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Chapter 164

Sure enough, as soon as Cheng Feng asked, Fang Wuwei took the conversation.

"Brother Cheng, the emperor's cultivation has entered a bottleneck period, and he has been penetrating for years without improvement."

Fang Wuwei said: "Now there is an opportunity. If we can grasp it, the emperor will be able to break the bottleneck and push the repair to a new height."

"Really, Your Majesty must catch it!"

"The emperor thought too, but encountered a problem."

Fang Wuwei said: "Because this opportunity can help the father emperor break the bottleneck of cultivation, it is located in the earth dome, but the father's true body is outside the earth dome."

"And you also know that the earth dome continent can only withstand the seventh strongest ascendant.

"Once it is repaired beyond this realm, it will be excluded."

"So, the emperor needs a peerless genius to help him seize this opportunity."

"Brother Cheng, are you willing to help Father Huang?"

After a long while, I finally got to the point.

And after Fang Wuwei pave the way, Cheng Feng could not refuse to refuse.

Of course, Cheng Feng didn't want to refuse from the beginning.

Because of Cheng Feng's family, friends and family are all in the dome continent.

If he blatantly refuses to serve the Emperor of the Feathered God, he is afraid that he will be madly suppressed immediately.

Therefore, Cheng Feng has already decided that no matter what Fang Wuwei wants him to do, he will agree first.

As for whether to do it or not, it is another matter.

Therefore, Fang Wuwei's voice just came to an end, and Cheng Feng said, "Cheng Feng will die for his service!"

"Well, Brother Cheng is truly loyal."

Fang Wuwei had a bright smile on his face: "I haven't disappointed your father's respect for you!"

"His Royal Highness, please elaborate on the opportunity that will help His Majesty the Emperor and break the bottleneck of cultivation."

Feng Cheng was capable and direct, and asked, "What exactly is that 'opportunity'? How can I seize it and pass it on to your Majesty?"

"Brother Cheng, I don't know what that opportunity is."

Fang Wuwei groaned: "I only listened to the mention of the Father,‘ opportunity ’will come at the latest three to five months.”

"By the way, Father Emperor called 'opportunity' as 'fruit'."

"It seems to be a kind of heaven and earth fruit from the continent!"

"Fruit of heaven and earth?"

Of course Cheng Feng knows 'fruits', but he can't show them.

Pretending to be ignorant, he asked, "Where is that fruit? How can I get it?"

"The fruit is said to be in the sky."

Fang Wuwei said: "The Cangqiang Island is located in the depths of the endless sea and has great restrictions."

"Only those warriors born and raised in the dome continent and not more than sixty years old can enter it."

"If you don't meet these two criteria, go in one and die one!"

"The fruit is on the sky of the endless sea, and there are two restrictions?"

Hearing words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder that all parties have created great powers to gather peerless geniuses everywhere and let them pick fruits for themselves.

It turned out that if you wanted to enter the sky, you must be under sixty.

This restriction almost stuck all the peerless powerhouses who reached the seventh level or above.

Because of these peerless strong men, I am afraid that they are all over sixty years old.

In this way, Cheng Feng immediately showed the importance.

Cheng Feng is only 17 years old and barely 18 years old.

However, the combat power is strong enough to hang on to the seventh-best peerless power in the sky.

If Cheng Feng enters the sky, then who else can fight with him?

No wonder the Emperor Yuhua is so anxious to win him, it is the best person to pick fruits!

"His Royal Highness, if restrictions on access to the sky are true."

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng promised: "After the fruit is ripe, I will be able to pick it up and send it to His Majesty."

"Haha ~~~"

Fang Wuwei laughed: "This restriction on the sky is said to have existed for countless years and should not be wrong."

"And with your fighting power, you really have a great chance!"

"Nevertheless, Brother Cheng, you have to study hard and improve your cultivation."

"Because the people who enter the sky to pick fruits are not only Cheng Xiong you."

"The strongest person under the age of sixty in the entire dome continent, I am afraid that all will enter the sky and fight with you."

"There are many peerless geniuses who can stand up to you, but you must not drop the chain at a critical moment!"

"The peerless genius of the entire dome continent has to enter the sky to fight for fruit?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "How many people will there be? Can't the whole sky island fit?"

The dome continent is very large, and a single feathered dynasty alone stretches hundreds of thousands of miles.

The feathered dynasty is still the bottom of the nine dynasties.

If all the martial arts under the age of 60 in the dynasty had entered the sky, the number could be a bit scary.

"Brother Cheng, the sky is very big."

Fang Wuwei laughed: "Although there are many strong martial arts players in the earth dome, few people are eligible to enter the sky."

"In fact, there are only fifteen passages to the sky."

"Ten of them are in the hands of my human beings. Except that the Heavenly Falcon God occupies two of them, the other eight major gods occupy one each.

"The remaining five channels, two are occupied by the monsters of the million mountains."

"The other three are occupied by Siren in the endless sea."

"And each channel can only send up to twenty warriors into the sky."

"In this calculation, when the fruit is ripe, there are at most 300 peerless geniuses who will compete with you."

"Fifteen channels, three hundred peerless geniuses?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng's heart shook.

I have an in-depth understanding of the pattern of the dome continent and the secrets of the sky island.

At the same time, he speculated, "His Royal Highness, we have only one way to enter the sky in the feathered gods."

"So, we can only send up to 20 peerless geniuses to enter the sky with me to fight for the 'fruit'."

"No, there are only fifteen."

However, Fang Wuwei shook his head and lowered his voice: "Brother Cheng, in fact, we are fighting the blood gods right now."

"The real purpose is to compete for the place to enter the sky."

"If this blood-blood religion wins, it will take three-quarters of the quota."

"The same is true if we win."

"Fortunately in the end we won, so we have fifteen places."

"It turns out ... so!"

Hearing that Cheng Feng finally fully understood the disaster of the blood god.

Deeply aware of this disaster is really a game between the Emperor Feathering and the God of Blood God.

This made Cheng Feng's heart burst into anger, creating a kind of aversion to the Feathered Emperor.

For the benefit of one's own self, hundreds of millions of people have been plunged into the water.

Let others be slaughtered and trampled!

How can such a person call the king emperor?

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