Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1578: Nine days of cold water

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Chapter 158 The Nine Heavens Cold Water

Roar! !!

Above the poisonous lake, the belly of the emperor clam suddenly became extremely huge.

When the maximum was reached, he suddenly turned his head and stared at a large square stone on the west side of the poisonous lake, sending out a strong transverse sonic air column.

Huh! The emperor clam just launched an attack.

Behind the large square stone, a sword light suddenly appeared.

A sword stabbed a large square stone and intercepted the blast of sonic air.

At the same time, a blurry figure suddenly retreated backwards, if Jian Guang had exposed a little movement, it was just like a transparent person, and there was no trace.

It's Hell's Gate Judge!

"Haha ~~~"

The Sonic air column blasted the Judge of Heaven, and the emperor toad laughed: "That voice didn't lie to me, and the white man who stole the soul tree is hiding here."

In the laughter, the attack of the emperor clam was even more fierce, and it was about to kill the Sky Judge.

At the same time, the eight-faced ghost spider did not fall behind, spitting transparent spider silk in his mouth, strangling Sky Judge.

Secondly, the giant monsters such as Super Anaconda, Ancient Sword Crocodile, King Poisonous Scorpion, etc. also launched attacks on the Sky Judge.

For a moment, Sky Judge was caught in the besieging of the demons, which was more dangerous than before by three points!

"Cheng Feng, abominable Cheng Feng!"

Facing the siege of the demon, the judge in heaven burned in anger, and cursed in a deep voice: "After the judge has got out of trouble, you must pay the price of blood!"

Obviously, the voice of Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider was revealed to Cheng Feng from Cheng Feng.

Just now, monsters such as the emperor clam were attracted the attention of the Savage Lord, but Cheng Feng did not.

In other words, Cheng Feng's attention is divided into two.

While staring at the Judge of the Heavens, he watched the Savage Lord cast out the Savage God Festival and fled.

So every move to the heaven judge is clear.

Therefore, when the emperor clam and the octagonal ghost spider were angry because they could not find the trace of the sky judge, Cheng Feng sent accurate information.

Suddenly, Judge Tian was in danger, and even when the time was ripe, he would make up his own knife and kill him.

As for the escaped Mammoth, Cheng Feng intends to let it go for the time being.

Because His Majesty the Lord tore the void and fled, the distance must be relatively long, and I'm afraid I can't catch up for a while.

Moreover, His Majesty's body was severely damaged, and a lot of annihilation power remained on the wound.

Even if Cheng Feng followed up later, he could easily chase each other through the force of annihilation.

At present, taking the opportunity, it is the best choice to kill the judge in heaven first!

"Hell's Gate Judge, there are really a few brushes."

Outside the poisonous lake, Cheng Feng looked at the slayer who was besieged by the demons, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "

"And depending on his condition, it can persist for a while."

The attack power of the emperor clam and the octagonal ghost spider can be called terror.

Together, the two giant monsters can rival the seventh-highest powerhouse in the sky.

Coupled with a large number of giant monsters of the sixth grade, the true seventh ascendant of the high-ranking powerhouse must also change color.

However, under the siege of such a siege, Sky Judge insisted for a long time.

Of course, the heaven judge also paid the blood price for this.

Not only did he consume a lot of accumulated life-saving cards, but he was also opened more than ten times by the demon.

One of the wounds went straight to the heart.

If the judge did not move the body in time, the heart could be dug out!

"Perhaps, it's time to replenish the sword."

Seeing the bruised Sky Judge, a lot of hole cards have been used up.

Cheng Feng groaned, preparing to kill Assassin and kill him completely.

You know, the seventh strongest man to climb to heaven is very dangerous and has many means.

Especially the powerful life-saving hole card is very terrible.

After all, Cheng Feng has a lot of cards that can endanger the seventh strongest man in the sky, and the cards in the hands of the sky judges are estimated to be stronger.

In case you accidentally get caught, the consequences are disastrous.

And this is the main reason why Cheng Feng has forbearance until now!

Huh! Cheng Feng turned Shadow Kill to the extreme, turning the whole person into a shadow.

Silently, he flashed over the side of a monster and quickly reached the battlefield.

Then lurking in the shadow of the super anaconda, quietly waiting for the opportunity to appear.

At this time, the Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider were firing at full power, attacking the Sky Judge.

Sound waves of gas bombarded, making Tian Judge tired to dodge.

As for the transparent cobwebs spit by the eight-faced ghost spider, it is even more difficult to entangle.

An accidentally covered by a transparent cobweb is immediately fraught with sore holes, and no doubt will die.

Ding Ding Ding Ding ~~~

At this point, another transparent cobweb came.

Sky Judge did not dare to neglect, and the hand-held sword immediately stabbed, blocking it from his body.

With the sharp edge of the judge's sword, this transparent cobweb was barely broken, and a wave of crisis was resolved.

However, at this time.

call out! A black knife emerged from the side of the super anaconda, stabbing at the eyebrow of the judge in lightning!

"Cheng Feng!"

But at the moment when the black sword came, the judge's eyes lit up, and his voice was cold: "Damn little beast, I'll wait for you."

Along with this voice, Sky Judge's left hand appeared, and a purple ice cube appeared on his hand.

In the center of the ice block is a small stream of ice-blue liquid.

The ice-blue liquid is very special. It actually swims in the center of the ice like life, giving it a very dangerous taste.

After the Judge Tian took out the ice block sealed with the ice-blue liquid, he hesitated to Cheng Feng without any hesitation.

"Not good, the magistrate is well prepared."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face changed drastically. The demon sword that cut to the sky judge immediately retracted, and then retreated: "Or, the sky judge has been waiting for me to assassinate him."

"So use super hole cards and kill me in one fell swoop!"

Cheng Feng's speculation was not bad at all.

The judge in heaven hated Cheng Feng's repeated calculations, so he was struggling to give Cheng Feng a hard note.

In order to wait for Cheng Feng, he did not retreat even if he was seriously injured.

"Cheng Feng, quickly urge the defense of Chiyanpao."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It seems that a nine-day cold water has been sealed in the purple ice thrown by the heaven judge!"

The purple ice cube was cracked immediately after it was thrown by the judge.

The ice-blue liquid sealed in the ice cubes flowed out, and an icy cold current instantly stirred and opened.

The sky was frozen and cracked, and the temperature dropped sharply between heaven and earth, as if it had suddenly reached the cold winter moon.

Even though Cheng Feng was wearing the armor of war, his cheeks were aching, his skin was chapped and his blood was frozen.

Can't help but ask in horror: "Uncle Nalan, what is the nine-day cold water?"

"Nine days of cold water is a very scary true water."

Nalan Changsheng replied: "This kind of real water is far more terrifying than the black water overcast by the Blackwater Palace."

"If the weight is enough, the seventh strongest man in the sky can live alive!"

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