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Chapter 158 Erhuo

Rumbling ~~~

The horrific sword light cut off, causing the world to tremble violently and emit a thunderous sound.

In the direction of the sky judge, the void collapsed suddenly.

The solid space barriers of Tianzhichen were cut open by bluntness, and a large amount of nothingness poured in.

Nothingness is thick darkness. After pouring in, the surroundings become dark instantly.

"Are you dead?"

In the sky, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider saw this, and stared in vain to search for the figure of the judge.

Once the Sky Judge is beheaded, they will **** the Earth Soul Tree in the hands of the Sky Judge.

However, when the vastness of nothing retracted into the void sea.

The sky judge actually stood up and was not killed by the horror sword.

"What? Not dead?"

Seeing this, the face of the emperor clam changed with the eight-faced ghost spider.

I did not expect that the Judge of the Heavens could block the horrific crit that Cheng Feng had just described.

In fact, even the Judge of Heaven is also in fear.

Just now, when Cheng Feng exploded with more than a dozen swords, he felt a chill in his heart, and the breath of death was blowing head-on.

In a critical moment, he took out an iron umbrella.

This iron umbrella has a special origin, but it is a defensive treasure sent from outside the territory to the dome continent, at a great cost.

The judge of the sky stretched out the iron umbrella before blocking Cheng Feng's horrific slash.

But at the same time, the iron umbrella was also cut by Daoguang, and it is estimated that it will be scrapped within a few times!

"Another life-saving card?"

In the sky, Cheng Feng saw the sky judge holding an iron umbrella, and his brows couldn't help wrinkling: "How many cards are there in the day of the judge?"

Since Cheng Feng has targeted Sky Judge, Sky Judge has played dozens of life-saving hole cards.

It's like moving a secret library of cards in your pocket.

"No matter how many cards you have, you have to die today!"

Tian Feng's endless methods have shocked Cheng Feng, but Cheng Feng's intention to kill has not decreased.

It was even consumed with the judge of the sky, and it was necessary to kill the other party.

Because the harder it is to kill people, the more they have to get rid of it.

Once he escapes, it may be difficult to kill again!

However, at the time of Cheng Feng's transpiration.

Om ~~~

A thousand miles away in the north, a martial arts spirit burst into the air.

This martial arts essence is very powerful, like a volcanic eruption, and it is clearly visible after thousands of miles.

It shows a strong cultivation behavior, and the person who sends out martial arts spirit is at least a peerless powerhouse who is seventh in the sky.

"Some masters appeared in Hongshalin, and they were very killing!"

Thousands of miles away, the expression of the Emperor Clam and the Eight-faced Ghost Spider changed slightly as the martial arts spirit rose.

Looking into the distance, his face could not change.

"The second elder of the Blood Gods."

As for the judge of the sky, there was a joy on his face: "This time, I see how Cheng Feng's little beast still killed me!"

"The Second Elder of the Blood Gods?"

Cheng Feng is very familiar with the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

The first human he encountered after entering the Scar of the Sky was the Second Elder.

So when the spirit of martial arts rushed away thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng recognized the other person, and his brows frantically froze: "This mess is really not the right time, it is really a big trouble!"

The second elder of the Blood Gods, Xiuwei has reached the seventh highest level of ascension.

It can be said that among the five peerless strong men who chase and kill Cheng Feng this time, Xiu is the highest one.

Suddenly coming at this time, it will definitely ruin the good thing of Cheng Feng killing the judge.

But for the judge of the sky, Cheng Feng is determined to kill.

He glanced at the second elder with a bite in his teeth and turned to look at the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider.

The voice said: "Two friends, the peerless powerhouse who is coming here is the companion of the White Judge, who is very strong."

"Once the other party arrived, the two and I were together, and they were not opponents at all."

"Human, what do you mean by that?" The Emperor Clam asked.

"I have a proposal."

Time was short, Cheng Feng went straight to the topic: "The man in white in front of him robbed the earth soul tree, and there are three earth soul fruits on the earth soul tree."

"It would be better for the three of us to work together and kill him before his comrades arrive."

"When the earth soul fruit is found, how about the three of us?"

"Jointly kill humans in white and share the soul and fruit equally?"

Upon hearing Cheng Feng's remarks, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider moved: "This proposal is good, and the three of us should join forces to attack and kill the humans in white without a few moves."

The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider apparently moved.

Because Cheng Feng's combat power is very strong, coupled with their two top-level Qipin giant monsters, killing the heaven judge is absolutely secure.

Regarding the killing of the Heaven Judge, the Emperor Clam did not mention whether to share the soul and fruit equally.

"Since the two agree, let's get started!"

Seeing the approval of the emperor clams, Cheng Feng immediately said, "Let the other party's rush to come and cause unnecessary trouble."

During speaking, Cheng Feng had already lifted the sword.

In the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword, Huo Ran began to brew.

The emperor clams and the eight-faced ghost spiders are relatively simple.

After discussing with Cheng Feng, he left and right, skillfully cooperated, and launched an attack on the Sky Judge.

"No, Cheng Feng's little beast seems to be colluding with the two giant monsters."

Dozens of miles away, Heaven Judge saw this, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help yelling, "Two giant demon friends, I didn't get the Earth Soul Tree at all, you were all fooled."

"The person who really got the Earth Soul Tree is Cheng Feng, the little beast who challenged you to attack me!"

"Hey, it's all up to you now?"

After hearing the words of the judge, Cheng Feng sneered, "It seems you really don't see the coffin and don't cry!"

"That being the case, then I will fulfill you!"

In a word, a horror sword cut off immediately to the judge.

As for the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider, it was already determined in his heart that the earth soul tree was on the heaven judge.

So whatever the judge said, he ignored it.

Instead, a few sonic air pillars, plus a few transparent cobwebs, greeted the judge.

Just let the judges look pale, and quickly spread out the iron umbrella in his hand to block.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

After several successive attacks, the iron umbrella cracked immediately.

The next moment, it exploded and opened.

"good chance!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up, and a number of Emperor Cang swords burst out.

The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were also unwilling to fall behind, and made their respective strongest attacks, preparing to completely kill the Sky Judge.

"Stop, stop at speed!"

The breath of death rushed forward, and Sky Magistrate was almost desperate.

But in despair, a flash of light flashed through my mind and shouted loudly: "I hand over the soul tree, I hand over the soul tree, you stop quickly."

"Otherwise, I will directly destroy the Earth Soul Tree, and no one wants it!"

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