Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1577: Savage Festival

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Chapter 157th Savage God Offering

However, the Devil Sword is very scary.

Not only sharp and unparalleled, but also the annihilation power peculiar to the magic soldier on the blade.

It is difficult to heal all the wounds cut by the slayer.

Even the seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky is no exception.

You must first remove the annihilation from the wound.


His head was tied to his neck, and the method of regenerating the severed limb was not effective.

Instead, a large amount of fresh flesh derived was destroyed by the force of annihilation, resulting in a sting.

This made His Majesty the Lord make a scream, and shivered, "What's going on? What's going on?"

"Why is there a formidable force preventing my flesh from growing? Why?"

During the questioning, the thoughts of the savage elephant turned sharply, and he soon thought that this matter might be related to Cheng Feng.

Suddenly yelled: "Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng! You little animal can't die, you can't die!"

However, before he finishes scolding, hey ~~~

The eight-faced ghost spider has begun to attack again.

A transparent silk thread spit out of his mouth, interwoven into a transparent cobweb, and came over him.

At this time, the heaven judge was entangled by the emperor clam.

There was no rescuer immediately, and the elephant could only carry the attack of the eight-faced ghost spider alone.

But at this moment, his head was not yet connected.

His blood was dying, his vitality dropped, and his combat power plummeted.

In this case, let alone resist the attack of the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, even if it is a sixth-ranked monster, it can kill him!

"Junk stuff!"

The breath of death rushed on his face, quite like the Lord's fury.

He held his broken head with one hand and took out a house-sized monster skull with one hand.

Lifted it above his head, and bowed and shouted, "Great saint god, please enjoy the sacrifices-sacrifices to saint god!"

Om ~~~

With the action of His Majesty the Lord, a giant ghost appeared out of thin air.

This giant **** is like a naked upper body with wide shoulders and wide back, as if he could lift up the whole world with his body.

When it appeared, a pair of eyes immediately looked at the monster skull in the hand of the Savage Lord.

Wow! Then he opened his mouth and sucked suddenly.

A ray of light suddenly pulled out of the monster's skull, and flew to the mouth of the giant ghost.

As for that monster's skull, after it was taken away by Guanghua, it quickly became yellow and decayed, and eventually turned into a loess.

In contrast, the giant ghost virtual shadow, after absorbing the glory in the monster's skull, the virtual shadow actually consolidated a lot.

An outrageous and powerful breath burst out, and even the super giant monsters of the seventh grade were discolored.

"What it is?"

Outside the battlefield, Cheng Feng saw this scene and couldn't help but brow: "It actually gives people an extremely dangerous taste, enough to punch me into fly ash!"

"That should be a projection of the Savage God."

Nalan's eternal voice sounded: "It is rumored that the barbaric **** is a barbaric god. With physical strength alone, he can fight against the realm of creation."

"But you don't need to worry, the gods are blocked from the earth dome and it is impossible to come here."

"This savage **** is just a sacrifice of some sacrifices. For the time being, it has a little savage power!"

"Very god, the power of the god?"

Listening to Nalan's explanation, Cheng Feng's eyes turned to the battlefield.

I saw that on the battlefield, after the shadow of the savage **** had solidified a lot, two dark eyes stared at the transparent cobwebs from the eight-faced ghost spider.

Hold up two huge palms, grab the transparent silk thread, and pull hard to the sides.

Stabbing ~~~

Ripped the transparent cobweb.

Not only that, but after tearing through the transparent cobweb, the ghostly ghost image inserted into the void with one hand.

Rip open the indestructible void of the marks of the sky.

The savage elephant saw him, and gave Cheng Feng a resentful glance, then jumped into it, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

As for the savage ghost, after the departure of the savage saint, the shouting shattered.

The void ripped by him suddenly closed, and everything became calm again.

If the mount of the non-Very Elephant Lord had been abandoned on the battlefield, I would have thought that nothing had happened just now.

"Abominable humans, they fled!"

Above the poisonous lake, the emperor clam saw the elephant rushing away, and there was some fire in his heart.

Glancing at the mount abandoned by His Holiness, roar! !!

Directly hit a sonic air column.

The mount of the savage elephant is an ancient savanna with a rank of six ranks.

However, under the attack of the emperor clam, it was completely vulnerable.

As he was hit by Sonic Pillar, he suddenly opened a large hole in his body and saw that there was no way out!

Killing the mount of the savage elephant, the emperor clam looked around, ready to start against the judge.

But at first glance, his face turned black.

Because the judge disappeared that day.

Apparently when it was distracted by the Savage Lord, it took the opportunity to slip away.

"Eight faces, what about the white human who stole the soul tree?"

The emperor clam asked, his voice filled with anger.

For it, the elephant-like saint fled and fled, having no effect on himself.

But if Judge Tian fled, it was a sunny thunderbolt.

Because the emperor clam has 'determined', the earth-soul tree that has been uprooted by humans is in the hands of the heaven judge.

Heaven Judge fled, and the soul tree will be lost along with it, which is an unbearable weight!

"Human in white?"

The eight-faced ghost spider just now attracted the attention of His Majesty.

At this time when hearing the question of the emperor clam, I realized that the white-skinned man who ‘stolen’ the soul tree was gone.

Angrily, it shuddered and yelled, "Damn it, **** it!"

"That **** human must have slipped while we were gone!"


The emperor's face was dark and angry, "No, you must not let that **** human slip away!"

"Chasing, we only lost our mind for a moment. The human in white must haven't escaped!"

However, it is easier said than done.

Sky Judge is proficient in stealth lurking methods and disappears after disappearing.

The emperor clam and the octagonal ghost spider chased after each other, not even the direction in which the sky judge escaped could not tell.

Big eyes stared at small eyes, leaving only a dull stomach.

But at this moment, the turnaround suddenly appeared.

"Humans in white didn't run away, hiding behind a large square stone by the poisonous lake."

A sudden, distant voice sounded in the ears of the Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, telling them where the sky judge was.

"Who? How did you know?" The emperor clam asked after hearing this voice.

But the voice did not answer, as if it had never appeared before.

The emperor clam waited for a while with the eight-faced ghost spider and did not respond. When he looked at the poisonous lake, he suddenly found a large square stone.

The two demon stared at each other, holding out a try mentality, and launched an attack on the back of the large square stone!

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