Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1609: Nether Imprisonment

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Chapter 1609 Void Imprisonment

After Cheng Feng devoured two earth soul fruits, the power of the soul was nearly ten times stronger than before.

The most important thing to communicate with the stars in the sky and light up the stars is the power of the soul.

So soon, the 96th star of Cheng Feng's body lighted up.

At the same time, however, two outrageous breaths suddenly came out of the left and right.

Cheng Feng didn't even have to look back to know that the second elder of the Blood Gods and the Promise King had arrived.

Sure enough, the two strong breaths have not come close.

Boom boom ~~~

Dozens of consecutive big palms were hit fiercely, which is the second elder's signature martial arts Jizang palm.

Secondly, there is an iron ruler, which is obviously several hundred miles away.

But with the iron ruler out, it immediately appeared in front of Cheng Feng's neck.

Like a blade, it gives people a taste of beheading Cheng Feng!

It is the Promise Ruler of Promise God, which contains powerful space power and can kill people thousands of miles away!

"Finally, is it here?"

Faced with the big palm and iron ruler, Cheng Feng raised a brow.

With a whisper in his mouth, the sword-cutting knife held in his hand thumped.

唰 唰 ~~~

Two consecutive cold and bright lights cut off to the sky.

Cut off the five big palms that came from the left, Cheng Feng flew along the broken palms, and quickly got rid of the bombardment of Jizo God palm.

At the same time, Cheng Feng chopped the magic sword and took a break, 劈 ~~~

Cut it on the Promise Ruler from the Promise King, and cut back that Promise Ruler by more than ten meters.

The first round of the blood god's second elder and the Promise King was attacked by Cheng Feng easily.

However, the Second Elder and the Promise King could attack more than one wave.

After the first round of attacks failed, the second wave, the third wave ... attacks followed.

There is a power to bomb Cheng Feng on the spot, which is very scary!

"It's really troublesome."

Cheng Feng frowned greatly: "Because the two monsters of the emperor clam were locked by the other party, the shadow killing of my Dacheng realm had no place to use it."

"Otherwise, I just need to turn into a shadow and lurk quietly, and Songsong can resolve this crisis."

In a whisper, the ten dragons in Cheng Feng's body spewed, and the fifth style of Emperor Cang's sword was utterly used.

Om ~ Om ~~ Om ~~

Then, above the sky, big stars shone.

When a full ninety-six stars became bright to the extreme, then ninety-eight stars were shot and turned into a bladeless light.

Bang ~~~

On the spot, shattered the hundred palms of the Tibetan God that the second elder blasted out.

Afterwards, Daoguang's cast was unabated, and he blasted on the Promise Ruler of the Promise King, chopped the Promise Rule into the sky, disappeared into the cloud, and disappeared.

At this time, Cheng Feng did not immediately flee.

Instead, the sword was smashed, and the second elder and the king of the Promise, each cut a ‘wanxingtonghui’.

The second elder was forced to retreat.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng detonated ten dragon powers and exhibited the vertical movement of the walking ladder.

Huh! The blink of an eye has disappeared.

"Little animals, don't want to escape."

"Little beasts, die!"

Seeing Cheng Feng escape under his eyelids, the second elder and the Promise King all rushed to the crown.

With anger in his mouth, he quickly resolved the ‘Wan Xing Tong Hui’ cut out by Cheng Feng and chased them all together.

There are thousands of miles away from Cheng Feng, and the Promise Ruler of the Promise God has already point out.

Thousands of miles away, headed straight to Cheng Feng's head.

At the same time, the second elder held up with both palms, and the terror of his palms swayed. Once he reached the perfect attack range, he would blast towards Cheng Feng.

"These two elders are like the bones of a cheekbones."

During the rapid flight, Cheng Feng's back swelled with a layer of goosebumps: "Now it has been chased by him. In the short term, it is not to be thrown away."

"I will bear it for a while and wait for the emperor clam and the two demon's injuries to heal before I give them a good look!"

Thinking for a while, Cheng Feng's hands kept moving.

While flying, the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu was used, and the Promise Ruler from the Promise King was cut again.

In addition, Cheng Feng was bombarded by the force from the infinite pole and blasted forward three points faster.

"Second elder, Cheng Feng is too cunning."

The Promise King retracted the Promise Ruler and frowned: "And the means fell out, and the strength was strong."

"If we don't use some real means, I'm afraid it won't work!"

The Promise King's face was a bit pale, and the three fingers on his left hand had not been grown yet.

Fortunately, the poisonous and annihilating power that had been immersed in the body had all been resolved.

Then just ignite vitality, you can grow the broken finger again.

"Well, let's use some tricks to entertain the little beast."

After listening to the Promise King, the second elder agreed: "I still have five Silver Moon Thunderstones on my hand, and three drops of" Evil Real Water "."

"Silver Moon Thunderstone belongs to Yang, and all evil evil water belongs to Yin. When the two meet together, it will produce terror."

"It is more terrible than detonating ten Silver Moon Thunderstones, and it will definitely kill Cheng Feng's three beasts together!"

"Are five Silver Moon Thunderstones and three drops of wicked water? Very good!"

The Promise King's eyes lightened: "And I have the same‘ gift ’in my hand, a force of void.”

"This force of void can temporarily hold something for three seconds."

"If I use this power to temporarily confine Cheng Feng, you will use Silvermoon Thunderstone to bombard all evil real water."

"Cheng Feng will not be able to escape, it will be blown into the ashes by terrorist forces!"

"Okay, that's it."

In the eyes of the second elder, a murderous shot: "Also ask the king to use the power of the void to confine Cheng Feng's beast.

While talking, the second elder had put away the tibetan palm, and five silver-white stones and three drops of black beads appeared on his hand.

That silver-white stone, with its silver thunder flashing on it, was full of tyrannical tyrannical power.

As for the black beads, they are vicious and cold.

It makes people feel cold at first sight, and they feel uncomfortable for a while. It should be the so-called true evil water.

"Infinity, the void appears!"

Seeing this, the Promise King acted immediately.

I saw him pick up the black iron ruler, and infused the massive divine power into his body.

Immediately, 嘭 ~~~

The black iron ruler exploded, and an invisible force suddenly appeared.

Gushing thousands of miles like a tide, Cheng Feng's swift flight stopped.

No matter how hard he flew, he just spun around and couldn't make a half step!

"What is it? Why am I suddenly unable to fly?"

With invisible power, Cheng Feng's complexion changed immediately.

"I can't move anymore, I can only turn around."

"Me too, what happened?"

The two emperor clams in the healing were suddenly awakened and exclaimed.

When I was so impressed, I immediately responded.

"No, this seems to be the power of the void."

The emperor clam said, "The power of the void can imprison the void temporarily. We must have been imprisoned by the power of the void, so we are standing still."

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