Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1616: Escape into the void

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Chapter 1616 Escapes into the Nether Sea

"Become stronger, Cheng Feng's strength has become stronger again!"

The second elder's scalp was numb, and his mouth yelled, "Damn it, **** it!"

In the midst of scolding, Wan Lianhua was immediately opened with a broken arm and struck the palm of the Tibetan God.

At the same time, the Promise King also shot, throwing the Promise Ruler backwards.

Together, the two barely blocked Cheng Feng's blow.

However, they just blocked Cheng Feng.

Above the sky, hum ~~~

The 130th big star suddenly lights up.

One hundred and thirty stars then shot on the Devil Sword, and was severely chopped out by Cheng Feng.

Bang ~~~

The two kings of the Promise of God were chopped forward, and blood was leaking from the corners of their mouths.

"Emperor's sword, cut again!"

With one stroke, another big star lit up above the sky.

The total number of stars in the sky has reached 131.

Then the strength of the one hundred and thirty-one big stars fused together and chopped down.

Huh! The Promise Ruler in the hand of Promise God was smashed by the sword.

The second elder took out a black tortoise shell on his back, but was chopped into powder by a knife.

The remaining knife energy poured into the body of the second elder, stabbing ~~~

A narrow knife edge suddenly appeared on the back of the second elder.

The corner of the second elder's mouth twitched to the extreme.

"This **** little animal is too strong!"

The second elder gritted his teeth: "What must we do? Otherwise, I'm afraid I will die here."

"Run away!"

The Promise King deeply felt the same, and said calmly, "This way, we can escape at least one."

"God of God, is there no other way?"

The second elder said, "You and I will be broken by Cheng Feng's beast one by one!"

"So, let's enter the sea of ​​void first."

The Promise King bit his teeth and said, "The sea of ​​void is infinite. Let us venture into it and cut through a space barrier of the sky."

"If you are lucky, you may be able to escape from the Chihiro plane and then leave the marks of heaven."

"Using the sea of ​​void to escape from the Chihiro plane?"

The second elder frowned: "This can be tried, it is better than being passively beaten!"

During the conversation, the second elder struck a sacred palm toward the void.

The intention is to penetrate the void and enter the void.

However, the space barriers of the Chihiro Plane were very thick, and the second elder who was the seventh-highest-ranked senior in the sky could not penetrate it.

Even with a dozen palms, there was no response, which slightly changed the face of the second elder.

"Good sturdy space barriers."

The second elder frowned: "God King, let's do it together."

"They worked together and couldn't believe it to open it."

"OK." The Promise King nodded.

Immediately, his hand was stretched out, and an iron ruler appeared out of thin air in his hand, exactly the same as the ruler who had just been blasted by Cheng Feng.

"World and Promise, broken!"

The Promise King grabbed the iron ruler and poked fiercely in the void.

嗤 ~~~ The tip of the iron ruler pierced into the void.

Then, with force, the space barrier on the Chihiro plane broke open a small hole.

At this time, the second elder suddenly exerted his strength, and displayed the tibetan god's palms.

Boom boom boom ~~~

He bombarded the small hole, tearing the hole forcibly.

"God King, go!"

After the space barrier of the Chihiro plane was torn apart, the second elder flew into it immediately.

"You go first, I will come to the back of the temple."

The Promise King grabbed the Promise Ruler and waited until the divine power was poured into the ruler.

Om ~~~

The iron ruler suddenly rose in the wind, turning into a giant of several kilometers.

After crossing the space barrier, he stepped forward and flew towards the breach.

"Old miscellaneous, do not want to escape!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng lit 134 stars.

Using the fifth style of Emperor Cang's sword, he cut out a stronger knife light, and beheaded the two who fled.

Bang ~~~

The iron ruler of a few kilometers was instantly chopped on the spot.

The remaining Daoguang continued to slash, breaking the space barrier, and doubling it.

A little bit of knife light submerged into the sea of ​​void through the breach, but actually caught up with the Promise King and cut off one of his arms.

"Damn little beast!"

The Promise King scolded and disappeared immediately.

"Cheng Feng, the two messes of the Blood Gods have fled into the void."

The emperor cuckoo twitched and asked, "What should we do? Shall we chase or not?"

"Chase, of course!"

Cheng Feng's decisive decisive decision: "Now is the best time to kill the two Promise Kings. We must seize the opportunity to fight for the end of those two people!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng had already cut the magic sword by hand and flew to the gap of the space barrier first.

Xiao Jin obeyed Cheng Feng's words, and saw Cheng Feng fly to the breach of the space barrier and immediately followed him.

As for the two emperor clams, although they are quite afraid of the sea of ​​void.

But thinking of the humiliation and trauma he just suffered, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he flew towards the rift of the space barrier.


The void sea is endless, and five fingers are out of reach.

After Cheng Feng flew into the void sea, he looked around and lost the trace of the second elder.

Fenglifeng once cut the Promise King and the Second Elder with the Devil Sword, leaving a lot of annihilation on the other side.

Cheng Feng identified the position slightly, and soon knew the direction in which the second elder fled.

"Suddenly escaped!" Cheng Feng frowned.

He traced through the power of annihilation, and found that two forces of annihilation, left and right, left.

Definitely the second elders who fled!

"King Wuji, fled separately?"

The emperor clam arrived at Cheng Feng's side, and said ruthlessly, "Since this is the case, let's hunt down the second elder."

"Drying this old mess can not only revenge Snow and Hate, but also recapture the corpse of the Sky Judge, and get back the soul tree and soul fruit!"

Emperor Clam Er Yao still remembers the soul soul fruit and wants to regain the soul soul fruit by killing the second elder.

"Two, I have no objection to killing the second elder first."

Cheng Feng groaned and said, "But there is a problem, the Second Elder and the Promise King fled to that direction. I can't judge this at all."

"Oh? That's trouble."

The emperor clam frowned, thinking: "In this case, we can choose a target to kill."

"Whoever catches up!"

"Yes," Cheng Feng agreed.

Then the emperor clam took the lead, and a group of four chased to the west of the void sea.

The vast expanse of void sea has no direction.

The 'West' they tracked by Cheng Feng is just a temporary location mark.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng is tracking the power of oblivion and Wanxiangsi, with or without direction.

Therefore, after Cheng Feng locked in the power of annihilation and Wanxiangsi, they only needed to chase after them.

After a while, a force of martial arts slowly became clear.

Cheng Feng sensed it slightly and found that it was the second elder of the Blood Gods.

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