Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1657: Ascetic

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Chapter 1657 The Ascetics

"Two gods, the old monk was rude just now."

After Master Xuanzhi restored his calmness, Xiang Feng and his two hands eleventh ceremony.

"The master loses his temper for God, but he is truly loyal to the liver."

Sword seven returned to the ceremony, and said at the same time: "After knowing God, I will definitely remember it in my heart."

"Don't dare to worry about God, just hope that God can completely get out of trouble this time and regain the glory of that year!"

Master Xuanzhi sighed, then went straight to the topic: "Two deities, the old monk has been paying attention to the situation of the Buddhist kingdom."

"Especially in the case of Qianfo Temple, I understand it clearly on the grounds of 'Li Buddha'."

"Oh? Please ask Master Xuanzhi to elaborate."

"This is natural."

Master Xuanzhi nodded: "The old monk will tell all the situation, hoping that it will help God's relief plan."

After speaking, Master Xuanzhi began to talk about the situation of the West Desert Buddha Country.

And this lecture is a full three or four hours.

When the night was dark and the stars in the sky lit up, Master Xuanzhi's narrative came to an end.

After listening to the explanation, the two of Cheng Feng immediately had a clear understanding of the West Desert Buddha.

"This Ximo Buddhist country is really a special country."

Cheng Feng sighed: "Everyone here believes in Buddhism and practices Buddhism. Dharma has almost replaced martial arts."

"Or in other words, the Dharma in the Western Buddhist country is martial arts. Dharma is practiced to the extreme, and you can become a Buddha in the flesh, immortal!"

The country of the West Desert Buddha is truly different.

Here, the Buddha is the faith and fundamental of all people, and it is almost everyone's belief in Buddha!

Monks are rumored to be followers of the Buddha, so there are the most monks in the Ximo Buddha country.

The monks who are proficient in Buddhism are respected by the audience in the Ximo Buddha country.

For example, Master Xuanzhi, a monk who can reincarnate eleven times, is called a living Buddha, and even the temple abbot respects it.

"Master Xuanzhi, it is said that the territory of the Buddhist kingdom is not divided into counties, counties, and prefectures, but is divided by‘ rings. ’”

After feeling a little calm, Cheng Feng said, "Take the largest Buddhist temple in the country, the Thousand Buddhas Temple, as the center, continuously radiating to the surroundings, every three thousand miles as a ring, there are thirty-one rings."

"The area we are in is the 31st ring of the most marginal part of the Buddhist kingdom."

"While the outermost ring is inward, it seems that the Buddha's interest is gradually increasing."

"At the first ring of the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the breath of the Buddha will reach its peak, and there will even be a 'true Buddha' in the world."

"So everyone is proud to enter the inner ring, and ninety-nine percent of the monks practice in the inner ring."

"Especially the tenth-year Buddhist Dharma Forum is about to be held recently. As the place where the pulpit is held, I am afraid that more monks will gather?"

"Well, indeed."

Master Xuanzhi nodded: "The more inward the Buddha Kingdom is, the stronger the Buddha's interest will be."

"Many Buddhist monks practice in one to three rings, and don't even step out for life!"

"On February 18th, the Buddhist Parliament held a Dharma pulpit in the Thousand Buddhas Temple."

"At that time, all the monks will go to preach the Fa, which is a major event in the country of Buddhism."

"But this is a big trouble for outsiders."

"Before the Dharma pulpit was opened, the entire Buddhist kingdom would expel foreigners."

"Within the tenth ring of the Buddhist kingdom, no foreigner is allowed to appear."

Master Xuanzhi said: "I have been informed that the date of this session of the Dharma Forum to expel the aliens is the tenth day of February.

"If two people want to go to Qianfo Temple to inquire about the situation, it is best to rush before the tenth day of February."

"Otherwise, it would be delayed for at least half a month!"

"Is it the tenth day of February?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Today is the second day of February, time should be enough."

"Two ambassadors, I have been informed that a group of ascetics will make a pilgrimage to Qianfo Temple tomorrow morning."

Master Xuanzhi advised: "If you can get involved, this road will be a lot smoother."

"Ascetics?" Cheng Feng was puzzled.

"Brother Cheng, the ascetics are a group of people who do their part and feel the sufferings of the world, so as to achieve detachment."

Jian Qi introduced: "This kind of person is strong-willed, and his state of mind is extremely high."

"Once you practice martial arts and enter the ascent to heaven, it will be as easy as drinking water."

"So many warriors also joined in, especially the warriors in the late fragmented realm."

"Both of us are at the pinnacle of broken territory. There should be no problem joining the ranks of the ascetics."

"Oh, if that's the case."

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "When the ascetic person passes by, he can go with him."

Cheng Feng's head came to Ximo Buddhism this time.

Sharpening the state of mind, washing the mind, and preparing for the disaster is the focus.

Now that you have encountered the ascetic team, you must not miss it.

"Since the two gods have decided to accompany the ascetic team, stay with the old monk for one night."

Master Xuanzhi said: "The leader of this ascetic group, the old monk just met, and talking to him tomorrow or two should reduce some trouble."

"Thank you, Master Xuanzhi."

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng and the two bowed down.

Then the three sat down and talked about each other.

But most of the time, Master Xuanzhi was talking, and Cheng Feng was listening.

As an old monk who lived for the eleventh century, Master Xuanzhi did have a lot of knowledge and knowledge.

Although he was just chatting, he also revealed a lot of secrets about the West Desert Buddha country, which made Cheng Feng and others a lot.

"Master Xuanzhi, thank you for your understanding."

Around midnight, Cheng Feng saw that Xuan Zhi was tired, so he said, "Let's talk here tonight, and come to hear from you tomorrow."

Master Xuanzhi was reincarnated for the eleventh time, and both spiritual knowledge and physical body were on the verge of collapse.

I have to meditate and adjust my breath for a long time every day. Today, her emotions are too exciting, and she has spoken for a long time, and she is extremely exhausted.

If you are tired for a long time, you will die or die for a long time.

"Okay, old monk, I can't die yet."

Master Xuanzhi nodded and said, "I will not breathe until God is completely relieved!"

After speaking, Master Xuanzhi smiled slightly, closed her eyes, and fell into meditation.

"Brother Sword Seven, is this Master Xuanzhi Master credible?"

Seeing Master Xuanzhi sink into a meditation, Cheng Feng asked.


Jian Qi replied: "Otherwise God would not have dreamed to tell him the plan to unseal the skull."

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

Then he glanced down at the remuneration that entrusted God of War's thoughts, and saw that relic flashed a few times.

This shows that Master Xuanzhi is indeed trustworthy, and God of War has also affirmed it.

Because after entering the West Desert Buddha country, the Buddha's interest enveloped the whole country.

That's why he brought Jian Qi to serve Cheng Feng's puzzles along the way.

"Since Master Xuanzhi is trustworthy, I will practice one or two here."

After getting a positive answer, Cheng Feng was ready to practice.

Because time is too small for Cheng Feng, we must always race against time and strive to improve.

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