Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1622: Qihan Desert

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Chapter 162 The Great Drought Desert

This is a desert, a vast desert.

This desert is extraordinary and the temperature is scary.

The Broken Warrior enters the desert and will be lit in minutes, burning into fly ash.

The ascendants of the heaven also need divine power to procure and consolidate into a divine shield to protect their lives.

"Cheng Feng, this should be the dangerous place‘ Qihan Desert ’which is famous for Tianchen Mark.”

At this time, the two emperor clams flew into the desert, and raised their brows, "This strange desert is rumored to be a core fragment of the strange drought plane, and a strange fire is lying in it."

"The resulting temperature in this desert is so high that no one dares to approach it."

"A core fragment of the strange drought plane? There is a strange fire lying in it?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Emperor clam, do you know what the level of that fire is and what kind of fire it is?"

Cheng Feng is no stranger to different fires.

At this moment, he had two supernatural fires, especially the new emperor fire.

If the strange fire level in the strange and dry desert is high, it is not impossible to catch it and devour it.

"I don't know what kind of strange fire in the strange drought plane."

The emperor clam shook his head and said: "Because of that strange fire, it has always been dormant in the depths of the strange dry desert and never came out."

"But its level should be very high."

"Because of the existence of a seven-tiered terrace, which entered the core of the strange dry desert, it was intended to find the strange fire and absorb it."

"As a result, there was no news for more than half a year, and when it appeared again, it had become a skeleton."

"The bones are full of traces left by the fire and burned alive!"

"Able to burn the seventh-level giant monster?"

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "In this way, the level of that strange fire almost reached Wang Pin."

"Well, eight or nine are inseparable from ten."

The eight-faced ghost spider interjected in: "However, this strange fire is happy and quiet, as long as it does not make too much noise in the strange dry desert, it will generally not hurt people!"

"Oh? Let's just ignore it and just chase the Promise King."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng ordered Xiaojin to track the Promise King.

After entering the mark of the sky, without the barriers of space, Xiao Jin's response to the Promise King became clear.

Soon, it traced the tracks of the Promise King and took the lead to fly deep into the Qihan Desert.

"The Promise King fled into the strange dry desert? It seems that he does not want to provoke the fire of the king."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Let's go, I'd like to see the power of the real Wang Pinyihuo!"

Wang Pin's different fire, Cheng Feng has actually seen.

The current level of Hell's Black Flame has reached Wang Pin.

However, Hell Black Flame has not completely annexed the Earth Spirit Flame, although the level has reached the kingpin, the power is much worse than the real kingpin.

Perhaps it will be able to keep pace with Wang Pin's different fires after it has completely consumed the source of the fire of the earth's spiritual flames.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ~~~

Under Xiao Jin's leadership, Cheng Feng and his party flew towards the depths of the Qihan Desert.

The Qihan Desert is vast and hot, the deeper it goes inward, the higher the temperature.

Cheng Feng and they flew for a few minutes, feeling hot and difficult.

In particular, the two emperor clams have awakened the demon power to isolate the heat waves, otherwise they will be burned by the steaming heat.

"This king of fire is somewhat interesting."

During the flight, Cheng Feng appeared light and light.

Because he wore the armor of war, he could be isolated from the heat.

Secondly, he is proficient in the flame control method of fire control. This high temperature is nothing to him.

As long as he is expelled with the flame method, he can't hurt him!

So while Cheng Feng was flying, he looked around.

I saw that the color of the desert began to change after going deep into the strange drought.

From the previous silver-white, slowly to blue.

And the continuous dunes have also changed, coiled up in a special way, layer upon layer.

Looking down from a height, it looks like a super big eye, staring at Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, dormant Wang Pinyihuo in the strange desert, seems to be watching us."

The emperor cuckold noticed this and frowned.

"People don't just peep, they see."

Cheng Feng smiled lightly: "It is also a warning, tell us not to mess around!"

Obviously, this eyeball formed by a large sand dune comes from the Wang Pinyihuo in the strange dry desert.

It formed this eye with sand dunes, and the meaning of warning was very strong.

But Cheng Feng didn't take it seriously, and signaled that Xiao Jin would continue to chase along with the breath of Wanxiangcai.

After entering the strange dry desert, the Promise King should have been warned by the fire of this king.

He was weak and very jealous of Wang Pinyihuo, so he quickly changed his position.

After Xiao Jin traced the trace of the other party, she also changed her position and began to tilt towards the other side of the Qihan Great Plane.


In the desert, that huge eye saw Cheng Feng and they left.

The dunes condensed into the eyes flickered into a large piece of fine sand and disappeared.

In the sky, Cheng Feng saw this and shook his head slightly.

Because he really wanted to see the power of this king of different fires, but in order to chase the Promise King, he had to pass by.

"Cheng Feng, what a pity."

In fact, the only Emperor Fire is even more regrettable than Cheng Feng.

The only emperor fire feeds on different fires, and Wang Pinyi fire is a rare tonic for it.

If it can be swallowed, it can at least advance its realm a lot.

Of course, the only Emperor's current level is already quite amazing.

By devouring the Red Flame Fire Energy of the Red Flame God King, its level has been raised to a super level.

Now it is even more shocking to the super top and even the half king.

However, there is a problem that the King Chiyan has been swallowed into the skin by the sole Emperor.

I'm afraid it won't be long before it's sucked alive.

By that time, the only Emperor Fire will have no food source, and the speed of advancement will inevitably be greatly reduced.

"Small fire, don't worry."

Cheng Feng also knew that the King of Chiyan was about to dry up, so he comforted: "After I have killed the King of Promise, I will come to this strange dry desert again."

"From this body of Wang Pinyihuo, search for some sources of fire for you to devour!"

"Okay, okay!"

The only Emperor Fire nodded, his face rejoicing.

Seeing that the only Emperor's fire had calmed down, Cheng Feng retracted his mind and continued to pursue the Promise King.

The Promise King who is proficient in space martial arts has a great set of escapes.

Much stronger than that second elder, Cheng Feng chased them all the way, they were unable to follow each other, and they hung behind him.

However, there is Wanxiangcai, although Cheng Feng can't catch up with the Promise King, the Promise King can hardly get rid of them.

Once you find an opportunity, block the Promise King, and it will be his end!

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