Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1593: Wild Elephant Death

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Chapter 159 The Death of the Wild Elephant

After several failed attempts to connect his head, Guangguang immediately knew where the problem was.

Amazingly, because of a wound at his wound, a force was doing damage.

This force is very strong and very stubborn.

He used various methods to dispel it without effect, which made him extremely hate Cheng Feng.

"No, my head has been cut off for too long, and my blood has begun to wither."

Guangguangqu cursed for a moment, with an ugly expression on his face: "Once the delay continues, I can't quickly connect my head."

"Then I will probably fall away!"

"For the sake of today, we can only rely on the power of the Savage God."

The face of Man Guangqu was cloudy and uncertain: "Although frequent borrowing of the power of the barbaric gods, there will be great side effects, and they may even be 'swallowed' by barbarians."

"But in order to reconnect my head, I can't control that much!"

Thinking about it, the pretty wide channel opened the exclusive storage space and took out a skull of the seventh grade giant monster from it.

Even if you want to perform the Savage God Sacrifice, use the power of the Savage God to expel the annihilation force of the sword.

At this moment, however, a voice sounded loudly.

"It's pretty like His Holiness, I don't think you should waste any time."

"Because even if you reattach your head, you will be cut off by me again, it is meaningless!"

"Cheng Feng?" He heard this voice, quite surprised.

Immediately using martial arts to defend, hum ~~~

A horrible sword came out of nowhere, and severely beheaded the pretty wide canal.

This sword is extremely strong, and the sixth strongest person in the sky must also avoid three points.

At this time, the head of Quiguangqu was broken, his blood was exhausted, and his combat power plummeted, far from the peak.

Seeing the horror sword cut off, he grabbed a spear to block.

Click ~~~

The spear forged from the black Wuxuan Steel broke off, scaring him into a hurry.

However, after waiting for him to travel too far, a second knife light followed.

Waiting to flash across the neck of Man Guangqu, 咻 ~~~

Quite Guangqu's head flew away from his neck again.

"Damn little beast, my deity is going to kill you!"

His head was cut off again, and a thick terror and anger emerged from his heart, which made quite Guangqu angry.

When he saw his head fluttering, the arrogant divine thought controlled the headless body and launched a fierce counterattack against the position where the knife light struck.

At the same time, the exclusive storage space was opened, and three monster skulls were taken out one after another.

Each level reached the seventh rank of the rank, and one of them reached the limit of the seventh rank.

Obviously, they are desperately trying to sacrifice the three monster skulls and the previous monster skull together to sacrifice the barbaric god, so as to borrow the power of the barbaric **** to reverse the situation.

But at this time, Cheng Feng quietly escaped the headless corpse's attack and came to his head.

Immediately nonsense, suddenly stunned.


The spirit tree in Cheng Feng's mind shook violently.

The next moment, the power of rolling spirits surged from the tree.

Stayed on the head of Man Guangqu to form a big seal, and blasted out.

"Do not!!"

Quite Guangqu gave a scream.

However, his roar had not yet come to an end, and his powerful god's thoughts dormant in his head were blasted into a fan powder by the great seal of the gods.

A generation of peerless fierce, that's it!


A few seconds before Manguang Canal fell, it reversed the Great Lake 13 thousand miles away.

The second elder of the Blood Gods Church and the Promise King evoked righteous thoughts, swept slowly across a continuous hill, looking for the trace of the very wide canal.

Suddenly, the second elder stepped in a footstep and looked at the west with a sharp eye.

"Second elder, did you find out?"

Seeing this, the Promise King asked.

"I sensed the breath of Guangguangqu."

The second elder said: "His breath has become inexplicably dozens of times stronger. He should be playing martial arts to fight someone ..."

As I was talking, the second elder's voice got stuck for a while, but it was gone.

After suffocating for a long time, he was shocked and said, "The breath of Guangguangqu suddenly disappeared!"

"What? The breath of Guangguangqu suddenly disappeared? How is this possible?"

The Promise King is also surprised: "Unless quite Guangqu has fallen suddenly, but who can make such a peerless powerhouse like Quiguang can die for a few seconds?"

"You should be wrong, this kind of thing can never happen!"

However, the voice of the Promise King has just fallen.

Hack ~~~

A thick red lightning flashed across the sky.

Immediately, booming ~~

The thunder blew loudly, while crying sorrowfully.

Obviously, the heaven and earth vision will only occur after the peerless powerhouse has fallen.

In particular, the dark clouds rolled on the day, smashing blood-red hails, and the faces of the Promise King and Chapter 2 elders instantly turned snow-white.

The whole body was trembling, obviously shocked.

"Second elder, can you determine the position of the pretty Guangqu now?"

In shock, the Promise King asked.

"Okay, 13 thousand miles away in the West."

Prior to the disappearance of the breath of Canguang Canal, the second elder locked in the position of the other breath instantly through the arrogant thought.

"Go, let's hurry over."

King Wuji's face was gloomy, and his murderous power was revealed: "Our **** must see, who can make Manguangqu die instantly!"

After saying nothing, the Promise King stepped away.

The second elder also burned in anger, and used his martial arts skills to fly to the west.

At this moment, not only the Promise King and the second elder were shocked.

More than 20,000 miles away, the two emperor clams, who were rushing towards the upside-down lake, were also moving.

Looking at the blood-red hail pouring down from the sky, there was a goosebump!

In addition, in the immense marks of the sky, countless monsters are restless.

I knew deeply that the marks of the sky were surging at this moment!

Therefore, they all dormant in their respective lairs, and dare not show up in the slightest.

In fact, it's not just the marks of the sky.

In the dome continent feathered dynasty, the impact of the fall of the Savage Lord is even greater.

The original Yuhua Shenzheng Zhengdao and the evil faction have launched a desperate fight.

Almost all warriors who can fight, the weapons they can use, and the cards they can cast ... almost all of them are on the battlefield.

The killing sound was so loud that a large number of warriors were killed every moment.

The body was spread all over the place, and the blood was soaked in the dirt.

Especially when the real dragon in Qianlong County opened his eyes, he stood up and killed the old nests of the evil faction.

Almost destroyed, a dozen evil sects were destroyed in an instant, and a large number of evil warriors were crushed to death.

For a time, the front of the evil faction collapsed, and countless evil warriors lost their helmets and armor, creating despair.

But at this moment, the blood **** religion actually sacrificed a fierce creature.

It was a horrible existence hidden in a mist of blood. Wherever it passed, the flowers and trees were dry and turned into barren land.

If a righteous warrior is caught in the blood mist, it will instantly become a skeleton skeleton, brutal and heinous.

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