Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1656: Master Xuanzhi

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Chapter 1656 Master Xuan Zhi

"Sword Seven, how many years has this teleportation team been built?"

Cheng Feng watched the teleportation array and asked.

"It's been rumored for more than 10,000 years."

Jian Qi was also watching, introducing: "But the stability of this teleportation array is no problem. It was tested a month ago, and it is no different from the newly built teleportation array!"

"Oh? That's ok."

Cheng Feng nodded and instructed: "Then you can open this array and teleport us directly."

"Okay!" Sword Qi answered back.

Then the spirits hurried and took out a few top-grade space spar.

Wait to be embedded in several grooves of the transmission array, hum ~~~

The teleportation burst of light.

"Brother Cheng, come in."

At this time, Jian Qi locked the teleport terminal.

Then stood in the teleportation array, greeting Cheng Feng to come in.

Cheng Feng is no stranger to teleportation in the void, so there is no nonsense, and he directly enters the teleportation.

Immediately afterwards, the teleportation burst into a blast.

Wait for the two of Cheng Feng, eh ~~~

The next moment, Cheng Feng disappeared.

The moment Cheng Feng was swept away by the teleportation array.

Feathered dynasty, Imperial City Yujing.

Fang Wuwei, who was talking to an elegant middle-aged man, sat up sharply, his face changed greatly.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

Seeing Fang Wuwei's appearance, the elegant middle-aged person asked inquiries.

Fang Wuwei has always been calm and firm, but at this time was shocked to look like this, I am afraid something happened.

"Cheng Feng ... Cheng Feng disappeared!"

After hearing the middle-aged person's inquiries, Fang Wuwei took a deep breath and uttered a few words.

But these words are even more fierce than mines.

Let the elegant middle-aged man suddenly sit up straight, surprised: "What? Cheng Feng disappeared?"

"When did he disappear? Where did he go?"

"just now."

Fang Wuwei said: "As for where I went, I can't judge for the time being."

"Because my father gave Cheng Feng a dragon ring, I can track and locate Cheng Feng through that ring."

"Once Cheng Feng left my feathered dynasty, this 'child ring' on my hand will glow."

While talking, Fang Wuwei raised his hand, and a dragon-shaped ring worn on the **** was emitting light.

"It's really tricky!"

Seeing the bright ring, the middle-aged and elegant middle-aged man tightened his eyes: "Cheng Feng is the fruit picker handed by His Majesty. Only when Cheng Feng goes out of the way can he guarantee a great harvest after the fruit matures."

"Advance His Majesty's cultivation to great fortune, even transcendence!"

"If we lose Cheng Feng, your Majesty will be furious and angry ..."

Thinking of the angry appearance of the Emperor Yuhua, the middle-aged man of Ruya was jumping wildly.

As for Fang Wuwei, he was trembling.

Because the Emperor Yuhua gave him the heavy task of monitoring Cheng Feng, it was his ultimate trust in him.

If he messed up this matter, then he, as a prince, wouldn't want to do it again in the future.

"Calm, I must be calm at this moment."

In shock, Fang Wuwei forced himself to calm down, and his thoughts turned sharply: "With my understanding of Cheng Feng, he cannot defect from my feathered dynasty."

"It may be an accident that he disappeared suddenly."

"I just need to follow the ring of the dragon, and I can definitely find him."

"So regarding this matter, please also ask the author to report it immediately to the emperor, so as not to disturb his powerful game with you."

The dragon-shaped soul ring given by Fang Wuwei to Cheng Feng is called Long Dragon Ring.

This ring has two, divided into two sons and mothers, with an invisible induction between the two.

Fang Wuwei was able to locate Cheng Feng's position at all times with the help of the Dragon Dragon Ring.

The reason for this loss of positioning is mainly that Cheng Feng has left too far.

Once Fang Wuwei entered Cheng Feng within 200,000 miles, he could reposition and lock Cheng Feng's position.

"Your Majesty must not be disturbed now."

Ruya middle-aged nodded: "His Royal Highness, I will report this matter later."

"Hope you have found Cheng Feng before that."

"It will be found, it will be!"

Fang Wuwei's eyes were red, and his teeth were guaranteed.

"Well, after finding Cheng Feng, it's best to talk to him."

Confucian middle-aged humanity: "Lest it disappear inexplicably again, and ruin your majesty's plan."

"I will."

Fang Wuwei Shen said: "After the incident, I will go to Qianlong College to bring Cheng Feng's family to Yujing for support."

"Under such circumstances, he will definitely not run around anymore!"


At the same time, in a certain temple in Ximo Buddhism.

An ancient teleportation array, located under a big Buddha enshrined in the temple.

Suddenly, the ancient teleportation array shined brightly.

The next moment, two youths appeared in the ancient teleportation array.

It is Cheng Feng and Jian Qi.

While the teleportation array was on, outside the teleportation array, an old monk in cloaks opened his eyes.

After glancing around the empty temple, he reached out his hand and pressed it slightly on a censer.

Kakaka ~~~

With the action of the old monk, a secret passage was cracked on the side of the Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng and Jian Qi stepped out of the underpass.

"Old monk Xuanzhi, met two guests."

Seeing Cheng Feng, the old monk clasped his hands together at the eleventh ceremony.

There was a touch of excitement on the thin face.

"I've met Master Xuanzhi." Cheng Feng returned the gift.

Because this old monk is not simple, it is a hidden stake planted here by the **** of war.

Its spiritual knowledge is immortal, and it can be reincarnated and revived after the flesh decays. It is said that it has been reincarnated for more than ten years and has lived for nearly a thousand years.

In this area, it is a well-known living Buddha.

In order to cope with Cheng Feng, the old monk dismissed all the monks in the temple on the grounds of ritual Buddha.

Avoid news leaks and cause unnecessary trouble.

"A few days ago, God sent a dream to the old monk to tell him that there would be a big operation in the near future, so that the old monk would cooperate with him."

The old monk Xuanzhi looked at Cheng Feng, and the excitement in his eyes lasted for a long time: "Is God fully prepared, and plans to launch an operation in the near future to unseal the suppressed head?"

"Master Xuanzhi, this is true in God."

Jian Qi glanced at Cheng Feng and said, "However, this matter is very important, so he and I were sent to take the lead to understand the current situation of Qianfo Temple."

"Master, you have spent thousands of years in Ximo Buddhism, and you want to explain to me two or two."

"Are you finally going to act?"

Hearing that Master Xuanzhi's excitement was stronger, with a fiery light in his eyes: "Old monk, I am reincarnation XI. Spirituality has reached the brink of collapse."

"Before the soul is completely dispelled, we can see that God is out of poverty. The old monk is enough in this life!"

Then, Master Xuanzhi bowed down and bowed.

This worship lasted for half a column of incense.

The old monk Xuanzhi finished kneeling and raised his head, the excitement on his face had completely disappeared.

The fire in my eyes disappeared and became calm again.

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