Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1604: Burst out of the void

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Chapter 1604 Breaks Out of the Nether Sea

"Not coming out?"

Beyond the breach of the space barrier, the second elder, Jizo God's Palm, 'Jizang Town Prison' is brewing to the extreme.

Waiting for Cheng Feng to come out, giving a fatal blow.

But waited again and again until the gap in the space barriers closed, and failed to wait for Cheng Feng's figure.

This made him save to the peak of the killing momentum, and immediately had nowhere to vent, pressing on his chest, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, is as timid as a mouse!"

Looking at the closed space barrier, the second elder was furious: "Since you dare not come out, the elder will kill the two beasts first, and then join hands with the Promise King to kill you completely!"

After that, the second elder's eyes turned and he stared at the two emperor clams.

"Not good, then the second elder is watching us and killing us."

Seeing this, the emperor clam raised a layer of goosebumps: "Escape, you must escape immediately."

"Once you are hit by this person's palm, you will die!"

During the roar, the two emperor clams were about to break free from the attack of the Promise King and rushed away.

However, at this time.

Bang ~~~

The space barrier cut by Cheng Feng before was actually slashed again, and a thick thigh knife appeared.

This time, the second elder who was ready to attack the emperor clam stopped the attack immediately, withdrew his gaze and stared at the knife edge.

Once Cheng Feng flies out, he will blast the Jizo God for a long time, killing Cheng Feng on the spot!

However, Cheng Feng did not move after this sword.

The second elder waited until the blade was closed, but still did not wait for Cheng Feng.

"Damn little beasts, awful!"

Obviously, Cheng Feng is playing the second elder.

The knife that was just cut out was not intended to escape from the trap at all, but to attract the attention of the second elder and give the emperor clam the second demon to escape time.

After the second elder understood, his cheeks twitched suddenly and his hair rose.

Anxious to rush directly into the void sea, pinch Cheng Feng to death!

But the second elder still put up with it, and after taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Gaze turned away, staring at the two emperor clams who had fled thousands of miles away.

"Little beast, wait for the elders to kill those two beasts, and then come and take care of you in person."

The second elder made a decision this time, ready to join hands with the Promise King to kill the two emperor clams.

Then focus the firepower and kill Cheng Feng.

This time, the second elder resolutely determined to hold the palm of the Tibetan God and immediately killed the two monsters.

At this time, the closed space barrier was cut by Dao Guang again, and a knife edge was split.

But the second elder ignored him, so Daoguang continued to shine, widening the gap.

The next moment, dozens of black dragon lice flew out of it.

After being completely separated from the void sea, the shadow of a dragon lice flashed into Cheng Feng's appearance.

Obviously, when the second elder went to attack the two emperor clams, the shadow killing of Dacheng realm was performed, and he flew out of the void in an instant.

However, Cheng Feng was safe, but the two emperor clams were in extreme danger.

Is being attacked by the king of Promise God and the second elder.

In particular, the second elder, who had been brewing for a long time under the hands of the Jizo God, blasted the emperor clam two demon stiffly.

As the emperor clam flew, a large stream of blood spurted out of its mouth.

As for the eight-faced ghost spider, two of the eight heads were blasted on the spot by ‘Jizang Town Prison’ and turned into a six-faced ghost spider, which was hit hard!

"Emperor Cangshu, Wanxing Tonghui!"

Seeing the imperial clam Erfeng encountering a crisis, Cheng Feng put away the dragon lice.

Then he threw the Devil Sword, and the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was utterly cut out.

The horror sword light crit, and the second elder who prepared to make up the second emperor clam and the Promise King, intercepted it bluntly.

"Second elder, Cheng Feng's little beast fled from the void!"

The horror sword was cut, and the Promise King frowned.

"Damn little beasts are harder than cockroaches, and more cunning than foxes."

At this moment, the second elder knew that he had been fooled by Cheng Feng again.

His face was extremely ugly, and Shen said, "God King, let's continue to attack the two emperor clams."

"Only after solving these two problems before we can join forces to siege Cheng Feng, can we completely kill them!"

"If you continue to divide the two ways, I'm afraid it will be another draw."

"Okay, then kill the two emperor clams first."

The Promise King nodded and used a space martial art.

唰 ~~~

The distance between him and the eight-faced ghost spider was suddenly compressed several hundred times.

One step forward, the eight-faced ghost spider approached.

As soon as I raised my hand, an iron ruler hit an eight-faced ghost spider's head immediately!

As for the second elder, although he did not have the means for the King of Promise to compress the void, he threatened even more.

During the exhibition, the strongest killing trick of the Jizang God Palm was “Jizang Town Prison”.

During the flight, the emperor clam felt a horrible pressure coming down, and the speed doubled suddenly.

As if there were a few more mountains on the back of my back, I was a bit breathless!

At this time, if you are hit by Jizo Town Prison again, you will be disabled if you don't die!

At this moment, hum ~~~

A cold and bright knife light fell from the sky and was chopped on that mighty palm.

The giant palm was cut apart fiercely, and the power plummeted.

Under this condition, a sonic air column was ejected from the emperor's clam, and the second elder's slaughter was blocked.

"The emperor clam, the eight-faced ghost spider, is flying towards the inner area of ​​the Chihiro plane."

After resolving the crisis of the emperor clam, Cheng Feng preached: "The strength of the second elder of the blood gods and the king of the Promise of God is somewhat beyond our expectations.

"I'm not an opponent, rather than fight hard."

"Fly into the Chihiro plane first, throw it away with the help of complex and changeable terrain, and then try to kill them both."


The emperor clam and two demon deeply saw the **** of the second elder and the Promise King.

It's not wise to know that it's going to fight against it.

One is bad and will even fall.

So after hearing Cheng Feng's voice, they turned around and fled and flew towards the depths of the Chihiro plane.

"No, the two beasts are fleeing deep into the Chihiro plane."

In the pursuit, King Promise found the clue, and his face wrinkled slightly.

"God King, let's keep chasing."

The second elder was determined to kill, and Shen said, "Even if the two beasts have escaped into the core area of ​​the Chihiro plane, they will be killed."

"Without these two beasts making stalks, we can get rid of Cheng Feng's little mess!"

"Well." The Promise King nodded.

Use space martial arts and continue to attack the eight-faced ghost spider.

At this moment, the remaining six heads have been blown up again.

This is thanks to Cheng Feng's remote assistance. Without Cheng Feng's assistance, it may have fallen!

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