Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1582: Dao Guangyao

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Chapter 1582 The Glory of the Sword

In the sky, Cheng Feng saw the emperor clam teaming with the eight-faced ghost spider, and had intercepted the Sky Judge stiffly, and was frantically attacking and bombing.

His footsteps stopped, while watching the battle, he threw a few drops of water of life into his mouth to replenish the power of the dragon.

Just a moment ago, Cheng Feng fought against Tian Jue, although the time was not long, it was very expensive.

Because of every hit at that time, Cheng Feng was fully fired.

For dozens of consecutive swords, most of the dragon power in Cheng Feng's body has been consumed.

And this is that Cheng Feng has contained a few drops of water of life in his mouth beforehand, otherwise, the consumption will be more severe.

"It seems that there is still a big gap between me and Dengtian's seventh-best peerless powerhouse."

Cheng Feng groaned in his heart: "Perhaps with the power of one yuan and the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu, it can temporarily compete with it."

"But if you fight for a long time and compete for consumption, it must be that I eventually fall down."

"This time I was able to flee the Sky Magistrate, mainly because the Sky Magistrate was repeatedly frustrated and my confidence was hit."

"And the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider looked at each other side by side, failing to show ten percent of their combat power."

"Otherwise, I might not be able to defeat it!"

"So take advantage of this opportunity to fight for the death of the Judge."

Just as Cheng Feng groaned, miles away.

The Emperor Clam, the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, and the Sky Judge are killing wildly.

The first judge of the sky failed to **** the Earth Soul Tree; later, he was planted by Cheng Feng to marry him, and surrounded by a large number of monsters; then he was defeated by Cheng Feng and fled.

At this time, he was intercepted by the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider, which was extremely angry.

Especially the killing of Cheng Feng has reached an unprecedented level.

However, Cheng Feng didn't lean forward, hiding in the distance to watch the battle, so that the judge in heaven vomited blood.

In this case, the performance of combat power is greatly affected.

After a while, he was rubbed by a sonic air column of the emperor clam, and a blood groove opened on his spine.

"Can't go on like this, otherwise I might die here."

This attack by the emperor clam awakened Sky Judge from his anger.

With a shake of his head, he calmed down quickly, and the killer's nature returned. He groaned, "In my current situation, it is difficult to escape from the siege of the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider."

"And even if he escapes, he will be intercepted by Cheng Feng and his former achievements will be abandoned."

"The only way is to try to carry the assault of the emperor clam and wait for the rescue of the Promise King of the Blood God."

"I have just sent the distress message to the Promise King and the Second Elder."

"Using the space martial arts of Wuji King, it shouldn't take long to come here."

Thinking of this, the judges converged various complex thoughts.

Use half-level swordsmanship with the sword of the sky, with the remaining cards, to resist the attack of the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, the Judge of the Heavens had fought hundreds of moves with the emperor clam Er Yao.

After this wave of battle, Sky Judge was scarred, and there was no perfect place in his body.

Fortunately, he is a seventh-class peerless powerhouse who has the highest vitality.

If you were a general martial artist, you would have died many times.

"Not dead yet?"

At this time, Cheng Feng ended the refining of the water of life.

The dragon's power in the body was surging, the state reached its peak, and the dragon was fierce.

He looked at the battlefield with a frown on his face: "It seems that it is not easy to kill a peerless powerhouse that ranks seventh in the sky."

The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider are two super monsters with seven ranks.

Converted into a human warrior, it is the seventh strongest person in the sky.

However, the two demons joined forces to attack and kill hundreds of strokes, and they failed to kill the judge.

This is enough to show the arrogance and rich means of life protection of the judge.

Of course, a larger part of the reason is that the two clams of the emperor clam are afraid of being in the hands of the sky judge, and there is such a super hole card like the nine days of cold water, and they dare not approach the attack.

I'm afraid I accidentally caught it and let my life go.

After all, although the land soul fruit is good, it is far less important than life-saving.

It's gone, but nothing!

"This time, I am not the only judge in the sky to chase and kill my evil peers."

Cheng Feng groaned in his heart: "There are only three peerless strong men I met."

"There must be a means of interconnection between these people."

"The siege of the decree of the heavens, the other few evil fighters are probably already known."

"So you must kill the Judge as soon as possible, in case other miscellaneous sects arrive, it will be bad!"

Thinking so, Cheng Feng clenched the Devil Sword in his hand.

With his eyes locked on the Sky Judge, he was ready to launch a lore against the Sky Judge.

After the decision was made, Cheng Feng immediately started.

I saw that he raised the Devil Sword high and used the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao.

Om ~~~ The stars in the sky suddenly brightened.

Wait until the next shot of stars, into the sword.

Huh! The Devil Slayer rage.

Immediately, a horrible sword light exploded to the judge of heaven!

Dozens of miles away, as soon as the Heaven Judge blocked the attack of the Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, a cold chill raged from above his head.

Looking up, he immediately saw a horrible sword bursting out.

"Cheng Feng ... can't bear it anymore!"

The moment he saw the horror sword light, the judge of the sky became cold.

Suddenly in my heart, Cheng Feng had already shot, and he wanted to kill himself: "Blood God teaches the Promise King, already on his way."

"At the same time, the second elder is coming, just thousands of miles away."

"I only need to hold on for a while, not only can I save the danger, but I can even kill Cheng Feng's small beast!"

Thinking about it, the long sword in the hand of the sky judge stabbed the sky and yelled, "The sword of the sky, breaking the sky!"

Om ~~~

Immediately the sword light was excited, blocking the horrible sword light of Cheng Feng!

"Dead to me!"

Cheng Feng is very clear about the strength of the judge.

One or two knives alone is impossible to kill.

So after the first knife, the second, third, fourth ... and so on.

For a time, the stars in the sky were bright like daylight, and they continuously shot down the stars.

The next moment it condensed into a horrific swordlight, chopped off the heavens and earth, and spread it to the heaven judge.

"So scary human!"

Not far away, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider saw this scene, and their expressions changed dramatically: "I feel that human in white, I am afraid that this wave of brutal sword will be cut directly into fly ash!"

The scene at hand is indeed difficult to keep people from moving.

I am afraid that the sixth strongest man on the sky will be killed and he will be killed on the spot.

Although the Sky Judge is the seventh strongest person to ascend to the sky, he has been hit hard and is at the lowest point of his life.

At this moment, I will be hit by crazy crit, there is a great possibility of death on the spot!

Boom boom boom ~~~

And when the two monsters of the emperor clam moved.

The knife light that burst from the sky has fallen on the judge.

Drown the heaven judge instantly!

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