Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1576: Decapitation

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Chapter 156 Undecapitation

However, the giant demon who attacked quite like the Venerable was more than one emperor clam.

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider followed closely and launched an attack on the Savage Lord.

As soon as the Savage Lord had blocked the sonic attack of the emperor clam, a transparent cobweb fell from the sky.

"Spear of the Savage God, broken!"

Facing the ensuing attacks, it looked like His Holiness's face was frozen.

Not dare to neglect, the whole body fat faded, and became a piece of iron-like muscle.

The next moment, a thick bowl with a spear engraved with runes was thrown out by His Majesty.

call out! Shoot at the transparent cobweb.

It seems that the spear thrown by His Holiness was a little different.

The spear glowed all over, revealing a rough and wild taste.

Especially when the spear was about to hit the transparent cobweb, it burst out a virtual image of the giant god.

This giant **** is rough and overbearing. Two giant hands grab the transparent cobwebs and pull hard.


The cobweb that was difficult to cut off even the semi-holy artifact was actually torn apart by it.

This wave of attacks from the Eight-faced Ghost Spider was immediately resolved easily.

"This is a bit like a Venerable."

On the side of the poisonous lake, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Only the ability to fight on the front is slightly stronger than the judge in heaven.

"Once this person meets with Heaven Judge, I'm afraid it will be more difficult."

"Perhaps I should give this person something to keep him here forever!"

Thinking of it, Cheng Feng moved beside the poisonous lake.

I saw him use the shadow kill of the Dacheng realm, and went quietly to the saint-like.

At the same time, the Savage Lord was attacked by a second wave of octopus spiders and emperor clams.

"Spear of the Savage God!"

With the previous experience, when the eight-faced ghost spider hit the transparent cobweb cover.

His Majesty the Lord throws a special spear again, breaking the transparent cobweb.

However, the moment when the Majesty the Lord resolved the crisis, the mood was slightly relaxed.

laugh! A black knife stunned around his neck.

Then the blade exploded and chopped into the neck.

"Sneak attack, **** it!"

The savage Lord felt only a cold on his neck, and the cold blade had cut into his neck.

This angered him, all the divine power in his body erupted, and he yelled, "Very **** possesses!"

With the words of the possessed by the Savage God blurring, the fat body of the Savage Lord swelled immediately.

The water rushed to the neck of the lord, making his neck thicken a dozen times in an instant.

The fat squeezes the blade, weakening the cutting power of the black knife.

Not only that, but at the time when the fat fluttered, a virtual image of the giant **** burst out from the body of the saintly saint.

This giant **** is full of muscles and knots, with broad shoulders, as if he can carry the whole world.

When the giant image of the **** appeared, the two gigantic arms fell on the black knife that slashed his neck.

It turned out that the black blade's explosive trend was delayed a lot.

However, the black blade's slash was too strong.

Even with the shadow of the giant **** blocked, and the neck thickened and enlarged more than ten times, the neck of the pretty elephant was forcibly cut off by the black sword.

嗤 ~~~

Waiting until the black blade flew out with a large amount of blood, his head flew like a lord.

Head and body, split up instantly!

"Quanguangqu ..."

Dozens of miles away, Sky Judge just rushed out from the besieging of giant monsters such as super anacondas.

I was about to come and join the Lord of the Wild Elephant, but suddenly I saw the head of the Lord of the Wild Elephant flying.

Suddenly, there was a chill in his body, and he was shocked and said, "Cheng Feng, the person who cut off the head of quite Guangqu must be Cheng Feng's little beast!"

The judge of the sky knows the strength of the savage elephant like Guang Guangqu, and no one can decapitate it except for a close attack.

When he was just vying for the soul tree, the judge of the sky had a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's stealth methods.

Staying with him for a long time, he couldn't detect the slightest abnormality.

It is fully capable of sneaking to the side of the Savage Elephant and launching a fatal blow to it!

The analysis of the judge of the sky is not bad. It is indeed Cheng Feng who cut off the head of the elephant.

Just now, as the Majesty the Lord had to deal with the joint attack of the eight-faced ghost spider and the two giant monsters of the emperor clam, his vigilance and energy were greatly reduced.

In this case, Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow killing of Dacheng Realm, and sneaked into the shadow behind His Majesty Elephant.

When the spirit of the savage elephant was lax, he cut it off and moved his head.

It's definitely not that easy if you change to normal!


"Damn mess!"

The savage elephant is arrogant and has super vitality.

His head was chopped off, and he could still make a sound, yelling at Cheng Feng.

And still screaming, the headless body rose into the sky.

Open your palms to catch the blood-sprayed head and set it on your neck again.

"Old miscellaneous, I think you still die completely!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes shot deadly.

Then, the Soul Seal will be cast to launch a fatal blow to the Savage Lord.

"Cheng Feng, give me death!"

At this moment, a sword light pierced through the void for dozens of miles and suddenly radiated.

However, the judge of the sky realized that the samurai saint is not dead, and intends to encircle Wei to rescue Zhao and fight for the first-line vigor for the samadhi

Secondly, the pretty elephant lord who moved his head still has combat effectiveness.

While reaching out to grab his head, he also punched Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the stepped giant monster emperor clam also hit a sonic column of air, covering Cheng Feng with an attack range.

"Heaven Judge and Emperor Clam?"

Besieged by a triple attack, Cheng Feng's scalp was a little numb and felt a thick threat.

His eyes glanced at the savage elephant, and he groaned, "The seventh strongest man on the sky is no small matter. The divine thoughts reside in the spiritual platform. I bombarded with the soul seal, and may not be able to blow away in a single blow.

"It's better to step back temporarily and wait for the opportunity to attack again!"

The technique of seven kills is an assassination martial art.

Cheng Feng has now practiced the shadow killing of the Seven Kills to the level of Dacheng. There is no trace and no shadow. He does not need to fight with each other.

Quietly dormant, a sudden fatal blow is the best choice.

Cheng Feng was decisive and immediately took action when a decision was made.

call out! Shi Zhan walked, and rushed to the side.

Quickly dodged the sword light stabbed by the sky judge and flew a few miles away.

Under this situation, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

From the day before, the siege of Heavenly Magistrate, His Majesty the Lord, and the Emperor Clam slayed Cheng Feng, and suddenly the Emperor Clam attacked the Majesty the Lord.

"Sword of the sky, breaking the sky!"

In a critical moment, the sword light stabbed by Tian Jue suddenly brightened.

The direction of the assassination turned, welcoming the sonic pillar of the emperor clam.

Boom ~~~

The horrible sonic pillar of air was blocked stiffly, so that the savage elephant was spared.

And successfully grabbed his head, and quickly connected to the fracture.

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