Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1605: Plane Force

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Chapter 1605 The Power of Planes

During the chase, the two emperor clams fled into the inner area of ​​the Chihiro plane.

In order to rescue the second demon, Cheng Feng followed into it.

I saw that the inner area of ​​the Chihiro plane is really unusual.

The whole world has changed. The clouds in the sky are very thick, and the stars are covered by the clouds. There is no reference to identify the direction.

Even the sky is flooded with an invisible force that interferes with people's vision, hearing, smell ... and even judgment and memory at all times.

After entering here, it was impossible to fly from the sky.

Unless Xiuwei surpasses the interference of this invisible force, the second elder of Dengtian Seventh-higher Xiuwei arrives here with a big frown.

Obviously affected, the sense of direction disappeared quickly.

This stopped him from pursuing the emperor clam, and his face was cloudy.

"King of God, this Chihiro plane is very wrong, even I can make an impact."

The reason why the second elder dared to chase into the Chihiro plane, in addition to his firm determination to kill the two emperor clams, secondly, he also felt that he had cultivated profoundly.

After entering the Chihiro plane, Xiu Wei can forcibly identify the direction.

I never thought that the Chihiro plane was different than he thought, and the seventh-highest powerhouse in the sky would lose his way.

"Second elder, my perception, judgment, memory ... are also affected."

The Promise of the Promise: "This should be a kind of plane force. Only by capturing the power of heaven and earth can we see everything and not be affected by it."

"The power of the plane? This is a bit tricky."

The second elder frowned: "It's no wonder that Tienu fell into it, and it took him a few days to explore the road with a lot of flying insects before he escaped by chance."

"However, don't worry about this first, wait until the King Clam Er Yao is killed."

After speaking, the second elder turned his gaze and was ready to continue hunting the emperor clam.

But when he looked at the fleeing emperor clam, the whole man couldn't help but look at it.

Because the emperor clam turned his head, he disappeared inexplicably.

"Gone?" The second elder's face turned black.

His eyes narrowed sharply, and he sliced ​​in the direction where the emperor clam was just now.

I saw there was empty, there were only mountain peaks floating in front.

These peaks are standing in the air, with similar appearances and scattered everywhere.

The emperor clam disappeared, and most likely hid behind a suspended mountain in front.

Thinking of this, the second elder drew a divine push and shot it with a swift palm.

Boom boom boom ~~~

Dozens of suspended mountains were blasted by the palm.

Immediately, a silver-white shadow flickered from behind a mountain a few hundred miles away and sank into a large suspended mountain on the left.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Seeing this, the second elder was very upset.

A large palm was lifted, and dozens of consecutive palm shots were taken to pat the suspended mountains into powder.

However, the silver shadow was very clever. Before the terror came, he stepped out and hid in the next suspended mountain.

Seeing the second elder, the Jizo **** palmed out and continued the bombardment.

It hit the dust in the air, and numerous suspended landslides shattered, like a super beast rushing on, giving people an unstoppable feeling.

In this case, sooner or later, the emperor clam will be overtaken by the second elder, and it will explode!

But at this time, Cheng Feng shot.

I saw Cheng Feng using the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu, and above the sky covered by clouds, immediately shot 88 stars.

When these starlights merged into the sword, they turned into a bladeless sword.

Bang ~~~

The second elder chased the steps of the emperor clam, blocking for a second.

It was in this second that the emperor clam suddenly changed direction.

From one suspended mountain peak group, slipped into another suspended mountain peak group.

In this case, when the second elder bombarded the suspended mountain again and pursued the emperor clam, the emperor clam had already disappeared without a trace.

Even with his full firepower, the bombardment of large suspension mountains would not help.

He was so annoyed that his hair stood up and his cheeks jerked violently!

Roared: "Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng! The elder will kill you, you will be killed!"

But it makes no sense.

After the emperor clam escaped, Cheng Feng quietly departed and pursued the fleeing emperor clam.

Soon, Cheng Feng chased the side of the emperor clam.

"Cheng Feng, this king is almost down with blood mold."

After seeing Cheng Feng, the emperor clam sulked with a depressed face: "Working with you to deal with the second elder of the Blood Gods, not only failed to kill each other, but almost lost his life."

"It's not cost-effective, it's really too cost-effective!"

The emperor clam was indeed unlucky, and it was said that he was being beaten for Cheng Feng.

However, it is mainly because the emperor clam is greedy.

Had it not been for the soul soul fruit in his heart, and intended to use the power of Cheng Feng to kill the second elder, so that the soul soul fruit would be contained in his pocket, there would be no bitter fruit at this moment.

"Imperial clam, how are you doing?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the emperor clam, only to see that his body was scarred.

Especially on the silver spine, there is a giant palm print that is half a foot into the flesh, which looks a bit miserable!

"I've gone at least half a life now."

The emperor clam vomited bitter water: "The second elder of the blood gods has perverted a bit, and he is powerful and domineering."

"Every palm bang comes, I will carry it with all my strength!"

"If you get a little bit late, I'm afraid I've been killed by that mess!"

"Okay, nothing will happen if the body is not fatally wounded."

Hearing the emperor clam's speech full of vitality, Cheng Feng concluded that the other party had not suffered great trauma.

So the spirit rushed, took out a hundred drops of water of life and threw it over: "This is a hundred drops of water of life. After taking it, you will soon be able to heal your wounds."

"water of life?"

The water of life is a rare treasure. There are not many drops on the hands of the seven-tier giant monster such as the emperor clam.

So it catches a hundred drops of water of life thrown by Cheng Feng, and his eyes are open.

"It's really the water of life, and the quality is super good!"

The emperor clam dropped a hundred drops of water of life into his mouth.

When I was able to absorb and refine, a look of intoxication suddenly appeared on my face.

The wounds on his body were quickly repaired and improved.

In the blink of an eye, the state has improved a lot, and he looks energetic and fierce.

"Imperial clam, do you have a way to locate the eight-faced ghost spider?"

Seeing that the emperor clam was more than half injured, Cheng Feng said: "The Promise King who is fighting the eight-faced ghost spider is no worse than the second elder, and we must go to help immediately."

"It's been a long time, and I'm afraid there will be big problems."

"Eight faces? It's really dangerous."

The emperor clam was shocked and immediately said: "The second elder who chased and killed me will definitely join the king of the Promise after chasing me."

"If two people blasted eight faces together, it would be ..."

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