Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1581: Siege of the Siege

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Chapter 1581 The Siege of Siege

"The man with the sword is fierce, and he is getting brave."

Hundreds of miles away, the emperor clam's face condensed, and said calmly: "Long-term, I'm afraid I will kill the white human."

"It's possible."

The eight-faced ghost spider nodded: "But even if a human can kill a human in white with a knife, he will have to pay a heavy price."

"We are not in a hurry, the harder they kill, the better, it is better to have both together!"

However, as soon as the eight-faced ghost spider's voice fell, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

I saw the judge Tian Cheng retreated thousands of kilometers by Cheng Feng's another record.

According to the past, the judge will immediately stop the retreat and welcome Cheng Feng's next slash.

However, this time the Judge of the Heavens did not, but on the way back, he violently performed a physical martial arts technique to make himself retreat faster by three points.

The blink of an eye has been more than ten miles away from Cheng Feng.

Obviously to drive away!

"Judge, don't want to escape."

Faced with the fleeing heaven judge, Cheng Feng froze slightly.

I didn't expect that the **** gate judge, a peerless killer who ascended to the seventh place, would be beaten by himself.

However, after a moment's fuss, Cheng Feng reacted quickly.

Looking away hundreds of miles away from the poisonous lake, the position where the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were located.

It sounded like a thunder, and yelled, "Give the earth soul tree out, or even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will chase it to the end!"

"Earth Soul Tree?"

Hundreds of miles away from the poisonous lake, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were still preparing to wait and see, waiting for Cheng Feng and the judge to kill you.

But when I heard Cheng Feng shouting the words "Soul Tree", I couldn't sit still.

For fear of any accident, Qi Qi evoked the demon power and chased Cheng Feng and the two.

Compared to the two emperor clams, Heaven Judge is darkened!

Because there is no such thing as a soul tree in his hands.

The matter was clear to Cheng Feng, but he still shouted loudly, apparently uneasy.

Sure enough, when his gaze swept across the Quartet, he saw the two demons coming from the chase, and suddenly knew Cheng Feng's intention.

It was to attract King Clam and Eight-faced Ghost Spider to kill him.

He was so annoyed that the judge's heart and liver were trembling.

"Little beasts, the earth soul tree is clearly in your hands, but you thief shouts and catches thieves?"

Sky Judge scolded as he flew towards the distance.

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng sneered: "What nonsense do you say! If the earth soul tree is on me, I still need to chase you?"

"Earth soul tree is in your hands, small animal you deliberately confuse the audiovisual." Sky Judge angrily.

"Who has the Earth Soul Tree in his heart?"

Cheng Feng said coldly, "You want to prove that you didn't take the ground soul tree. Stop and let me search."


Hearing that the judge's face turned darker.

The reason why he just ran away was that he couldn't stand Cheng Feng's bombardment and wanted to find a way to live.

If you stop and let Cheng Feng search the body, will not be slaughtered? Totally impossible.

However, Cheng Feng seized this stance and asked.

"Judge, you have nothing to say?"

Cheng Feng said: "In this case, then hand over the earth soul tree at speed, and I may still be able to give you a way of life. You better not make mistakes!"

Regarding Cheng Feng's "spattering dirty water", Tian Jun had no other way.

I can only hate a bite, simply ignore it, fled.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng flashed a cold color in his eyes.

Then his eyes dangled behind him, and the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider, who were planning to rob him by fire, suddenly shouted.

"Judge, what do you want to do?"

Cheng Feng faced ‘Furious Color’, angrily shouted: “Damn, you want to swallow the earth soul fruit? It ’s a violent thing!

Upon hearing Cheng Feng's remarks, the fledgling Sky Judge froze and did not know what Cheng Feng was talking about.

As for the emperor clams and eight-faced ghost spiders that followed behind Cheng Feng, they were moving.

They stared at Sky Magistrate with their eyes wide open, but because the Sky Magistrate had performed stealth martial arts, they could only see a figure flying towards the distance.

As for what this figure is doing, I can't see it at all.

But soon, the expressions of the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider turned black, and it was immediately concluded that the heaven judge was spoiling the soul fruit.

Because they smell a faint fragrance.

This kind of fragrance, they only smelled when the earth soul fruit matured, it is the smell unique to earth soul fruit.

Suddenly, the emperor clam couldn't sit still with the eight-faced ghost spider.

The two demon stared at each other, and the emperor clam took the lead.

The silvery belly suddenly grows big, roar! !!

A terrifying sonic air column vented, and went straight to the fleeing heaven judge.

As for the eight-faced ghost spider, a transparent silk thread spewed out of its mouth.

After the transparent silk thread was shot, it was stuck in the void for dozens of miles, and when the eight-faced ghost spider gathered the spider silk, it suddenly pulled it forward and exploded, and the flight speed soared a lot.

And eight-faced ghost spiders have more than one mouth, but eight full.

At this moment, a spider silk was spewed out of each mouth, one by one, continuously borrowing power.

Soon he went out hundreds of miles, surpassed Cheng Feng, and was within easy reach of the judge.

At this time, a sonic column of imperial clam arrived just now, forcing the judge to prevent it, and the situation of flying away suddenly.

The eight-faced ghost spider immediately seized the opportunity, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

One by one, the transparent gossamer rushed out, turned into an invisible cloth, and rolled to the judge.

Once you get caught up in the Sky Judge, you have to peel off the skin if you don't die!

"Damn little beast, I'm so angry!"

At this moment, the judge Huo Ran understood the intent of Cheng Feng's sentence.

It was apparently for the sake of misfortune, that the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider acted on him.

And with the strength of the two emperor clams, the Qipin Giant Demon, he can completely consume him alive.

In this case, Cheng Feng can solve him without any effort!

"The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider are really out of mind."

Not far away, Cheng Feng's pursuit of Tian Judge slowed down, and he groaned, "He followed me, he should want to wait for me and Tian Jie to lose both injuries before jumping out to clean up the mess.

"But unfortunately, I was bluffed with a land soul fruit, and immediately jumped out impatiently."

"I'm afraid the earth soul fruit will be eaten by the judge, and the bamboo basket will be empty."

"That's right, you and the dog bite the dog, and I can sit and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman."

It turned out that Cheng Feng's shout just now was a deliberate 'performance'.

The purpose is to stimulate the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider to take action against the heaven judge.

Even in order to increase his strength, Cheng Feng temporarily took the earth soul tree out of the soul ring to let the fragrance of earth soul fruit spread.

When the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider smelled, the natural hurricane launched a siege to the heaven judge.

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