Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1610: Unprecedented crisis

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Chapter 1610 Unprecedented Crisis

"We are imprisoned by the power of the void?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's face changed greatly: "Damn, this must be the means of the Promise King."

"After we are locked up, the next attack is bound to be heavy."

"Hurry to use your best means to break free from the imprisonment of this void force."

Cheng Feng felt the deep danger, and the breath of death rushed forward.

With a shout, he shook the Chiyan robe and wrapped himself up.

At the same time, the armor of war **** is triggered to the extreme, like a golden sun.

And the operation of mad sword overlord body power, purple Thunder refining method, Tianlong gold body, demonized body.

Then detonated the ten dragon powers in the body, ready to break free from the constraints of the power of the void.

But 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Five silver-white stones and three jet black beads suddenly radiated.

The blink of an eye has arrived.

"Damn, it's five Silver Moon Thunderstones and three drops of wicked water."

"Fast, hurry up and defend."

"Once they are hit by the explosive force generated by these two things, the existence of the seventh grade on the ground will also be broken into dust!"

Seeing the five silver-white stones and three ebony beads, the face of the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider changed dramatically.

The mouth was bursting and drinking, three mouths of the eight-faced ghost spider, and the newly-grown fourth mouth, spewing out massive transparent silk.

In the blink of an eye, in front of Cheng Feng, a thick white cobweb wall was formed.

Cheng Feng followed them behind the cobweb wall.

At the same time, the emperor clam suddenly became larger than ten circles, his mouth opened, and hey ~~~

Actually spit out a human-sized silver ball.

The orb shone in silver, filled with energy beyond imagination.

It's not much worse than adding ten Silver Moon Thunderstones together.

It is the imperial clam that has bred Nedan for many years. It is a condensed body of its essence.

When Neydan spit out, it crossed the cobweb wall, like a silver sun.

The strength of the spider silk wall has increased more than ten times.

At the same time, Cheng Feng was not idle.

Directly urge all the dragon forces in the body to condense into a dragon force wall and stick it on the spider silk wall.

Then he took out the sealed fire bottle, and instructed the new emperor to temporarily block the damaged array of sealed fire bottles, so that the power of the holy weapon appeared a little.

Xuan is about to lift the fire bottle, and the mouth of the bottle is aimed at Yinyue Thunderstone and Wan evil true water.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng did these things, five Silver Moon Thunderstones exploded.

Then three drops of real evil water also exploded, causing a black circle of black light.

At that moment, the whole sky broke.

The sky on the Chihiro plane was originally covered by clouds.

But as the force of the explosive blast surged and opened, a super big hole was suddenly blown out, revealing rare stars.

As for the void, there are countless mountain peaks.

It was instantly broken into dregs, flattening the land for thousands of miles.

The heavens and the earth became like this. Cheng Feng, who was at the center of the explosion, was severely hit on the spot.

I saw the spider silk wall formed by the eight-faced ghost spider under the horror power of Yinyue Thunderstone and all evil real water, and his breath was broken.

Afterwards, the explosive force blasted on the silver clam inside the emperor clam, which caused the clam to be filled with cracks instantly.

The emperor clam screamed and swallowed it quickly.

The state of mental atrophy was extremely extreme, and was obviously badly hit.

Then the force of the explosion continued to impact, and it was not used for half a second, then destroyed the dragon force wall formed by Cheng Feng's ten dragon forces.

At this time, nearly half of the explosive force that rushed to Cheng Feng was left.

If it hits the body, it will definitely be fatal.

Fortunately, the power of the sealed fire bottle appeared at this time.

A powerful flame force burst out of the bottle, and half of the remaining explosive force was resolved by force.

Then, rumbling ~~~

About 20% of the remaining power was bombed on Cheng Feng's body.

Cheng Feng was blown out and flew out, even if there were defensive methods such as Chiyanpao, War God armor, Tianlong gold body, demonized body ... and so on.

Cheng Feng also violently oscillated and appeared broken.

During the horizontal flight, a spit of blood spewed out, and at least he was slightly injured.

"Are you dead?"

"It should be dead, it must be dead!"

"No broken martial arts warrior can carry five silver moon thunderstones and three drops of 10,000 evil true water explosions."

A thousand miles away, the second elder of the Blood Gods and the Promise King saw this scene, with a relaxed expression on their faces.

Everyone feels that under this kind of horrible explosion, Cheng Feng must have been blown into fly ash, and it will undoubtedly die!

However, wait for the raging explosion to calm down slightly.

The second elder lifted his eyes to see, but faintly saw a burst of golden light bursting into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, it was gone!

"Jinguang? Where's the Jinguang?"

Seeing this, the second elder's eyes glared, and he was horrified: "Is this golden light the light of the God of War armor worn by Cheng Feng's beast?

"But how is it possible !?"

"How could Cheng Feng be alive? He should have been blown into fly ash!"

At this moment, not only was the Second Elder shocked, the Promise King was equally incredible.

Muttering in his mouth: "Is Cheng Feng a little beast or a human? Can't this die?"

"God King, did you see Cheng Feng?"

Hearing the murmur of King Wuji, the second elder turned his head: "So, Cheng Feng's little beast is really not dead!"

"However, the small beasts have been so bombarded, even if they are not dead, it is estimated that they are almost the same."

"God King, please lock Cheng Feng in their position."

"Let's kill it immediately, give it a final blow and end it completely!"

"Well, now is indeed the best time to make up for Cheng Feng."

The Promise King nodded, and immediately used the means to track and locate.

However, the Promise King began to act, but his expression changed suddenly: "No, my positioning method has failed."

"What? Positioning failed?"

The second elder blushed and yelled, "Why is this happening? Your positioning means, but extremely high-end void positioning."

"With Cheng Feng's three miscellaneous abilities, it is impossible to break them. What is going on?"

"I know."

When the second elder was angry, the Promise King said with a gloomy expression: "The reason why my void positioning means disappeared should be caused by the terrorist explosion just now."

"The explosion just now was too brutal, it shattered the void wave I used to lock the two emperor clams."

"Because of this, I suddenly lost control of the two emperor clams!"

"That's how it is ..."

Hearing that the second elder was angry and rushed to the crown, his face was pale: "Damn, **** it!"

"This time chasing Cheng Feng, the other party will return the dragon to the sea. Let's never think about killing it again!"

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