Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1575: Octagonal Spider and Emperor Clam

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Chapter 1575 Chapter Eight-faced Ghost Spider and Emperor Clam

"Eight faces, stop hiding and let go!"

It was very difficult to see the Judge of Heaven, and the sound of the seventh-level giant monster that was attacked by the sound wave made a thundering sound: "Otherwise, let's not want to recover the soul tree again."

"Old toad, you want your king to give it all, what about you?"

I heard that the giant spider with eight heads on his body said coldly, "Did you take advantage of the fisherman when the king and the **** human suffered both losses and injuries?"

The eight giant spiders are called 'eight faces' because they have eight heads.

As for the behemoth with a thunderous hair, it is a giant silver toad that has survived for many years.

"Eight faces, don't use the villain's heart to spend the gentleman's belly."

The silvery white toad whispered: "As long as you give your best, I will definitely follow my full attack and kill this **** human first."

"Then let's divide the soul fruit equally, how about it?"

"Hm, I hope you talk to the old toad!"

The eight-faced giant spider simply did things, left a sentence, and immediately fired.

I saw his eight faces facing the Judge at the same time, his mouth opened, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Eight transparent silk threads were shot immediately.

However, these transparent silk threads did not immediately hit the judge.

Instead, they crisscrossed in the sky, forming a large transparent net in the blink of an eye, and then veiled to the heaven judge.

At the same time, the silvery-white toad started to move.

I saw the toad's mouth slightly open and inhaled sharply.

Then, the toad's white belly suddenly swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, my swelled several times, and my bare belly was several times larger than my entire body.

Then, the silver toad's mouth flew open and a roar came out.

Roar! !!

The terrifying sound waves rolled like huge waves.

Form a kilometer-thick sonic column of air, pierce the void, and head straight for the judge.

"No, the emperor clams are working hard with the octopus spider."

In the middle of the poisonous lake, Tian Jue saw this, and his face changed immediately.

Not dare to be indifferent, a sword slammed away the monsters such as his super anaconda.

The body fluttered and hurried several kilometers to the side.

However, despite the quickness of the Sky Judge, he was still slightly scratched by the sound of the emperor clam.

The white coat on the spine shattered instantly, his face turned pale, and his blood violently turned.

Without waiting for the judge to adjust the roiling blood, the large transparent net spit by the ghost spider has fallen.

Blocked all retreats of the Sky Judge.

"The Gate of the Void, transposition!"

At critical juncture, Tian Jie's brow froze, and a superb space martial art was used.

With the use of this martial art, I saw the sky judge suddenly disappeared, appearing a few kilometers away, where the first-floor demon monster was located.

As for the big step monster, it appeared inexplicably in the transparent cobweb.

When the transparent spider web contracted, the stepped monster was tightened by the spider web and cut into countless pieces of flesh!

"Fuck, it's so powerful?"

Beside the poisonous lake, Cheng Feng's eyes glared, "The two giant Qipin giant monsters have not been fully exerted just now."

"As soon as the fire was full, Judge Tian was in an absolute disadvantage!"

The eight-faced ghost spider and the emperor clam are bound to get the soul.

When they just attacked Sky Judge, they deliberately kept their hands, hoping to jump out and collect the fisherman's profit when the opponent defeated Sky Judge.

Unfortunately, both giant monsters are very treacherous. In the end, they can only choose to join forces for the time to prepare to kill the sky judge.

"Cheng Feng, these two top-level Qipin giant monsters, one is an eight-faced ghost spider, and the other is an emperor clam."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The two demon should be very familiar with each other to launch attack and kill, and the combat power is comparable to the seventh-highest power in the sky."

"If it's just Hell's Gate Judge, I'm afraid it's a bit dangerous."

"However, I suppose that the Supreme Elephant Lord will not sit idly by and will definitely support him!"

Nalan's analysis is very accurate.

I saw that on the battlefield, Sky Judge had just used the method of ‘transformation’ to avoid the attack of the eight-faced ghost spider.

Roar! !!

The second Boeing attack of the emperor clam has already arrived.

Forced the judge to have to block sword.

This blocking effort immediately gave the eight-faced ghost spider a chance to attack.

Huh! Another piece of transparent cobweb covered the sky.

This time, the transparent spider web was covered with a layer of white liquid.

Although this white liquid is unknown, it has the effect of stabilizing the void and hindering space martial arts.

The original Judge was trapped in a transparent cobweb and was preparing to re-run the trick.

Unexpectedly, the transposition was actually suppressed, and it was not immediately displayed.

Immediately put the judge in heaven into a huge danger!

But at this moment, 咻 ~~~

A thick spear pierced through the void and radiated.

When it was rubbed fiercely on the transparent cobweb, it broke several threads.

Then the sky judge added a few swords, and the transparent cobweb opened immediately.

Then, Sky Judge flashed, and Huo Ran emerged from the danger.

It was the savage saint who saw the distress in distress and threw a spear to rescue him!

"Human, **** human!"

He could have trapped Sky Judge immediately, killed him and regained the soul fruit.

However, at the last moment, they were destroyed by the savage elephant, which caused the octagonal ghost spider and the emperor clam to all be angry.

"Eight faces, I see these two humans as a group."

The emperor toad whispered, "They are one and one dark, and they cooperate with each other to steal the soul tree.

"Yes, it must be so."

The octagonal ghost spider's killer reveals: "This white human is very cunning, and means of escape are endless."

"Old toad, or else we'll kill the fat human first."

"Without the bad things of obese humans, we will be able to capture them by slaying humans in white."

"Well, that's what I want," the emperor clam agreed.

Then the huge belly swelled again, and a horrific sound wave blasted towards the saintly saint.

"Mad, this beast is staring at this seat."

More than a dozen miles away, His Majesty the Lord thought that he had just helped the Judges, and should not be targeted.

Unexpectedly, it was immediately attacked by the emperor clam.

With a curse, he stood up directly from the back of the elephant, swayed with fat, turned into a seven-star power, and poured into his hands.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Even with three rough spears, he threw them vigorously.

It seems that the attack of the Lord is simple, but in fact every blow is a heavy blow.

Once the spear is nailed to the body, the sixth strongest person in the sky will be nailed instantly.

When the three spears pierced into the sonic boom of the imperial clam, three harsh rumbling sounded.

Actually shot that sonic air column, three big holes stiffly.

Wait until the three big holes are connected into one, bang ~~~

The entire air column burst out.

The imperial clam of the emperor clam was stopped by the savage elephant.

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