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Chapter 1611 Lost With It

Cheng Feng got out of trouble, which hit the second elder a lot.

Because according to the calculation of the two of them, Cheng Feng and the emperor clam two monsters could be killed directly by the explosion just now.

But the end result was not only failed, but Cheng Feng was out of control.

It can be said that he lost his wife and died.

In the end, they could only fly along the direction where Cheng Feng disappeared.

Intent to bump into Tianyun, hit Cheng Feng halfway.

Unfortunately, they chased for thousands of miles and did not chase anything.

Instead, he lost his way and didn't even know where he was. He just spit blood!

At the same time, thousands of miles away from the Second Elder of the Blood Gods.

Cheng Feng is struggling to fly and is flying wildly.

At this time, his face was quite pale, his internal organs were damaged, his arms were dislocated, and he suffered minor injuries.

But fortunately, these injuries are not fatal, just take a moment to adjust one or two, and you can heal yourself.

On Cheng Feng's left and right shoulders, the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider were in a bad condition.

First was the emperor clam, with its essence condensed and cracked.

Suddenly suffered a fatal trauma, which required a lot of time to treat.

As for the eight-faced ghost spider, the essence of the spider silk in the body is too large, and it has slightly injured the root.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to make any progress in this life.

"Specially, the two miscellaneous pieces of the Blood Gods are too cruel."

The emperor clam yelled weakly: "I actually used five Silver Moon Thunderstones and three drops of real evil water to kill us."

"Fortunately, Cheng Feng's defense methods are excellent, otherwise we will explain everything just now!"


The eight-faced ghost spider shares the same sentiment: "The Silver Moon Thunderstone belongs to Yang, and the evil of all evils belongs to Yin. When the two properties of Yin and Yang are detonated, the power will soar.

"If the clutter of the Blood Gods used this thing early on, I'm afraid it would have fallen!"

"Two people, don't sigh about it, heal yourself."

Cheng Feng looked dignified: "We are all seriously wounded now. If at this moment they are overtaken by the blood gods and start a horrific killing."

"Then three of us are about to fall here."

"Cheng Feng, have you noticed anything?"

The emperor clam suddenly said: "The two fellows of the blood **** do not seem to catch up."

"It's because they thought we were killed by the terrorist bombing, so we didn't follow up."

"Still catching up, hiding in the dark, intending to attack us?"

"This is hard to say."

Cheng Feng also found that the second elder did not chase him, and he was puzzled.

Preparing to open the eyes of the good fortune, a comprehensive search around.

Suddenly, Nalan's eternal voice sounded.

"Cheng Feng, don't need to find it. The two elders of the Blood Gods did not follow up."

"Oh? Why is this?" Cheng Feng asked puzzledly.

"It should be that the method they use to track and locate is ruined, and you cannot determine your current position."

"The method used by the Second Elder to locate us is ruined?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng was one of them, and then he said, "Uncle Nalan, what's the truth?"

"Should not be wrong."

Nalan Changsheng said: "In fact, you are slightly inductive, and you may feel some clues."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng calmed down his emotions and calmed his senses.

The feeling of being locked in my heart has disappeared.

Found this situation, Cheng Feng immediately relaxed.

The shadow kill of Dacheng Realm was exhibited, and the footsteps in the swift flight stopped abruptly.

"Cheng Feng, why don't you leave?"

On Cheng Feng's shoulder, the two emperor clams saw this, and all asked in shock.

"We don't have to run away."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "Because we have already dumped the second elder of the Blood Gods."

"What? Let's get rid of those two pieces of blood gods?"

Hearing this, the two monsters of the emperor clam are both buns.

Cheng Feng told his discovery, and the emperor clam two monsters suddenly realized.

Then I felt it for myself, and the feeling of being locked in my heart really disappeared.

Then the tense nerves of the two monsters relaxed together.

"Haha, we actually got rid of the two messy traces of the Blood Gods."

The emperor clam said, "Next, we don't have to continue to flee."

"When the injuries are repaired, I will give them back the humiliation I suffered!"

During the conversation, the emperor clam took out the water of life presented before Cheng Feng, threw a brain into his mouth, and began to treat the injury.

The same is true for the eight-faced ghost spider, taking out the water of life and throwing it into the mouth a few hundred drops.

The remaining water of life is ready to be lent to the emperor clam.

Because Cheng Feng only gave the emperor clam one hundred drops of water of life, it was obviously not enough.

"Eight-faced ghost spider, use the water of life yourself."

But at this time, Cheng Feng said, "I will give the emperor clam another thousand drops of water to heal."

After speaking, Cheng Feng had taken out a thousand drops of water of life and threw it to the emperor clam.

Regarding Cheng Feng's gift, the emperor clam did not refuse, and his heart was full of gratitude.

After giving away the water of life, Cheng Feng randomly chose a suspended mountain peak and turned it into a shadow of the mountain peak.

Immediately removed the armor of war, and began to heal.

I saw that Cheng Feng first connected his dislocated arms, then repaired the broken Chiyan Robe and deformed war armor.

Then take the water of life, warm up the broken internal organs and broken meridians.

Let his injury heal at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, Cheng Feng was still on his way to healing, and the spirit radiated out, sensing the stars in the sky and lighting up the light of the stars.

It can be said that it serves one purpose and one purpose, and it can be used for healing.

And when Cheng Feng was busy.

Outside the mark of the sky, the feathered gods.

The battle of righteousness and evil that has lasted for nearly a year has come to an end.

The turning point was caused by Cheng Feng's killing of the Sky Judge and His Majesty.

In fact, at that time, the two sides were fairly equal, and the evil camp did not show defeat.

But the morale of the evil faction was hit hard.

Later, the Qianlong Academy of Qianlong Academy was completed, and the super-killer weapon researched by Yuhua Shenchao Tiangong Division was released.

Immediately pushed the entire battle to the brink of collapse.

After waiting for dozens of super-killers, they blossomed in the three continents and seven counties in the feathered **** dynasty.

Soon, the entire front broke down, and a large number of evil martials fled.

Subsequently, a chain effect was triggered, causing a huge wave, which drowned the entire evil faction.

To this day, countless evil martial arts soldiers have been killed, blood has flowed into the river, and corpses have piled up like mountains.

Almost all the territories occupied by the evil faction were recaptured.

In addition to blood gods, **** gates, killing temples, etc., the strongest in the evil faction camp is still fighting.

The grassroots and middle-level evil factions have already been cleaned up.

Maybe not too long, this super disaster caused by the blood gods will be completely over!

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