Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1647: Small fire promotion

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Chapter 167 Little Fire Promotion

"Idol, dynasty ... and millions of mountains?"

In surprise, Cheng Feng groaned: "These are the top superpowers in the entire dome continent, and each one is stronger than my feathered gods."

"They asked me so much effort to tell me that about nine out of ten was related to harvesting the fruits."

"Well, it must be so."

Nalan Changsheng agreed: "The war between the Feathered Gods and the Blood Gods, the other eight major gods, the monsters and the Krakens, all paid special attention."

"When you spread the news that you killed several seventh ascendants in the sky, you immediately knew that you would be their biggest competitor for fruit."

"Of course, you want to attract or suppress it, so when you show up in Spotlight, these people follow and invite you."

"But Shadow Kill's stealth method is too strong. Although these people have concluded that you are in Juguang City, they are not aware of it in that place."

"You can only convey their meaning to you by shouting loudly."

"Uh, is my importance so high?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "So many super forces didn't even give the feathered emperor's face a shame?"

"In front of the fruit, face is vain."

Nalan Longevity said, "As long as I can draw you past, even the Emperor Feather is willing to offend."

"But I advise you, it is best not to contact these people."

"Because of the power of good fortune, none is simple."

"In particular, he is in charge of the good fortune of a divine dynasty, and he is even more adept at calculating."

"If you want to use these people's power to get rid of the control of other mighty powers, you will only get deeper and deeper."

"Working hard to improve your cultivation and constantly strengthen yourself is your best choice at the moment."

"Yes! It is better to rely on yourself than on yourself."

Cheng Feng thought deeply: "Putting hope on others will only pit yourself."

"I'll send a message to the Destiny Division now to have an Emperor's Bulletin."

"On the grounds of 'closed hardships,' we decline all visitors and invitations."

"In this way, we can not only offend all parties, but also have a quiet space to practice and handle chores."

"Well, it's all right," Nalan Changsheng agreed.

After making a decision, Cheng Feng was about to take out the Tianyan bracelet and send a message to the Tianming Division.

Unexpectedly, the Tianyan bracelet vibrated spontaneously.

Cheng Feng took it out and saw that Tianyan bracelet flashed.

The next moment, the figure of Tian Zhao's life was slowly condensing.


Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Cheng Feng, are you concentrating at the border of Central China?"

After the figure of Amaterasu's life condensed, he went straight to the topic.

"Yes, I'm in the Spotlight City." Cheng Feng nodded.

"You may have seen that there are quite a few guys from other **** dynasties who talk nonsense and invite you to go to the other **** dynasty. You must not listen."

Ai Zhao said, "If you listen to rumors and go to other gods, the consequences will be unthinkable!"

It turned out that Tian Zhao Da Ming Ming was so anxious to contact Cheng Feng to appease Cheng Feng.

I'm afraid that Cheng Feng will be asked to leave by other gods.

"Tianzhao senior, please rest assured, as a feathered god, I will never be fooled by outsiders."

Cheng Feng instantly understood the purpose of the Tianzhao boss, in order to make the other party feel relieved, and said smoothly: "And I have decided to retreat and practice hardships, and decline all guests to visit and invite.

"Until the sky is ripe and serve the Emperor God!"

"Cheng Feng, you are really loyal."

Amaterasu's mood relaxed, and he smiled: "Your Majesty would be very pleased if he knew your decision."

"This is what I should do."

Cheng Feng said, "By the way, Tianzhao, I will also ask you to send an emperor's briefing to announce the news of my retreat."

"Besides, there are still a few people from my enemy's Ironwood family."

"The two most important people, the traces of Tiemu Phoenix and Tiemu Zhengxiong, also asked my seniors to help me pay attention to one or two."

"Well, I will do it properly for you."

Tianzhao boss nodded and said: "Guarantees will let everyone in the world know that you are in retreat and you cannot see the guests."

"As for the rest of the Tiemu family, I will send someone to arrest him and bring it to you."

"So, thank you seniors."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Then on Tianyan's bracelet, the ghost of Tian Zhao's life disappeared slowly, and the whole conversation ended.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng put away the Tianyan bracelet.

"It solves the tricky problem. Next, it's time to deal with the backlog at hand."

As the plague of the Blood God ended abruptly, the situation became confusing.

As soon as Cheng Feng emerged from the marks of the sky, he was running around.

Some things on my hands have been backlogged, and only then have time to deal with them.

"When I first came out of the Scar of the Sky, the small fire drank the red flames of the Chiyan Lord's imitation body, and let it fall on the spot."

Cheng Feng groaned: "At that time, Xiaohuo was very excited, and there may have been a great improvement in the realm."

"I'll call the little guy out first to see the situation!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng cast a shadow kill and walked with God, and flew away from the light city silently.

After coming to a barren land, Cheng Feng was stunned.


A crimson fire flew from the sealed fire bottle and turned into a half-meter-high flame man.

This flaming man is similar to Cheng Feng, except for the different colors of his clothes, it is simply a reduced version of Cheng Feng.

It is the new emperor fire.

"Cheng Feng, I'm promoted, hahaha!"

The new emperor fire was very excited. After flying out of the sealed fire bottle, he continuously circled around Cheng Feng, yelling milkily.


Hearing the sound, Cheng Feng watched it carefully and found that the new emperor's fire had indeed undergone tremendous changes.

Not only was his head a lot bigger than before, the fire energy in his body was turbulent, and he was more than a star.

Although it is far worse than Hell's Black Flame, it is more condensed and scary.

If it is a fight with Hell's Heiyan, it may not be inferior.

What is especially scary is that the control of the fire energy by the Xinsheng Emperor Fire is very delicate and free to send and receive.

At this time flying around Cheng Feng, there was no slight leakage of heat, showing a super strong ability to control fire.

"Nice, very good."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "You have indeed been promoted, you should have reached the super top level."

"Maybe if we go one step further, we can reach the half king."

"By then, you can easily suppress and swallow up the real fire of the king!"

"Cheng Feng, in the desert of the day, there is a different fire of Wang Pin."

Xinxin Emperor's eyes were wide open: "If I swallow it, I will surely push me to the semi-prince."

In the strange desert of the sky, there is indeed a different fire of the king.

Cheng Feng also promised the new emperor fire at that time, and when he left the mark of the sky, he led it to swallow up the different fire of the king.

However, due to the urgency of the situation, the trip was not completed.

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