Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1617: End of the Second Elder

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Chapter 1617 The Second Elder's End

"Second elder, actually second elder!"

The emperor clam also felt the breath of the second elder of the blood gods, and suddenly exulted: "Haha, I really want this old mess to die."

"Next, we must be 'entertaining' each other!"

The second elder froze while fleeing forward.

He clearly felt three strong breaths and was chasing after him.

When I looked back, I immediately saw that three powerful waves of power were turbulent.

Especially the front one, actually communicating the sky.

Bright stars fell from the sky, penetrated the clouds, and fell on a long black knife.

To make that long-blade sharp, so strong.

"It's Cheng Feng's little beast!"

The second elder's face changed sharply, and he yelled, "This little beast even chased me, damn!

The second elder has a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's arrogance.

At this moment when I saw the other party chasing, the fear in my heart sprang up, it was the smell of death.

So during the scolding, the second elder desperately squeezed his potential and increased his flight speed.

However, Cheng Feng's speed is very fast.

In particular, the speed of the sacred step ladder is rising.

At the same time, the distance between the two is rapidly shrinking with the shape of the shadow.

When the distance is reduced to within a thousand miles, hum ~~~

Cheng Feng has been brewing for a long time.

The sky was cut open and a large area of ​​suspended peaks shattered and collapsed.

The horrifying slash directed at the second elder.

"Zizang Shenzhang, all lotus flowers open!"

During the flight, the second elder felt a strong threat.

Do not dare to neglect, use his strongest means to block Cheng Feng's sword.

However, it cannot be stopped at all.

The second elder could kill the sixth strongest man in Dengtian and hit Cheng Feng's sword.

Stabbing ~~~

Be chopped directly on the spot.

After that, a large amount of Daoguang remained, and the second elder was severely hit.

Fortunately, the second elder took out another defensive treasure, and then forcibly resolved the knife.

However, at this time, the attack of the two emperor clams arrived.

The second elder had no time to use his means to defend, and was hit by the second demon.

But at the same time, a space barrier in the void sea was ripped apart by a terrorist attack.

This space barrier is unknown to which plane or continent it leads to.

But the second elder, without saying a word, stepped forward and broke into the torn space barrier.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng cut it off with a second stroke.

Bang ~~~

Cut that gap in the space barrier even wider.

At the same time, a horrible knife mark was cut on the back of the second elder who escaped into the unknown plane.

Then, Cheng Feng quickly reached the rift in the unknown plane.

I didn't think about it, chased it immediately.

The two emperor clams arrived and chased them.

"It's a sea of ​​ocean?"

Cheng Feng entered that plane and went straight into the ocean.

This vast ocean is very vast. It covers a million miles, and there are countless fish and water beasts in it, all of which are very huge.

In front of Cheng Feng, there was a sharp-mouth fish that was thousands of kilometers away, and two rows of blade-like teeth in his mouth were angry.

When he saw Cheng Feng, he bit a bite.

However, Cheng Feng didn't even look at each other.

The sword in your hand can be thrown at will, stabbing ~~~

The sharp-mouthed fish was cut open along the mouth, and there was no breath on the spot.

The wandering evil fish saw the water beasts, and most of them fled in fright.

Only a small number of evil beasts were so ferocious that they surrounded them and swallowed Cheng Fengsheng.

However, Cheng Feng still did not look at it.

A pair of eyes looked around, searching for the trace of the second elder.

When the fleeing second elder was found, the whole man took off.

噗噗 噗噗 噗 ~~~

All the evil fish and water beasts that stopped in front of him penetrated all the way, and went straight to the second elder.

Cheng Feng hasn't caught up with the second elder, hum ~~~

On top of the vast ocean world, big stars appeared out of thin air.

These big stars are bright and the number reaches 135!

Cheng Feng held up the Devil Sword, and the big stars shot down the starlight and merged into the Devil Sword.

Cheng Feng shook his sword and cut it out.


The whole piece of the ocean was cut open by the incomparable sword light.

The rolling waves scattered to the sides along the direction of the sword, and the second elder who ran away furiously.

"Is this little beast still human? The strength has actually become stronger again!"

During the flight, a layer of goosebumps lay on the second elder.

Because it's so scary!

Since entering Tianchen, Cheng Feng's strength has skyrocketed in less than ten days.

It was far from being the opponent of the Second Elder, but now it is now chasing the Second Elder and killing wildly.

It simply goes against common sense and makes people nervous!

At this time, however, it was meaningless.

The second elder knew this very well, so he took a breath and suppressed the shock in his heart forcibly.

Even using his strongest means to resist Cheng Feng's slash.

However, the second elder was seriously injured and his strength plummeted.

At the same time, Cheng Feng was at the peak and borrowed the power of 135 stars.

With such a slash, the Second Elder couldn't stop despite his desperate resistance.

The terrifying swordlight cut through the defense and flashed on the second elder's left shoulder.

噗嗤 ~~~

Blood splattered everywhere, and the second elder's entire shoulder and arms broke away from the body.

Even the terror force poured into the body of the second elder, which actually caused the second elder's body to flash, and four or five ghosts appeared.

The seven avatars fused together created a momentum to be split.

And once the second elder's body cracked and re-formed into seven avatars, Cheng Feng could kill all of them in minutes!

"Damn, Cheng Feng's sword strength actually shakes his body, making my seven avatars almost fall apart."

The second elder grasped the left shoulder that was cut off, and used the means of rebirth of the severed limb to reconnect it.

While stabilizing the body, let the seven avatars that are about to disintegrate bluntly.

And he was looking for vitality, stepped forward, and flew to the void hole cut by the bladeless sword.

He went down the void and returned to the void sea again.

"That clumsy fled back to the void?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's intentions remain unabated.

The sword in his hand was thrown up, which directly cut a crack in the world of Wang Yang.

Huh! Quickly hurried back to the void sea.

At this time, the second elder also fled to the distance shortly after returning to the Nether Sea.

"Old beast, suffer!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng exploded.

The blade of the Devil Sword points to the sky, buzzing ~~~

With this, 135 full stars fell from the sky and merged into the sword.

Then Cheng Feng fell off with one stroke.

"Do not!!"

A desperate growl sounded immediately in the void sea!

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