Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1623: Parting ways

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Chapter Sixteen Twenty Three

The marks of the sky are vast.

Cheng Feng chased the Promise King, spanning dozens of plane fragments, covering a distance of more than 100,000 miles, but he could not reach the end of the mark of the sky.

And the Promise King is also true, the fire of space martial arts is pure green.

Cheng Feng could not catch up with them at all, and several times while the King of Promise stopped and rested, he was about to catch up.

As a result, the opponent noticed Cheng Feng's pursuit in advance and fled.

And through these details, he was judged by Cheng Feng.

While trying to clear Wanxiangcai, he also deliberately escaped into the fierce land of the marks of the sky, and used dangerous ways to deal with Cheng Feng.

Several times, Cheng Feng had a headache and was trapped for several days.

At this moment, the mark of the sky.

Cheng Feng was once again calculated by King Wuji, trapped in Qifeng Canyon.

Qifeng Canyon is a shard of hurricane-ridden planes.

Horrible winds are blowing in this canyon at all times.

The strong wind is enough to blow the ascendant strong into a skeleton frame.

Although Cheng Feng built them into deep depths and plunged into the Qifeng Canyon, they were also struggling and quite embarrassed.

It took half a day to get out of Qifeng Canyon.

"Cheng Feng, this Promise King is too difficult to hunt down."

At the edge of Qifeng Canyon, the emperor clam wrinkled his face: "At our speed, we can't catch up with each other at all. It's a waste of time to keep chasing like this."

"Yeah, we have to think of another way."

The eight-faced ghost spider also faced bitterly: "If you are accidentally introduced into a certain fierce land by the Promise King, you may lose your life."

The scars of the sky are so dangerous that the peerless might not be safe.

The Emperor Clam Er is very familiar with the topography of Tianchen, and fear has developed in his heart, and he does not want to continue to pursue the Promise King.

Of course, the main reason is that the emperor clam has no interest in the Promise King.

Spending time and energy just to kill a stranger is obviously worth the more.

"Two, Promise King is proficient in space martial arts. It is really not easy for us to catch up with them."

Cheng Feng glanced at the two emperor clams and groaned, "It's unlikely to kill them in the short term!"

"Otherwise, two people can leave first if there is something. I can kill the Promise King alone."

"So how?"

The emperor clam spoofed: "We have worked together for so long, and you have saved the lives of me and Balian."

"How can you leave when you need help? Absolutely not, absolutely not!"

"Yeah, we must never leave at this time!"

The eight-faced ghost spider also talked, but the look was not as determined as words.

"Two people, this matter is perfectly feasible."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng laughed: "In fact, with my current fighting power, as long as I seize the opportunity, it will be enough to kill the Promise King."

"The two stay here, it's just a waste of time."

"Besides, the two have to open the remaining second elders and search for the soul tree."

"As time goes on, the difficulty will skyrocket and you cannot delay it."

"This ... okay!"

The emperor clam ‘groaned’ for a moment, then said very falsely: “No process peak, if you chase the Promise King and need our help, you must inform us.”

"No matter how far away, we'll be here immediately."

"Yes, I will."

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded, his heart was not taken seriously.

"Cheng Feng, it is not too late, you can continue to pursue the Promise King, don't care about us."

After the two sides had a good talk, the two emperor clams dropped off.

"Thank you for your help these days."

Cheng Feng looked to the two emperor clams: "Without the help of two people, my strength could not be improved so fast, and the siege of five peerless powers of the blood gods was defeated."

"This is two thousand drops of water of life, and two people each take one thousand, which is also considered by Cheng."

Said, Cheng Feng threw a small bottle to the two emperor clams.

Each bottle contained a thousand drops of water of life.

"Cheng Feng, this ..."

The emperor clam caught the small bottle, and his expression was a little complicated.

I didn't expect Cheng Feng to be so defiant, he didn't care if he retired halfway, and gave away 1,000 drops of water for his life.

In fact, the reason why Cheng Feng gave them the water of life was mainly to make up for the guilt of taking away the soul tree.

Because they have always remembered the earth soul tree and earth soul fruit, lying in Cheng Feng's soul ring.

However, the two emperor clams didn't know it and was moved by Cheng Feng's move to give him the water of life.

The second demon bit his teeth, and actually planned to rejoin, helping Cheng Feng chase the Promise King.

Cheng Feng spent a lot of words before persuading him.

In the end, I felt guilty and wanted to give Cheng Feng something to make up for it.

The two sides gave in for a long time. In the end, Cheng Feng took away the corpses of the second elders searched by the emperor clam and two demon, and gave Xiao Jin food.

"Two people, take care."

Cheng Feng gathered up the three bodies and yelled at the two emperor clams: "Let's stop here."

After speaking, Cheng Feng displayed a walking step and flew to the north side of Tianzhichen.

As for the Emperor Clam, the second demon is looking back at Cheng Feng. He is saying that Cheng Feng is a 'good man'!


The sky is high and the sky is wide, Cheng Feng is flying under the leadership of Xiao Jin.

After the last ten days of hardening, Cheng Feng's strength has improved too much.

Although Xiu Wei is still the pinnacle of the broken realm, but his combat strength is strong, and he catches up with the seventh-highest peerless power in the sky.

Even after the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was cast, the Promise King could be killed.

Therefore, there is no help from the emperor clam and the two demon.

On the contrary, Cheng Feng alone improved his mobility and concealment a lot.

If it catches up with the Promise King again and cast a sneak attack of Dacheng Realm, maybe it can be fatal with a single blow.

"After several rounds of siege, the alertness of the Promise King must have greatly increased."

Cheng Feng flew and groaned, "I want to chase each other again, I'm afraid it's not easy."

"And the other party must already know that I have manipulated him."

"Once you find the Acacia that sticks to your body and remove it, it will return to the sea and can no longer be tracked."

"So next, I have to speed up and catch up in a short time and give a fatal blow!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng detonated the ten dragon forces in his body, making the flight speed much faster.

At the same time with the shadow of the method of thousands of miles, a moment is a thousand miles.

If it is not in the sky, the void barrier is too thick, which prevents Cheng Feng from performing a thousand miles.

I'm afraid that you can catch the King of Promise and solve it only by performing the three-and-a-half-mile milestone!

Time flies, blinking a day later.

The sky was clear and the sky was clear.

When Cheng Feng was flying, he suddenly felt a touch of human breath.

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