Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1584: Dodge the edge

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Chapter 158 Temporarily Avoiding the Edge

"Give up the soul tree?"

As soon as the judge said this, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider immediately opened their eyes.

Hurry to withdraw the attack on the Sky Judge, for fear that the Sky Judge will be angry, and really destroy the earth soul tree.

However, Cheng Feng did not stop, instead, his attack power increased by three points.

Because he knows deeply that there is no earth soul tree in the judge's hands, at this time, the words just disturb the audio-visual and give himself a chance for life.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you attack me?"

Dozens of miles away, seeing his blind yelling had an effect, the judge's nervous mood relaxed.

Later, seeing Feng Feng's offensive unabated, his eyes turned and he screamed angrily, "Did you want the soul tree undesirably? Believe me or destroy it immediately?"

Obviously, the judge said that when he spoke, he looked at the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider, revealing the appearance of a broken fishnet.

This time, it was to make the emperor clams scary.

Because they didn't know that the Earth Soul Tree was not in the hands of the Sky Judge, so they quickly called for Cheng Feng to stop.

But Cheng Feng didn't stop, Daoguang still burst into the sky.

Only the Tian Jue was chopped back and forth, and he coughed up.

"Okay, it seems you really don't want the soul tree."

The more dangerous, the calmer the judge, the more exquisite the acting skills, took out a soul ring, said fiercely: "Since this, then I will destroy this thing, hit it twice!"

Speaking of which, the Judge of Heaven has already urged the divine power to 'destroy' the Soul Ring.

"Don't stop, let's stop!"

Seeing this, the emperor clam panicked with the eight-faced ghost spider.

While appeasing Judge Tian, ​​his face was sullen and angry: "Humans with a knife, you stop the king immediately, otherwise, blame the king for turning his face!"

In the anger, the huge belly of the emperor clam swelled, and his mouth pointed at Cheng Feng.

The eight-faced ghost spider also opened its mouth toward Cheng Feng and was ready to attack.

The alliance just reached between the three was actually disintegrated by the performance of the judge.

"Two, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng finally stopped the offensive and said sadly: "This human in white is very cunning. He didn't want to hand over the soul tree at all."

"What I said just now is just to delay time, waiting for his reinforcements to come."

Regarding Tian Jie's trick, Cheng Feng was clear about it.

In fact, he often used this method.

The reason why the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spiders besieged Tian Jie was caused by Cheng Feng's flicker.

However, the two emperor clams did not know.

"Humans, you may say something, but we can't bet."

The emperor toad whispered, "We have been here for hundreds of years, and finally we have to keep a few soul spirits ripe, and we must get them."

"I understand the feelings of the two people who want to get the soul fruit, but we can't be deceived?"

Cheng Feng said: "Furthermore, if we kill that person directly, wouldn't we also be able to get the soul fruit?"

"No, humans in white will destroy the earth soul fruit."

The emperor clam said: "And the man in white has promised me and is ready to surrender the earth soul tree."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked.

But the Emperor Clam No. 2 no longer answered, and the monster power in his body was surging.

Upon discovering this scene, Cheng Feng's heart jumped: "Grass, shouldn't these two guys be seduced by the judge of the sky, are you ready to go to battle?"

Cheng Feng guessed very accurately. Just when he was breathing, Tian Quan's voice sounded into his ear, telling the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider that he could hand over the entire soul tree, but he needed them to do one thing.

That is to kill Cheng Feng!

As long as Cheng Feng died, he absolutely surrendered the soul tree.

Even in order to gain the trust of the two emperor clams, he made a vow of soul and soul.

The two emperor clams had no deep friendship with Cheng Feng, and the previous alliance was just an oral agreement.

So when the Judge of the sky flickered, he immediately moved and prepared to turn around to deal with Cheng Feng.

"Mad, these two wall grasses that are falling down with the wind, the chain is off at a critical moment."

Sensing this situation, Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched, and his heart screamed: "The time is urgent now, and the second elder of the Blood Gods Church is close to his eyes. There is no time for the two wall grass to fall to me. "

"Under this situation, it must be impossible to kill Sky Judge this time."

"And once the Emperor Clam and the Sky Judge attack and kill me, plus the second elder of the Blood God Church, I will be in danger!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision.

The second second was still persuading the emperor toad to continue to siege the Sky Judge.

Next second, 咻 ~~~

The display of the walking steps and staircases, like a big arrow, burst out towards the west.

The blink of an eye disappeared.

"Grass, the human fled with a knife!"

The emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were secretly discussing the attack on Cheng Feng, but Cheng Feng fled away abruptly.

This made the two demon eyes wide and small eyes, for a while.

When the reaction came and Cheng was ready to chase, Cheng Feng had no more shadows, and could only look at the judge with annoyance.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, is even more cunning than a fox, and fled when he smelled a threat."

At this time, the judge was darkened and murmured: "If he escapes for a few seconds at night, he will kill him here!"

One after another in Cheng Feng's hands, Tian Jue's killing of Cheng Feng was extremely extreme.

Originally it was hard to confuse the two emperor clams, and they had a chance to kill Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng ran faster than the ghost.

"Judge, your threat is now gone."

Just as the slayer was angry, the emperor clam said, "Promise me something, please cash it out!"

The reason why the two emperor clams came to the battle was for the soul soul.

As soon as Cheng Feng escaped, the second demon began to ask for something.

Because the second elder of the blood gods is already hundreds of miles away, I am afraid that there will be variables after that.

"Are the two friends too anxious?"

Hearing the words, the heaven judge's heart was even more mad.

However, given the strength of the other party, he forcibly suppressed the air of fire: "Again, I promised that the prerequisite for the two soul spirits is to kill Cheng Feng."

"Now Cheng Feng is doing a good job, but the two asked me to ask for the soul fruit, can't it make sense?"

"Justice, you don't have to ask us to kill you."

The emperor clam said: "Give us the earth soul fruit first, and then we promise to help you kill that human named Cheng Feng!"

"I'm afraid this won't work."

Heaven Judge has no earth soul tree at all, and flatly refuses: "If you want earth soul fruit, the two must kill Cheng Feng first."

"That human named Cheng Feng has run away, where do you want us to kill?"

The eight-faced ghost spider sank and asked, "Did you want to rely on your account and deliberately make excuses?"

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