Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1640: Imaginary

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Chapter Sixteenth Forty and Six

"My Highness, I can't stand you toasting."

Cheng Feng replied: "I should respect you first."

"Cheng Feng, I respect your glass of wine, in order to resolve a misunderstanding of that year."

Fang Wuwei said: "About one year ago, your sister Cheng Qingxue just awakened.

"My dog ​​slave, Yu Wendu, actually faked my will and said some humiliating words to your sister."

"Although I didn't know about it, that Yuwen was my own person after all."

"So it is our fault to do nothing in the end."

"Lend this glass of wine today to make up for one or two of my omissions. I hope your sister can forgive me."

Regarding the fact that Yu Wen held the feather arrow in that year, Cheng Feng didn't take it seriously.

At that time, Yu Wen was severely reprimanded by Cheng Feng. Not only was he unable to make a profit, but he touched the gray of his nose and went away.

If Fei Fangwei mentioned it, Cheng Feng would not remember it.

So he said, "My Highness, my sister didn't care about that event."

"Again, Your Highness you didn't know, why is it wrong?"

"So let this go with the wind!"

"Brother Cheng has a broad mind, and this hall admires it."

Fang Wuwei praised him and immediately changed his tone: "But if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price anyway."

"I have already dealt with that Yu Wendu, and this life should never appear to be disgusting in front of Brother Cheng!"

Fang Wu understates this, but Cheng Feng's heart tightens suddenly.

This is because Fang Wuwei's "treatment" is obviously to make Yuwen disappear forever.

Although Na Yuwen said that dogs are fighting for strength and flying, but after all, it is Fang's subordinates who have worked hard for him for years.

Fang Wuwei, however, dealt with it at will, just like treating ants.

This made Cheng Feng repulsive for his life for the emperor's family.

Originally, I also thought that if the situation was severe in the future, I would choose to serve the Emperor Yuhua.

It now appears that this is not necessary at all.

Of course, these ideas Cheng Feng can not be revealed.

On the surface, there is a sense of gratitude, and it seems to be moved by Fang Wuwei's "consideration".

"Brother Cheng, stop Yu Wendu."

Fang Wuwei was very satisfied with Cheng Feng's performance and raised his glass: "This glass of wine is a respect for the temple."

After speaking, Fang Wuwei refreshed toast in the glass.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't say a word, but also accompanied a drink.

After resolving the misunderstanding, Fang Wuwei's emotions were released, and he intersected with Cheng Feng's peers. There was no shelf, and he laughed and drank.

Cheng Feng knew that Fang Wuwei at this time represented the Emperor Yuhua, so he patiently catered.

For a moment, the two turned out to be like paint friends, like old friends who had been together for decades.

By the time Mr. Wang brought a table with dishes, there were already dozens of empty wine jars in the living room.

"Brother Cheng, Lao Wang really worked hard this time."

The dishes were served with a seductive aroma.

Fang Wuwei pointed to a dish and introduced: "For example, this dish, this dish ... and that dish, Wang Lao easily made it."

"Even if I take a good wine bribe, I only do one thing at a time."

"Through Brother Cheng's face, this time I can have a good meal!"

"The technique of Wang Lao is indeed extraordinary."

Cheng Feng took a casual sip, and his tongue almost swallowed.

Could not help but nodded again and again, and gave sincere praise to Mr. Wang Lao.

After hearing that, Mr. Wang smiled, and then said slowly, and retired silently.

After Mr. Wang Lao left, Cheng Feng and Fang Wuwei let go of their hands and feet.

When he was full, he started talking about his intentions.

"Brother Cheng, in fact, I came here in the will of the Father."

Fang Wuwei looked away: "The purpose is to thank Brother Cheng for his father's contribution to the world."

"Her Majesty?"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng sat up.

"Well, originally this trip, the father-in-law planned to come in person."

Fang Wuwei nodded and said, "But because of the aftermath of the blood gods, we can only let me replace it."

"You kid, don't dare to take your holy car."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was relieved.

Because if the Emperor Yuhua is close, even if it is only a clone, it will also exert great pressure on Cheng Feng.

If you accidentally hit it, you will regret it.

"Brother Cheng, the emperor really values ​​you."

Fang Wuwei said calmly: "Since more than half a year ago, I have been paying attention to you and helping you secretly."

"And you haven't lived up to the expectations of your father, and in a short period of time you have made amazing achievements."

"This is very comforting to the Emperor, and praises Youjia, even my son who is a bit jealous."

"Yue drooping, Cheng Feng is really panic."

Cheng Feng faced Yujing City, bowed down, and showed a gesture of surrender.

Of course, he just did it.

However, Fang Wuwei believed that he was true, thinking that Cheng Feng had been completely moved, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Cheng, this is the reward that my father gave me to you."

Fang Wuwei rushed, a dragon-shaped soul ring appeared, and handed it to Cheng Feng: "This soul ring is a super high-quality soul ring. Hundreds of top Taoism ... "

"There are also several other treasures that can defend against the sky calamity, which can help you when you cross the calamity."

"Your Majesty's reward is too generous, I can't afford it!"

The Emperor Yuhua really did a great job, and what he gave was scary.

The non-procedural peak is not on his mind, because he does not lack training resources.

Secondly, he needs anything that can be won by his own efforts.

As for the rewards of others, he would not bother to ask for it even if it was rich.

However, the reward of the Emperor Yuhua, Cheng Feng can't clearly refuse now, so he declined politely.

But the Emperor Fei rewarded things in order to win over Cheng Feng and could not be taken back.

Cheng Feng couldn't get rid of it again and again, and eventually took over.

"Brother Cheng, these things are just a little reward from the father."

After Cheng Feng received the reward, Fang Wuwei smiled and said, "It's estimated that it won't be too long, and there will be a bigger reward to make you a dragon among real people."

"It may even take you as a personal disciple and teach all of you in a martial art."

"By that time, after crossing the Nine Heavens, it is not impossible to advance into the realm of creation."

"His Majesty's graciousness, Cheng Feng can hardly believe it!"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng showed a look of gratitude.

"Brother Cheng, this is a rash rate."

Fang Wuwei shook his head and smiled: "As long as Brother Cheng is willing, there is now an opportunity to repay."

"Oh, what chance?" Cheng Feng frowned.

But in his heart, Fang Wuwei pave the way, and finally got to the topic.

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