Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1648: Beast Control

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Chapter 164 The Way of Controlling Beasts

"Small fire, Wang Pinyihuo, the scar of the sky, I will take you to devour it when I have time."

Looking at the excited new emperor fire, Cheng Feng said, "I'm in trouble now, I really don't have time."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Hearing that the new emperor was disappointed.

Then his eyes turned and said: "Cheng Feng, I can go alone."

"I remember the way to the mark of the sky, and when I swallowed the fire of the king, I hurried back immediately."

"No, it's too dangerous!"

However, Cheng Feng refused flatly.

Because of the existence of the new emperor fire, it must not be exposed.

Once the news leaks, the only Emperor knows that it will kill from the flame world.

By that time, not only will the new emperor's fire be swallowed up, Cheng Feng may not escape!

However, the new emperor emperor didn't know this, and kept pestering Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng was unmoved, and the new emperor's fire burned for a moment and had no effect before he was born.

"Small fire, the Chiyan fire energy of the Chiyan **** king's imitation body that you swallowed has not been completely refined and absorbed yet."

Cheng Feng looked at the discouraged new emperor fire, soothing: "You first refine these red flames, and then I will find new food for you."

"You can't chew too much. If you only want to advance and ignore the solid foundation, you will end up with big problems."

"Huh!" Xin Xindi was furious.

The new emperor fire is only equivalent to a six- or seven-year-old child, and many things are not understood.

Cheng Feng refused to devour the fire of Wang Pin, and was a little angry.

However, Qiguiqiqi was obedient to Cheng Feng's words.

Cheng Feng soothed a few words, his heart was mostly deflated, and then returned to the sealed bottle.

"This little guy ..."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, then looked at the sealed fire bottle.

The Sealed Fire Bottle is the holy relic of the Holy Fire Sect. It was once a holy artifact, but due to the large core damage, it was reduced to a semi-holy artifact.

After discovering the clues, Cheng Feng prepared to use the Zijin banner as a filler to repair the broken seal of the fire bottle.

By that time, there will be a holy artifact nearby.

There is also a bit of struggle under the mighty calculations of the good fortune.

"It takes a bit of work to repair this broken bottle."

Cheng Feng looked at the sealed fire bottle and whispered: "But no matter how much it costs, it is worth repairing and can be of great use in the future."

"Moreover, the King Chiyan who is now trapped in the Zijin banner has fallen, and without the restraint, it can just be repaired."

"When you have time to go to the Holy Flame Sect, and break the ownership of this bottle, immediately put the repair work on the agenda."

The sealed fire bottle was borrowed by Cheng Feng from the Sacred Fire Sect. It was borrowed for half a year. At that time, the soul vow was issued.

If Cheng Feng could not return it in time, it would be a violation of the soul vow.

At present, it is best to go to the Flame Sect again, and at some cost, change the sealed fire bottle from the Flame Sect.

Or you can extend the time borrowed by a large amount, borrowing for ten or eight years to relieve the troubles.

"There is no rush to go to the Holy Flame."

Cheng Feng groaned: "The sparsely populated here is remote and secluded, which can solve a few other trivial matters."

There are a lot of things that Cheng Feng needs to solve now, such as the cultivation of the dragon dragon lice and small gold, the treatment of the three blood **** beasts, the cultivation of the earth soul tree, the cultivation of the soul seal ...

In particular, the three blood **** beasts captured from the marks of the sky were previously knocked out by Cheng Feng and packed in an animal skin bag.

After these days of cultivation, the three blood **** beasts have awakened and are now raging in the skin bag.

The shock of the animal skin bag continued to swell, creating a broken taste.

Maybe it won't take long, it will break up!

"These three blood beasts are a little troublesome."

Cheng Feng took out the animal skin bag and frowned. "It's a pity to kill it, but it's too difficult to subdue it for your own use."

"Unless you are proficient in the method of imperial beasts, the method of imperial beasts will not be learned for a while."

The Royal Beast Way is a whole new world.

A person who is proficient in the way of the royal beast can control thousands of monsters and is the king of thousands of beasts.

Once you practice it to the peak, the power of good fortune will also have to retreat.

The animal **** master of the blood gods, Iron Slave, is an animal master, whose level has reached nine grades.

After Cheng Feng killed him, he got a book explaining the way of beasts from the other party, called 'Controlling the Beast'.

Cheng Feng took a few moments to take a look and found that the beast of the beast is not trivial.

It records various strange methods of beast control, among which there is a cruel method that can gather the power of several heads and even dozens of cruel beasts through mutual killing and devouring to one beast.

Let that beast become unprecedentedly powerful and cruel.

It was Cheng Feng who saw that method and when he had a clever move, he caught the three blood beasts alive.

The intention is to use that cruel method to merge the three blood **** beasts into one, which becomes a great help for Cheng Feng.

But when the actual operation, Cheng Feng was obscured by his eyes.

Because he knows nothing about the Royal Beast Way, he can't do much by relying on a book to control the beast.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The skin bag containing the blood **** beast could not deform in Cheng Feng's hand.

Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng frowned and whispered, "Let ’s forget it, just kill these three blood **** beasts and throw them to Xiaojin to swallow the growth level."

After thinking about it for a long time, Cheng Feng had a thought of giving up.

The time is now tight, but he has no time to surrender the three blood **** beasts and devote himself to learning the way of beasts.

"Cheng Feng, the blood beast is inherently brutal. Its practicality does not require you to study the way of beasts, so that they can kill each other and devour them."

At this moment, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "You only need to destroy three of the blood **** beasts, one of them is broken, and then slightly driven by the beast control.

"Both blood **** beasts intact, they will swallow the blood **** beast that was beaten."

"At that time, you will destroy two blood beasts, one of them will be smashed, and three blood beasts will evolve into one."

"Oh, this is feasible?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"It works."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It will take some time for the blood **** beasts to swallow each other."

"Take advantage of this time to learn the cruel method in the Beast Sutra."

"Wait until the three blood beasts have devoured and completely surrender them, and you will get a lot of help."

"If you do this calculation, you can try it."

Cheng Feng nodded: "If it is effective in the end, I can continue to capture blood beasts, or swallow other brutal beasts."

"At that time, you will be able to add a big hole card."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision.

When he saw that he was stunned, he pulled out the three blood beasts in the animal skin bag.

After ten dragon powers were triggered, he sharply cut off a record of Emperor Cangdao.

Stabbing ~~~

The body of the blood **** beast was suddenly opened, and he was severely wounded.

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