had determined in his heart that the other side must be the only killer among the five peerless men who chased and killed him.

Because except for the peerless killer who is proficient in stealth, no one can hide his eyes from such a close distance.

"Cheng Feng? Are you there?"

The moment Cheng Feng noticed Tian Judge, Tian Judge also found Cheng Feng.

A pair of eyes suddenly narrowed into a slit, and my heart was filled with deep shock.

Because Cheng Feng actually escaped his pupil investigation, it was horrifying.

However, in shock, the judge did not immediately launch an assault on Cheng Feng.

It was a sprint, and went straight to the soul tree.

Want to grab the earth soul fruit first, and then turn around to deal with Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng was paying the same attention.

And Cheng Feng is far closer to the Earth Soul Tree than the Sky Judge.

The show was exploding, not even a thousandth of a second had passed, and the soul tree was approaching.

Without hesitation, grabbing the tree body of the Earth Soul Tree and directly pulling up the entire Earth Soul Tree.

Then he didn't take a look and threw it into a soul ring.

"Junk stuff!"

Just one step slower, but watched the baby he longed for was taken away by Cheng Feng.

This made Sky Judge angry, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

laugh! Jian Guang Senhan went straight to the back of Cheng Feng.

"Hey, treasures have virtues."

"You ruthless, ruthless and righteous, let's reincarnate again and fight again!"

Regarding the anger of Judge Tian, ​​Cheng Feng gave a cold cry.

The speed of the sacred walking staircase was soaring sharply, bypassing the sword light stabbed by the judge, and heading straight down the mountain.

"Little beast, leave me the soul soul!"

As a peerless killer, Sky Judge has killed countless people.

The people of his assassinations, or his descendants, hate him very much.

The number of people who wanted to kill him was so great that they needed an earth soul fruit to awaken it.

Seeing Cheng Feng want to leave, he naturally refused to let it go.

Raise the sword in his hand and immediately start hunting.

But at this moment, the giant monsters who are rushing to the center of the poisonous lake and ready to pick up the soul fruit of the earth are violent.

They originally thought that they would be able to take the earth soul fruit into their pockets.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the place, the entire soul tree was uprooted, and the anger rushed straight into his head.

And in the fury, he just saw Jian Guang stabbing Cheng Feng to Cheng Feng.

There was no thought at all, and it was immediately determined that the judge was the one who stole the soul tree.

Because the judge appeared so coincidentally, the earth soul tree just disappeared, but he just happened to appear.

And at this moment, in order to chase Cheng Feng, he was flying down the mountain, giving a feeling that he had grabbed the treasure and was about to escape.

Suddenly, the step monsters had no doubt.

With a roar, they attacked Sky Magistrate.

This is especially true of the few peerless monsters on the four sides of the tyrannical domineering lake, which made the judge's face change dramatically and had to stop chasing Cheng Feng to resolve the siege of the demons.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng directly carried the earth soul tree, eased down the hill, and flew to the poisonous lake.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Seeing this, Sky Judge almost vomited blood.

This time not only failed to capture the earth soul fruit, but also was used by Cheng Feng, and the demon as the person who took the earth soul tree.

It can be described as taking a **** pot, depressed to the extreme.

"Damn thief, hand over the soul fruit to the king!"

Regarding the sullenness of the judge, the big demon did not pay attention.

One by one, various attacks frantically bombarded.

And there are monsters voicing, threatening: "Otherwise, the king's life swallowed you!"

The words stopped, and the offensive was a little bit more fierce, which increased the pressure on the judge.

That day the judge wanted to explain that the earth soul tree was not taken away by him, but someone else, but could not speak.

And even if he explained it, no one would believe it, only if he was sophistry.

However, the Judge of Heaven did not explain that the same would happen.

This made all the monsters present think that the sky judge really snatched the earth soul tree.

One by one, the killing spirits are high, and they are ready to kill the Heaven Judge, and then divide the soul and fruit.

Even the savage elephant thought so, and secretly asked the judge.

And when the monsters besieged the Sky Judge.

Cheng Feng has already left the poisonous lake, and is standing on the edge of the poisonous lake at this moment, watching the besiegers siege to the sky judge leisurely.

"This peerless killer from Hell's Gate is very powerful."

Watching the battle, Cheng Feng's brow raised his eyebrows: "Under the siege of the ultimate giant demon with two levels and seven levels and five levels and six levels, it seemed quite calm."

"The strength is far above the seventh strongest person in general."

The two-tiered Qipin giant demon slaying the Judge of the Heavens, with a huge body, squatting up is a small hill.

His mouth opened and roared, like a thunderous thunder, and the terrifying sound wave could blast the sixth strongest man to the sky!

The other is a giant spider with unknown legs.

This giant spider has eight heads on its body, one of which is actually a human face.

When his mouth is open, a transparent silk thread is ejected.

This transparent silk thread was very tough, and the top apex could not be cut off. It shot around the body of the judge, and immediately tangled up.

Trapped the Heaven Judge and hanged him alive.

As for the five-headed, sixth-ranking extreme monsters, they are all very brutal.

Two of them are super anacondas from the Everglades.

However, under the siege of the demon, the judge of the sky did not fail in one fell swoop.

Instead, with the help of an exquisite sword skill and the invisible dodge technique, the dangers were reduced again and again.

It is like dancing on the tip of a knife, showing a deep cultivation.

"Hellgate experts gather, but I am afraid there are not many people who can do this."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I figured out that this middle-aged man in white may be the **** judge of the gate of hell!"

Cheng Feng is no stranger to the three judges of Hell Gate.

He played against two of them and even killed human judges.

But Sky Judge has never seen it, only a little heard.

It is only known that Sky Judge is the first of the three judges, and Xiu Wei is expected to reach the seventh place in the sky.

The seventh strongest person in the sky can be very rare, and Cheng Feng's inference of the identity of the other party is not unusual.

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