Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1594: Dawn of victory

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Chapter 1594 The Dawn Of Victory

Bang ~~~

When this horrible creature confronted Qianlong Dragon Academy, he actually stopped it stiffly.

Forcibly reverse the evil camp's impending collapse.

Confidence that destroyed countless evil warriors rebuilt, the will to fight quickly became high, and then killed back again, and started fighting again with the right way warriors.

And the reason why such effects can be produced is not only that monster is overbearing.

Even more because that monster has a name, called "Blood God"!

The blood **** is a belief.

It is the foundation of the establishment of the blood gods. Numerous blood gods are full of conviction.

I firmly believe that once the blood **** is born, the blood **** religion will be invincible.

It is precisely because of this belief that the war situation that is about to collapse has stabilized again.

Even evil warriors are fighting more and more bravely, and there is a taste of regaining the situation.

However, at this time.

The news of the fall of the evil peerless strong elephant like a sage came suddenly.

All of a sudden, it made the blood gods high-level heart cold.

The blood demon elder was spitting blood, and issued a strict order to prevent the news from leaking.

However, it cannot be stopped at all.

Hack ~~~

Rumbling ~~~

When red lightnings across the sky.

After that, the thunder and thunder came one after another, and immediately made the whole world know, and a peerless powerhouse fell.

Especially when the blood-red hail of the size of an egg spills from the sky dome toward Yuhua God toward Sanzhou Qijun.

Everyone's face changed, and there was no doubt in his mind.

It is deeply known that another seventh peerless powerhouse who has ascended to the sky has fallen, making the world and the world sad, and has made countless people feel cold.

In shock, hurriedly asked who this fallen peerless power belongs to, and belongs to that camp.

At this time, the role of Yuhua Shenchao Tianming Division appeared.

They quickly figured out the details of the fallen people, and immediately opened the Tianyan array, and spread the news to all Tianyan bracelets in a full-screen scrolling manner.

All of a sudden, all righteous warriors who received the news were all energetic.

The body seemed to have generated a force out of thin air, the fatigue was swept away, and the warfare reached its peak.

The sword came out of the sheath, killing the evil martial arts together.

As for the evil faction, despite the fact that the blood demon elders are strictly guarding against death, they even distorted the facts in order to prevent the morale of the evil warriors from being hit.

However, the news that His Holiness was killed by Cheng Feng in the mark of the sky, like the wings, still penetrated into the ears of the evil warriors.

Let the evil warriors just reshape the confidence, the boiling warfare, and instantly extinguished a large part.

However, the morale camp was full of morale, and the evil faction was once again caught in a passive beating situation.

It was chased and beaten by countless martial arts soldiers, with countless deaths and injuries, and the battle was extremely bad.

However, this is not over.

Just when the evil camp's momentum was depleted again and the situation was at stake.

The super-killing weapon program studied by Yuhua Shenchao Tiangong Division was successful at this moment.

When there are dozens of super killing tools, the Tiangong Division was put on the battlefield.

For a while, the blood shone, and the evil faction warrior was fragmented, crying and crying.

Even the ascendant of the heavens was useless, and was quickly hanged by a super killing weapon. It was literally dozens of meat grinders.

Dozens of battlefields bloomed in the three continents and seven counties of the Feathered Gods.

Under this situation, in less than half a day, the whole war collapsed.

The evil faction is completely defeated. Even if there are several powerful imitations of the blood gods, elders exist, the top three protection methods ... even the blood gods are useless.

The faith of all the evil warriors participating in the war collapsed and their hearts were ashamed.

It is impossible to achieve 10% of a person's strength. Fighting against the camp in this state is basically a death.

Ninety-nine percent of the evil faction warriors chose to flee, and fled to their respective lairs, or outside of the feathered gods.

As for the Zhengdao camp, a comprehensive hunt was launched, and a large number of people landed.

The battle has not ended, and the ending is faintly predictable.

This evil faction camp will be defeated, and the plan of blood **** teaching has countless years, and it will also die.

And all this is almost a gift from Bai Feng!

So at this moment, the evil faction camp can be said to hate Cheng Feng!

However, Cheng Feng knew nothing about these situations.

At this time, he was still surprised by the power of the Soul Seal.

"After my soul has grown more than ten times, the power of the town soul seal has also increased more than ten times!"

The marks of the sky, upside down in the Great Lake, Cheng Feng looked at the eyes of the saint-like Lord Godless, and said excitedly: "I wanted to destroy the god's thoughts of the peerless power before I had to force the other's thoughts out of my mind. "

"Otherwise, it won't work at all."

"But now, through the head, the god's thoughts of the savage elephant are directly bombarded, which can be described as killing invisible!"

The Soul Seal is a martial arts skill, which has a strong lethality to the martial arts spirit.

However, the lethality is strong again. Once the peerless powerhouse is united in mind and mind, he lays his mind deep in his mind, and Cheng Feng has nowhere to start.

The repercussion of the soul on the opponent's head did not produce any effect.

But now, as Cheng Feng's spirit tree has grown to five meters, the power of spirit has skyrocketed by more than ten times.

It was able to break through the defense of the peerless powerhouse and hit the other side's hidden thoughts deep in his head, and it was still a fatal blow!

"Cheng Feng, don't be too excited."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "In fact, the reason why you were able to blow away the sacred thought of the Savage Lord is only one reason."

"The main thing is that His Holiness was severely wounded, his blood was dried up, and the protection of divine thought was not in place."

"In addition, he didn't even think that you actually have such powerful magical skills as Zhenhunyin."

"Unexpectedly, I immediately suffered a big loss and lost my life."

"Well, this is also true."

Cheng Feng nodded, deeply convinced: "The godly thoughts of the peerless strongman are inherently arrogant. If I can kill him with a single blow through my head, the word" peerless strongman "also seems too worthless. ! "

The seventh strongest man on the sky, his divine thoughts have been baptized seven times, and have been transformed seven times.

Such powerful people have extremely powerful divine thoughts, much stronger than Cheng Feng's present spirit.

All of Cheng Feng's spirits were triggered, and the blessing of the soul-stamping seal could be just barely equal.

Sudden assault is okay, forcibly attacking Hong is still at a disadvantage.

Of course, if Cheng Feng bombarded the sixth strongest man in the sky with the soul seal, or the fifth strongest man in the sky.

I'm afraid it can be hit directly, blast the opponent's thoughts with a single blow, and kill them instantly!

These methods are already comparable to Jiupin Dementor, and even stronger!

"About the power of the town's soul seal, let's talk about it later."

Cheng Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and whispered, "As for now, leave this place first."

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